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Matrixone Operator develop guide

Welcome to give us a hand to push matrixone operator forward.

Matrixone operator based on kubebuilder


First you should create a test cluster by minikube or kind in your local develop environment.

By kind

kind create cluster

By minikube

minikube start

Operator bootstrap

Install the CRDs into the cluster

make install

Run your controller (this will run in the foreground, so switch to a new terminal if you want to leave it running):

make run

Deploy a cluster by config yaml files

kubectl apply -f examples/tiny-cluster.yaml

Push operator image to hub

make op-build op-push IMG=<some-registry>/<project-name>:tag

Deploy operator

make deploy IMG=<some-registry>/<project-name>:tag

Api config

Api definition files like matrixonecluster_types.go

For example in matrixonecluster

// MatrixoneClusterSpec defines the desired state of MatrixoneCluster
type MatrixoneClusterSpec struct {
	Replicas                      *int32                        `json:"replicas,omitempty"`
	Image                         string                        `json:"image,omitempty"`
	Command                       []string                      `json:"command,omitempty"`
	ImagePullSecrets              []corev1.LocalObjectReference `json:"imagePullSecrets,omitempty"`
	TerminationGracePeriodSeconds *int64                        `json:"terminationGracePeriodSeconds,omitempty"`

	// Optional: Default is true, will delete the sts pod if sts is set to ordered ready to ensure
	// issue:
	// doc:
	ForceDeleteStsPodOnError bool `json:"forceDeleteStsPodOnError,omitempty"`

	// Optional: Default is set to true, orphaned ( unmounted pvc's ) shall be cleaned up by the operator.
	// +optional
	DeleteOrphanPvc bool `json:"deleteOrphanPvc"`

	// Optional: Default is set to false, pvc shall be deleted on deletion of CR
	DisablePVCDeletionFinalizer bool `json:"disablePVCDeletionFinalizer,omitempty"`

	// Optional: dns policy
	DNSPolicy corev1.DNSPolicy `json:"dnsPolicy,omitempty"`

	// Optional: dns config
	DNSConfig *corev1.PodDNSConfig `json:"dnsConfig,omitempty"`

	RollingDeploy       bool                                      `json:"rollingDeploy,omitempty"`
	ImagePullPolicy     corev1.PullPolicy                         `json:"imagePullPolicy,omitempty"`
	StorageClass        *string                                   `json:"storageClass,omitempty"`
	PodAnnotations      map[string]string                         `json:"podAnnotations,omitempty"`
	LogVolCap           string                                    `json:"logVolumeCap,omitempty"`
	DataVolCap          string                                    `json:"dataVolumeCap,omitempty"`
	ServiceType         corev1.ServiceType                        `json:"serviceType,omitempty"`
	PodName             corev1.EnvVar                             `json:"podName,omitempty"`
	LivenessProbe       *corev1.Probe                             `json:"livenessProbe,omitempty"`
	ReadinessProbe      *corev1.Probe                             `json:"readinessProbe,omitempty"`
	UpdateStrategy      *appsv1.StatefulSetUpdateStrategy         `json:"updateStrategy,omitempty"`
	Requests            map[corev1.ResourceName]resource.Quantity `json:"requests,omitempty"`
	Limits              map[corev1.ResourceName]resource.Quantity `json:"limits,omitempty"`
	Affinity            *corev1.Affinity                          `json:"affinity,omitempty"`
	NodeSelector        map[string]string                         `json:"nodeSelector,omitempty"`
	Tolerations         []corev1.Toleration                       `json:"tolerations,omitempty"`
	PodManagementPolicy appsv1.PodManagementPolicyType            `json:"podManagementPolicy,omitempty"`

this like some configuration in k8s statefulsets

Controller develop

Consider that how k8s statefulsets configuration, the operator controller is same to statefulsets in some ways.

For example in matrixonecluster

func makeStsSpec(moc *v1alpha1.MatrixoneCluster, ls map[string]string, hServiceName string) appsv1.StatefulSetSpec {
	updateStrategy := utils.FirstNonNilValue(moc.Spec.UpdateStrategy, &appsv1.StatefulSetUpdateStrategy{}).(*appsv1.StatefulSetUpdateStrategy)

	initZero := int32(0)
	if moc.Spec.Replicas == nil {
		moc.Spec.Replicas = &minReplicas

	if moc.Spec.Replicas != nil && *moc.Spec.Replicas < 0 {
		moc.Spec.Replicas = &initZero

	stsSpec := appsv1.StatefulSetSpec{
		ServiceName: hServiceName,
		Selector: &metav1.LabelSelector{
			MatchLabels: ls,
		Replicas: moc.Spec.Replicas,
		PodManagementPolicy: appsv1.PodManagementPolicyType(
			utils.FirstNonEmptyStr(utils.FirstNonEmptyStr(string(moc.Spec.PodManagementPolicy), string(moc.Spec.PodManagementPolicy)), string(appsv1.ParallelPodManagement))),
		UpdateStrategy:       *updateStrategy,
		Template:             makePodTemplate(moc, ls, hServiceName),
		VolumeClaimTemplates: getPersistentVolumeClaim(moc, ls),

	return stsSpec


Event handler

Think about the important of event driven on cloud native.

Some status code like

const (
	rollingDeployWait       matrixoneEventReason = "MatrixoneRollingDeployWait"
	matrixoneCreateSuccess  matrixoneEventReason = "MatrixoneOperatorCreateSuccess"
	matrixoneCreateFail     matrixoneEventReason = "MatrixoneOperatorCreateFail"
	matrixonePatchFail      matrixoneEventReason = "MatrixoneOperatorPatchFail"
	matrixonePatchSuccess   matrixoneEventReason = "MatrixoneOperatorPatchSuccess"
	matrixoneObjectGetFail  matrixoneEventReason = "MatrixoneObjectGetFail"
	matrixoneUpdateFail     matrixoneEventReason = "MatrixoneUpdateFail"
	matrixoneUpdateSuccess  matrixoneEventReason = "MatrixoneUpdateSuccess"
	matrixoneObjectListFail matrixoneEventReason = "MatrixoneObjectListFail"
	matrixoneDeleteFail     matrixoneEventReason = "MatrixoneDeleteFail"
	matrixoneDeleteSuccess  matrixoneEventReason = "MatrixoneDeleteSuccess"

Example of reconcile functions


func (r *ClusterReconciler) Reconcile(ctx context.Context, req ctrl.Request) (ctrl.Result, error) {
	_ = context.Background()
	_ = r.Log.WithValues("matrixone", req.NamespacedName)

	instance := &v1alpha1.MatrixoneCluster{}
	err := r.Get(context.TODO(), req.NamespacedName, instance)
	if err != nil {
		if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
			return ctrl.Result{}, nil

	// Intialize Emit Events
	var emitEvent EventEmitter = EmitEventFuncs{r.Recorder}

	if err := deployMatrixoneCluster(r.Client, instance, emitEvent); err != nil {
		return ctrl.Result{}, nil
	return ctrl.Result{RequeueAfter: r.ReconcileWait}, nil

Install some command line tools

Install command line tools using go install

For exmpale

//go:build tools
// +build tools

package tools

import (
	_ ""
	_ ""

Package management

You can use go workspace for using new dependency.