Launch vote application with kubernetes
kubectl run vote --image=c4clouds/vote:v1
kubectl get pods
kubectl get deployments
Scale the vote app to run X number of pods
kubectl scale deployment vote --replicas=6
kubectl get pods
kubectl expose deployment vote --type=NodePort --port 80
kubectl get svc
Once you expose the vote applcation to nodeport you can view the application by navigaing to any NODEIP:SERVICEPORT After getting the UI if you click on any of the button you will get error message. Inorder to resolve this follow the below command
kubectl create deployment redis --image=redis:alpine
kubectl expose deployment redis --port 6379
kubectl create deployment worker --image=c4clouds/worker
kubectl create deployment db --image=postgres:9.4
kubectl expose deployment db --port 5432
kubectl create deployment result --image=c4clouds/vote-result
kubectl expose deployment result --type=NodePort --port 80