This fork aims to have support for various models. Technically you can run any model, if your param file has the correct names. The current code looks like this and this should match your param file.
ex.input("data", in);
ex.extract("output", out);
This code was tested with the compact and normal models.
If you want PIL or tiling, go into the other branch.
Install instructions to compile it manually
# dont use conda, CXX errors in manjaro otherwise
conda deactivate
git clone
cd realsr-ncnn-vulkan-python/realsr_ncnn_vulkan_python/realsr-ncnn-vulkan/
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd src
# There are 2 CMakeLists.txt
# Make sure that prelu is set to ON, otherwise the compact model wont work
option(WITH_LAYER_prelu "" ON)
cmake -B build .
cd build
make -j8
sudo su
make install
cd .. && cd .. && cd .. && cd ..
python install --user
Minimalistic example
import cv2
from tqdm import tqdm
from realsr_ncnn_vulkan_python import RealSR
from pathlib import Path
import time
import threading
param_path = "test.param"
bin_path = "test.bin"
generic_inference = RealSR(gpuid=0, scale=2, tta_mode=False, param_path=param_path, bin_path=bin_path)
image = cv2.imread("test.png")
for i in tqdm(range(1000)):
output = generic_inference.process(image)
cv2.imwrite("output.png", output)
There can be overlapping execution problems. A simple fix is to run it in a thread.
# demonstration of a hotfix to avoid overlapping execution
# depending on what code you compile, there seems to be overlapping, can be fixed by running in a thread
def f(image):
output = generic_inference.process(image)
cv2.imwrite("output.png", output)
for i in tqdm(range(1000)):
thread = threading.Thread(target=f, args=(image,))
# alternative
import concurrent.futures
def foo(image):
return generic_inference.process(image)
for i in tqdm(range(1000)):
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
future = executor.submit(foo, image)
output_image = future.result()
cv2.imwrite("output.png", output_image)
- Remove needless code
realsr-ncnn-vulkan is nihui's ncnn implementation of Real-World Super-Resolution via Kernel Estimation and Noise Injection super resolution.
realsr-ncnn-vulkan-python wraps realsr-ncnn-vulkan project by SWIG to make it easier to integrate realsr-ncnn-vulkan with existing python projects.
Linux/Windos/Mac X86_64 build releases are available now.
However, for Linux distro with GLIBC < 2.29 (like Ubuntu 18.04), the ubuntu-1804 pre-built should be used.
First, you have to install python, python development package (Python native development libs in Visual Studio), vulkan SDK and SWIG on your platform. And then:
git clone
cd realsr-ncnn-vulkan-python
git submodule update --init --recursive
cmake -B build src
cd build
I used Visual Studio 2019 and msvc v142 to build this project for Windows.
Install visual studio and open the project directory, and build. Job done.
The only problem on Windows is that, you cannot use CMake for Windows to generate the Visual Studio solution file and build it. This will make the lib crash on loading.
The only way is use Visual Studio to open the project as directory, and build it from Visual Studio.
Real-World Super-Resolution via Kernel Estimation and Noise Injection (CVPRW 2020)
Xiaozhong Ji, Yun Cao, Ying Tai, Chengjie Wang, Jilin Li, and Feiyue Huang
Tencent YouTu Lab
Our solution is the winner of CVPR NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real-World Super-Resolution in both tracks.
from PIL import Image
from realsr_ncnn_vulkan import RealSR
im ="0.png")
upscaler = RealSR(0, scale=4)
out_im = upscaler.process(im)"temp.png")
If you encounter crash or error, try to upgrade your GPU driver
- Intel:
- AMD:
- for fast neural network inference on ALL PLATFORMS
- for encoding and decoding Webp images on ALL PLATFORMS
- for decoding and encoding image on Linux / MacOS
- for listing files in directory on Windows