Bike Safe was created by Andrew LeClair and Natalie Perna for the DeltaHacks III Hack for Change Hackathon at McMaster University over a 24-hour period from January 28-29, 2017.
Finding safer bike routes for Hamilton cyclists.
With the introduction of the SoBi bikes to the Hamilton area, travelling the city has never been easier. However, many parts of the city have yet to adapt to the influx of bikers with new biking lanes. As students who live downtown and bike to campus, we often face the challenges of finding safe routes.
We introduce the Bike Safe web app which allows you to find the safest route from your origin to destination using the most recent Hamilton Open Data. With the use of this app, bikers are able to create routes and adjust them to fit their confidence as a biker, opting to take a possibly longer route that has dedicated bike lane separated from traffic.
We hope that the users of Bike Safe will be able to enjoy biking in Hamilton that ensures their safety, and provides a venue which lets them adjust routes to their capabilities as a biker.