title | teaching | exercises | questions | objectives | keypoints | ||
10 |
20 |
Text types: bold, italic, bold+italic, code monospace
How to add a new line in same paragraph.
Add two spaces at end of line, then newline.
Leave an entire blank line for a new paragraph.
code block
- itemise
- enumerate
I recommend HTML to embed images, so it's customisable:
For comments in the markdown source, go again the HTML way with <!--
and -->
When embedding images or links to files in this repo, you need syntax like in the image example above: {{ page.root }}/fig/pawsey.jpeg
The page.root sugar ensures the file is found at the time the HTML page is created.
Coloured side for code blocks:
# This is bash
{: .bash}
After the closing triple ticks, add one of these: {: .bash}
, {: .source}
, {: .output}
, {: .error}
. There's similar sugar for python, r, sql, make and matlab.
I normally use bash for shell commands, source for scripts, and output/error as appropriate.
This is really important, right?
Note the use of cite blocks>
, the Header ##, and the{: .callout}
keyword at the end. {: .callout}
Do you know this?
Sure! {: .solution} {: .challenge}
There are other specials blocks that I normally don't use, in particular discussion
and checklist