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Inspired by impress.js, thanks for it so much.

At the end of impress.js, the words use the source, Luke! really encouraged me! Thanks star wars too. I read the source with the power and made this vue component.


npm install vue-impress


Define a Vue component file, then mount it. Do not forget the css file.

<template lang="pug">
  .app(tabindex="1", ref="app","impressNextStep", @keyup.left="impressPrevStep")
    impress-viewport(ref="impress", :steps="steps", :config="config")

import Vue from 'vue'
import VueImpress from 'vue-impress'
import 'vue-impress/dist/vue-impress.css'

export default {

  methods: {
    impressPrevStep() {
    impressNextStep() {

  mounted() {

  data() {
    return {
      config: {
        width: 1000, // required
        height: 600, // required
        transitionDuration: 1200, default 1000
        perspective: 800, // default 1000

        /* in fullscreen, only first viewport instance work, others are meaningless
         * 若全屏模式,则只有第一个viewport的实例可以正常工作,大概...
         * 全屏的话,第一个实例会占满窗口,就像impress.js的例子一样,他实例也没有意义 */
        fullscreen: true, // default false
      steps: [{  // steps array required
        x: -1000,
        y: -300,
        content: 'Hint: press space, right key to next step, left to prev step',
      }, {
        x: 0,
        y: -300,
        scale: 2,
        /* content could be vue component
        * 可以传入vue组件
        content: CustomCom,
        transitionDuration: 1000,
      }, {
        x: 1500,
        y: -300,
        z: 200,
        scale: 3,
        /* content could be vue instance
        * 可以传入vue实例
        content: new Vue({
          propsData: {
            myname: 'abc',
      }, {
        x: 0,
        y: 0,
        rotate: 45,
        content: 'rotate step',
      }, {
        x: 0,
        y: 0,
        z: 900,
        scale: 10,
        content: 'overview',

  body {
    overflow: hidden;
    height: 100%;
  .app {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    position: absolute;
    overflow: hidden;
    top: 50%;
    left: 50%;
    transform: translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0);
  .impress-step {
    width: 500px;
    border: solid 1px;
    text-align: center;
    cursor: pointer;
  } {
    cursor: auto;



name type
config Object
steps [Object]

the config prop

key type description
width Number required, use for compute scale ratio
height Number required, use for compute scale ratio
transitionDuration Number default 1000, unit ms, duration time between step animation
perspective Number default 1000, the distance to generate 3d stype
fullscreen Boolean default false

When fullscreen is true, it means that there should be only one instance in current page. vue-impress will use config width and height and window innerWidth, innerHeight to compute scale. When fullscreen is false, the vue-impress parent element should has has a absolute or relative position, and has a explicit width and height

the object in steps array prop

key type description
x Number default 0, translate x position
y Number default 0, translate y position
z Number default 0, translate z position
rotateX Number default 0, rotate deg by x axis
rotateY Number default 0, rotate deg by y axis
rotateZ Number default 0, rotate deg by z axis
rotate Number default 0, the same as rotateZ
scale Number default 1
transitionDuration Number if has this in step, it will overwrite transitionDuration in config prop, just for this step


name description
impress:stepenter triggered when the step is in active, with param step index
impress:stepleave triggered when step leave active, with param step index

instance methods

name param description
gotoStep index when the step is in active
nextStep goto next step, same as gotoStep( index + 1 ), goto first step when current is last step
prevStep goto prev step, same as gotoStep( index - 1 ), goto last step when current is first step

element class

name description
impress-viewport first wrapper, for 3d perspective
impress-canvas second wrapper, fly to active step when step changes
impress-step each step class, the default font-size is 30px, you can overwrite it by your css

check the example and read the comment there


vue component inspired by impress.js







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