- selection
- line numbers
- When moving the cursor vertically, it should remember it's "preferred horizontal position", even when moving across shorter lines.
- fuzzy finding of files
- ensure files are terminated with a newline when saving
- command line
- investigate where I should put strictness annotations
- display tabs correctly
- load dhall settings file - provide expandTab, tabstop, shiftwidth, etc (or think about that design)
- handle long lines correctly - wrapping, or horizontal scrolling
- investigate sluggish scrolling, especially with long lines
- tweak colors
- map cursor position to buffer position
- deal correctly with characters of width > 1
- use a rope for each line (is this a terrible idea? lots of memory overhead. Maybe switch depending on line length)
- autoclose brackets
- better line editing for input widget
- eg visible cursor, arrow key movement at minimum. Will probably want to re-use some insert mode code