A sample callcenter simulator using OpenAI technologies such as ChatGPT, Whisper and other APIs to automate and improve callcenter operation. This project is intended to be a sandbox application to test feasibility and other ideas.
The goal of this project is to test the idea of using AI in callcenter operation/customer support service and if current existing AI products can already replace human agents.
The application supports Japanese language settings. (日本語対応)
For chat messaging, you can always use Japanese or any languages. However, for voice call, you need to set the language setting before using Japanese because I need to set the voice in Speech Synthesis API.
- 2023-08-08 Update: Voice calling can now access ORDER info like Chat
- 2023-06-14 Update: Use function calling
Normally, you want to find out what the user wants from the beginning.
This is just used to customize the initial greeting.
For example, you can inquire about an order even when you select PRODUCT INQUIRY
Select Voice Call or Chat support
Using Whisper API to transcribe speech to text and Web Speech API for text to speech operations.
Please note that you can only use voice call in localhost
or using https
Currently, I set recording only after the message from the chatbot has finished being spoken by Speech API. This is only for testing the feasibility of using real time voice call communication and limit using transcription API. In actual situation, this restriction should be removed.
Voice recording begins only after it detected sound. The minimum threshold is controlled by the variable minDecibels. Please note that the value is in negative. I set loudest possible to -10dB, so set the value lower to prevent throwing exception. The default value is -60dB which makes it sensitive to background noise. Set it to -45dB to trigger recording only with audible speech.
Audio data recording will continue as long as sound is detected. When sound is not detected, the app will wait for 2500 ms before it sends the data to the backend. It is said that in human speech, the minimum interval for sentence is 2 seconds. You can control this by editing maxPause
variable if you do not want to wait that long.
I added a function wherein I show a button to close session when the AI determined that the session has ended. However, the user can still continue to chat if they want. I made this just to show that automatically detecting when the session ends is possible. Of course, we can also add timer or message count to limit interaction.
A rating interface for the user is shown when the session is closed. This is used for later evaluation of the session.
For this demo, I only save the session data when you close the session. But in normal operation, this should be done when the session starts.
Customer Support in Japanese
Session data including analysis written in Japanese
You can access the Settings page by clicking the Settings icon in the landing page.
This is where you add the Data Source.
Check /assets/product.txt
file for sample format.
You can view all the saved sessions here.
This is where you add sample orders that you can use in the chat/voice support. Please note that this is very simple interface and is just used to demonstrate that we can fetch order data on the fly during the conversation.
Basically, we will be using the embedding pattern:
[ Extract text data from files ]
[ Get embeddings for the text data for each file ]
[ Get embeddings for the user question ]
[ Compare the file embeddings with question embedding and get the result ]
[ Attach the result to prompt for ChatGPT ]
In this project, I am only processing text files. To extract text data from text files in the backend:
const form = await req.formData()
const blob = form.get('file')
const buffer = Buffer.from( await blob.arrayBuffer() )
const text = buffer.toString() // text data
You can easily find how to extract text data from other file types in the web. It is not important for this demo so you need to do it yourself.
For example, for PDF files, install pdf-parse:
npm install pdf-parse
Then in your backend
import pdfParse from "pdf-parse"
const buffer = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const fileStream = fs.createReadStream(filepath);
const chunks: any[] = []
fileStream.on("data", (chunk) => {
fileStream.on("error", (error) => {
fileStream.on("end", () => {
const pdfData = await pdfParse(buffer)
return pdfData.text // text data
To get the embeddings from our text data
const { Configuration, OpenAIApi } = require("openai")
const configuration = new Configuration({
apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY,
const openai = new OpenAIApi(configuration)
const response = await openai.createEmbedding({
model: "text-embedding-ada-002",
input: textData, // the text data we extracted from the files
Then we save the result in the database for later use.
We will also be getting the embeddings of the user's question itself. Then using the file embeddings and the question embeddings, we compare it for similarity.
const rankedChunks = fileEmbeddings.flatMap((file) =>
? file.chunks.map((chunk) => {
const dotProduct = chunk.embedding.reduce(
(sum, val, i) => sum + val * questionEmbedding[i],
return { ...chunk, filename: file.name, score: dotProduct };
}) : []
).sort((a, b) => b.score - a.score).filter((chunk) => chunk.score > COSINE_SIM_THRESHOLD).slice(0, maxResults)
This code is basically just finding the cosine similarity. The result of this is what we attach to the ChatGPT prompt.
Using the embeddings processing result, we will prepare our prompt for ChatGPT
let system_prompt = `You are a helpful customer support agent.` +
`Try to answer the question from the user using the content of the file extracts below, and if you cannot find the answer just say so.\n` +
`If the answer is not contained in the files or if there are no file extracts, respond that you couldn't find the answer to that question.\n\n` +
So from there it is just a matter of using the chat completion API:
const { Configuration, OpenAIApi } = require("openai")
const configuration = new Configuration({
apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY,
const openai = new OpenAIApi(configuration)
const completion = await openai.createChatCompletion({
model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
messages: [
{role: "system", content: system_prompt},
{role: "user", content: question}
The embeddings pattern from above is only useful for a few files because of the limit in maximum tokens (e.g. 4096 tokens for gtp-3.5-turbo) that we can use in chat completion API. It is immediately apparent that if we have large data source, we cannot use this.
For real customer support system, we will need database access for product and order information.
We can solve this by putting our data behind a server and providing API endpoints to fetch the data. If you read the docs, this is basically what ChatGPT Plugin seem to be doing.
In this simulation, the product list, etc. are extracted from files. But for user's order, we will be using our backend database.
We add another step in our pattern above:
[user submits question]
[extract command from question]
[if command exist, use it to fetch data from API endpoint]
[add the result of API endpoint in ChatGPT]
Today, OpenAI updated the APIs and among the update is the addition of function calling capabilities
. This now makes the part extracting command from question
as illustrated above simpler.
For example, before, to extract order number from the user inquiry:
let command_prompt = `Check this inquiry if it contains order number/code.\n` +
`If it contains possible order number/code, convert this inquiry to a programmatic command:\n\n` +
`Example:\n\n` +
`Inquiry: The order number is 1234-5678-90\n` +
`Output: find -order-no 1234-5678-90\n\n` +
`If there is no order number/code:\n\n` +
`Example:\n\n` +
`Inquiry: Hello thank you\n` +
`Output: NO-COMMAND\n\n` +
`Inquiry: ` + question + `\n`
let output_str = await textCompletion({
prompt: command_prompt,
stop: ['Inquiry:'],
You need to prepare a good prompt and sample output.
But using the new function calling
const messages = [
{ role: "user", content: question }
const response_test = await chatCompletionFunc({
model: 'gpt-3.5-turbo-0613',
functions: [
name: "extract_order_number",
description: "Extract order number or order id from text",
parameters: {
type: "object",
properties: {
orderno: {
type: "string",
description: "Order number or order id, e.g. null, abcde12345"
required: ["orderno"]
You can easily see how much simpler and cleaner the code becomes. The response will look like the following if the result comes with order number or not.
With order number
role: 'assistant',
content: null,
function_call: {
name: 'extract_order_number',
arguments: '{\n"orderno": "cba345-027xy-5"\n}'
Without order number
role: 'assistant',
content: 'Hello Mark! How can I assist you today?'
At present, you cannot use Safari for voice call function since the generated audio data is causing error for Whisper API.
Whisper API provides separate transcription and translation endpoints. For this app, we just need transcription. We only need to set the language instruction in ChatGPT if we use other than English.
To transcribe an audio data
const { Configuration, OpenAIApi } = require("openai")
const configuration = new Configuration({
apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY,
const openai = new OpenAIApi(configuration)
const resp = await openai.createTranscription(
The documentation list other parameters that we can use.
Before you can use the customer support function, you need to add a Data Source.
Currently, I only process text files although you can select other file types in the File dialog. Although you can add any text file, to make this effective, you need to format it in such a way that information can easily be parsed.
Sample format:
Product List 製品リスト
Category: Sofa ソファー
Name: 2-seater Long Chair 2人掛椅子ロング
Product-Code: ABC0001 / ABC0002 / ABC0003
Price: ¥55000
Variations: Red ABC0001 / Black ABC0002 / White ABC0003
Check /assets/product.txt
file for sample data source.
I started this project with using just client side storage (e.g. localStorage and indexedDB) but as the development progresses it became clear that I need a database. For this purpose, I will be using MongoDB.
First, install MongoDB Community Edition. Then run the MongoDB shell using command line
Then setup the database and test by inserting entry to a collection
use callcenter
db.orders.insertOne({id: 'abc123', name: 'John Doe'})
If that is successful, we now install the MongoDB driver for Node.js.
In the project directory,
npm install mongodb
To connect to MongoDB in route handler
import { MongoClient } from 'mongodb'
const client = new MongoClient(`mongodb://${process.env.DB_HOST}:${process.env.DB_PORT}/${process.env.DB_NAME}`)
export async function POST(request) {
try {
await client.connect()
const db = client.db()
const items = await db.collection('order').find().toArray()
} catch(error) {
} finally {
await client.close()
return new Response(result, {
status: 200,
where the environmental variables from .env
Edit the appropriate values according to your own MongoDB setup.
Clone the repository and install the dependencies
git clone https://github.com/supershaneski/callcenter-simulator.git myproject
cd myproject
npm install
Copy .env.example
and rename it to .env
then edit the OPENAI_API_KEY
and use your own OpenAI API key
Prepare MongoDB and create the database.
Then update the variables for the database in the .env
Then run the app
npm run dev
Open your browser to http://localhost:3005/
to load the application page.
Go to Settings->Data Source and load your text file.
Now, you can use the customer support functions.