数据更新: 2022-03-11 / 温馨提示:中文项目泛指「文档母语为中文」OR「含有中文翻译」的项目,通常在项目的「readme/wiki/官网」可以找到
# | Repository | Description | Stars | Updated |
1 | rodralez/NaveGo | NaveGo: an open-source MATLAB/GNU Octave toolbox for processing integrated navigation systems and performing inertial sensors analysis. | 388 | 2022-03-07 |
2 | liuziwei7/fashion-landmarks | Fashion Landmark Detection in the Wild | 329 | 2021-10-09 |
3 | xingchenzhang/VIFB | Visible and Infrared Image Fusion Benchmark | 166 | 2021-09-27 |
4 | weisongwen/researchTools | useful blogs for research | 80 | 2022-01-30 |
5 | yandld/nav_matlab | 基于的matlab导航科学计算库 | 75 | 2022-03-08 |
6 | lyc102/ifem | iFEM is a MATLAB software package containing robust, efficient, and easy-following codes for the main building blocks of adaptive finite element methods on unstructured simplicial grids in both two an ... | 75 | 2022-03-08 |
7 | chengji253/Multiple-fixed-wing-UAVs-flight-simulation-platform | A multiple fixed-wing UAVs flight simulation platform built by matlab and simulink. 一个小型固定翼无人机集群仿真演示平台 | 66 | 2022-03-02 |
8 | mingsongli/acycle | Acycle: Time-series analysis software for research and education | 54 | 2021-12-12 |
9 | WoodyBuendia/HFSS-MATLAB-API | HFSS-MATLAB-API is a library toolbox to control Ansoft HFSS from MATLAB using the HFSS Scripting Interface. This tool provides a set of MATLAB functions to create 3D objects in HFSS by generating th ... | 46 | 2021-09-17 |
10 | AomanHao/Matlab-Image-Dehaze-Enhance | 图像去雾、图像增强、灰度直方图均衡化等 | 45 | 2021-10-23 |
11 | AirChem/F0AM | Framework for 0-D Atmospheric Modeling | 35 | 2022-01-20 |
12 | libai1943/AGV_Motion_Planning_with_Moving_Obstacles | Real-Time Trajectory Planning for AGV in the Presence of Moving Obstacles: A First-Search-Then-Optimization Approach | 28 | 2022-01-24 |
13 | WeisongZhao/Sparse-SIM | Official MATLAB implementation of the "Sparse deconvolution" -v1.0.3 | 27 | 2021-12-31 |
14 | ZhangHongBo2019/Constraint_NSGA-II_Algorithms | 这是一个带约束条件的非支配排序遗传算法NSGA-II,解决了一个多目标优化问题 | 27 | 2021-09-10 |
15 | ToKiNoBug/3dPixelPaintingInMinecraft | 在minecraft中生成3d的地图画 | 20 | 2021-09-24 |
16 | sjtu-jq/Image-registration | Registration for power equipment infrared and visible images | 17 | 2022-02-16 |
17 | zephyrhours/Hyperspectral-Anomaly-Detection-LSUNRSORAD-and-LSAD-CR-IDW- | This is the code for the paper nemed 'Anomaly Detection for Hyperspectral Imagery Based on the Regularized Subspace Method and Collaborative Representation' | 16 | 2021-09-28 |
18 | intLyc/MTO-Platform | Multi-Task Optimization Platform 多任务优化平台 | 15 | 2022-03-08 |
19 | sevenysw/MathGeo2022 | - | 15 | 2022-02-11 |
20 | scliubit/complex-DnCNN | - | 13 | 2022-03-08 |
21 | ShurenQi/MomentToolbox | Matlab code for the paper "A survey of orthogonal moments for image representation: Theory, implementation, and evaluation" | 13 | 2021-11-25 |
22 | chdilo/BadAppleOSC | 在示波器上播放Bad Apple!! | 12 | 2022-02-12 |
23 | woniuhuli/kdTree | matlab实现对数据建立kd树,并且实现最近邻搜索 | 12 | 2021-12-14 |
24 | cggos/opt_matlab | 最优化方法及其MATLAB实现 源代码 | 11 | 2021-10-07 |
25 | yeyuanxin110/CFOG | - | 11 | 2022-03-03 |
26 | mingli-ai/FaVeST | Fast Vector Spherical Harmonic Transforms | 11 | 2021-10-13 |
27 | JackHCC/Routing-Algorithm | MATLAB实现路由算法基本原理(内附报告)[MATLAB realizes the basic principle of routing algorithm - mathematics experiment work (with report)] | 10 | 2021-12-15 |
28 | zephyrhours/Hyperspectyral-Change-Detection-TDRD | Three-Order Tucker Decomposition and Reconstruction Detector for Unsupervised Hyperspectral Change Detection | 9 | 2021-09-15 |
29 | fuzhiqiang1230/DLRRPD | This repository is used for sharing the source code of Double low-rank representation with projection distance penalty for clustering | 9 | 2022-01-26 |
30 | bhtxy0525/Inverse_Dynamics_with_Recursive_Newton_Euler_Algorithm | - | 8 | 2021-11-24 |
31 | fzzfbyx/CFAR-radar-algorithm_MATLAB_GUI | 利用MATLAB GUI设计平台,设计多算法雷达一维恒虚警检测CFAR可视化界面,通过选择噪声类型、目标类型、算法类型,手动输入相关参数,可视化显示噪声波形与目标检测的回波-检测门限波形图。 | 8 | 2021-09-13 |
32 | zephyrhours/Hyperspectral-Change-Detection-Based-on-Multiple-Morphological-Profiles | Hyperspectral Change Detection Based on Multiple Morphological Profiles | 8 | 2022-02-25 |
33 | zephyrhours/Hyperspectral-Anomaly-Detection-CRDBPSW | Collaborative representation with background purification and saliency weight for hyperspectral anomaly detection | 7 | 2022-01-10 |
34 | cmtso/EKI_geophysics_2020 | Example MATLAB scripts for running ensemble Kalman inversion for electrical resistivity tomography data to accompany paper. | 7 | 2021-10-20 |
35 | yqx7150/EDAEPRec | Enhanced Denoising Auto-Encoding Priors for Reconstruction | 7 | 2022-02-14 |
36 | fzzfbyx/Audio-FIR-denoising-filter-MATLAB_GUI | 利用MATLAB GUI设计平台,用窗函数法设计FIR数字滤波器,对所给出的含有噪声的声音信号进行数字滤波处理,得到降噪的声音信号,进行时域频域分析,同时分析不同窗函数的效果。 | 6 | 2021-09-13 |
37 | PollyNET/Pollynet_Processing_Chain | NRT lidar data processing program for multiwavelength polarization Raman lidar network (PollyNET) | 6 | 2022-03-02 |
38 | YaoGengqi/Image_Metrics | 用于测试图像的各类指标。 | 5 | 2021-12-29 |
39 | seer-group329/PositionAndPosConnectionOfTheCar | 在已知无人仓储车的起始与目标位姿的条件下,得到三阶连续的曲线路径 | 5 | 2021-09-18 |
40 | Say-Hello2y/Path-planning-for-robots | use Dijkstra 使用Dijkstra法实现了基于栅格地图的移动机器人路径规划 | 5 | 2021-12-29 |
41 | Say-Hello2y/MultiAgentSystem | 针对基本的一阶二阶多智能体控制,给出了基本 的Matlab仿真 | 5 | 2022-01-07 |
42 | yfor1008/saliency_detection | 显著性检测 | 5 | 2022-01-23 |
43 | nanguoyu/Captcha-recognition | [CAIA I Lab 5] Captcha recognition implemented by Matlab [CAIA I Lab 5]数字图像验证码识别 | 5 | 2021-12-14 |
44 | zhyantao/GA-shortest_path | 遗传算法解决最短路径问题(两个出发点) | 5 | 2021-12-25 |
45 | a839290771/SSVEP-BCI-OpenBCI | 基于OpenBCI(Bciduino)完成的SSVEP项目,包括刺激器、信号实时传输、以及基于FFT方式的信号处理 | 4 | 2022-02-11 |
46 | BetterBench/2021-APMCM-Problem-A | 2021年亚太地区数学建模赛题A(图像边缘分析与应用) Halcon方案实现、代码、实验数据 | 4 | 2021-11-30 |
47 | JackHCC/Computer-Generated-Hologram | 计算机全息计算与仿真框架【This library introduces the current production process of computer holography, and uses MATLAB and Python to record and reproduce holograms. In the future, I will build a computer hologra ... | 4 | 2022-01-14 |
48 | sychen-sjtu/RRT | 基于matlab仿真的puma560机械臂RRT路径规划算法 | 4 | 2021-11-15 |
49 | Zhao-Jichao/Distributed_optimal_-formation_control_of_heterogeneous_multi-agent_systems_with_mixed-orders | 异构混合阶多智能体系统编队控制的分布式优化 | 4 | 2021-09-11 |
50 | Silver-Fang/MATLAB-Extension | 埃博拉酱的MATLAB扩展 | 4 | 2022-03-08 |
51 | heihei2122/mag_cuboid | a gui or app based matlab to calculate B force stiffness 矩形磁体的计算 | 4 | 2022-03-04 |
52 | zxb17zxb/SLIC | 一个SLIC算法用于图像分割的matlab实现 | 3 | 2021-12-07 |
53 | mrcaidev/matlab-experiment | 程序基础+微积分+数值计算+最优化+随机模拟+椭球寻径。 | 3 | 2021-12-23 |
54 | burning489/2021_autumn_numerical_linear_algebra | 数值线性代数代码示例 | 3 | 2021-12-21 |
55 | Cirno9-dev/learning | 机器学习 | 3 | 2021-12-18 |
56 | Magica-Chen/zhihu_writing | Some simple codes for zhihu column writing: 高斯世界下的Machine Learning | 3 | 2021-12-26 |
57 | DietCokewithSugar/undamage-blood-glucose | 基于改进深度回归网络的无创血糖检测算法 | 2 | 2021-12-02 |
58 | ScottXjw/Volterra_lms | Volterra_lms算法 | 2 | 2021-11-03 |
59 | tjzhang1993/Infrared-image-processing | 用于处理红外热成像得到的图片 | 2 | 2021-11-29 |
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