A GameEngine library for OpenGL developed for educational purposes - a hobby project that I program in my free time.
The original goal was only to create a large terrain with a kind of LOD technique. Over time, elements have been added that can be found in GameEngines. But of course there is still a lot missing to create a real game with this library. However, a scene with appealing lighting can be created in just a few steps. Models can be loaded and a beautiful water surface can be generated. To keep things as simple as possible, all game objects can be configured with Lua.
You just have to:
- Create an
and aState
class. - Use a Lua file for the description of all the scene objects (Models, Cameras, Lights etc), which is then loaded with our
There are some examples in the Sandbox:
First: Use the Conan Package Manager to install the thirdparty libraries. The project already includes a conanfile.txt
It is important that premake
is specified as a generator in this file.
# ...
For a release build:
conan install . -s build_type=Release
Or when need to debug:
conan install . -s build_type=Debug
After that use Premake5 and the premake5.lua
file to create the project files.
premake5 vs2019
I work with Win10 and MinGW and have created two new Conan profiles.
# debug_gcc
# release_gcc
CLion users can now, for example, assign the Conan profiles to the CLion profiles. The Conan plugin does the rest. Before that the generator has to be changed.
# ...
It may be necessary to compile the packages. Do this with --build missing
- Configuration of the scene and all entities with Lua
- Entity component system from EnTT
- Deferred rendering / Forward rendering
- Advanced Terrain rendering (Quadtree and Tessellation, 16-bit Heightmaps)
- Water rendering
- Gui rendering
- Skydome / Skybox
- Particle systems
- Instanced rendering
- Mouse picking
- Model file loading
- Animations loading
- Different camera types (Third person, First person)
- Different light types (Ambient, Point, Directional)
- Normal mapping
The project already contains a Sandbox and it is a good idea to start with it.
If you want to create it yourself, do this as follows:
We need to create a class that inherits from sg::ogl::Application
. Here we call this class Sandbox
The header SgOgl.h
must be included.
// File: Sandbox.cpp
#include "SgOgl.h"
class Sandbox final : public sg::ogl::Application
Sandbox() = delete;
explicit Sandbox(const std::string& t_configFileName)
: Application{ t_configFileName }
void RegisterStates() override
// ...
void Init() override
// ...
Next, a game state must be created. The class is named GameState
and inherits from sg::ogl::state::State
// File: GameState.h
#pragma once
#include "SgOgl.h"
class GameState : public sg::ogl::state::State
using LuaScriptUniquePtr = std::unique_ptr<sg::ogl::LuaScript>;
GameState() = delete;
explicit GameState(sg::ogl::state::StateStack* t_stateStack)
: State{ t_stateStack, "GameState" }
bool Input() override;
bool Update(double t_dt) override;
void Render() override;
LuaScriptUniquePtr m_luaScript;
void Init();
The cpp file contains nothing special so far.
// File: GameState.cpp
#include "GameState.h"
bool GameState::Input()
return true;
bool GameState::Update(const double t_dt)
return true;
void GameState::Render()
void GameState::Init()
The newly created game state must be registered. This is done by the Sandbox
class in the RegisterStates()
In addition, the game state must be pushed to the state stack. We do this in the Init()
function of the Sandbox
The RegisterStates()
and Init()
functions are called later before the game loop.
// File: Sandbox.cpp
#include "SgOgl.h"
#include "GameState.h"
class Sandbox final : public sg::ogl::Application
// ...
void RegisterStates() override
void Init() override
The main()
function of the lib calls sg::ogl::create_application()
to create an sg::ogl::Application
In our case, an instance of the Sandbox
class should be created.
In the Sandbox
class, the header SgOglEntryPoint.h
must be included as well.
// File: Sandbox.cpp
#include "SgOgl.h"
#include "SgOglEntryPoint.h"
#include "GameState.h"
class Sandbox final : public sg::ogl::Application
// ...
// ...
std::unique_ptr<sg::ogl::Application> sg::ogl::create_application()
return std::make_unique<Sandbox>("res/config/Config.lua");
We can see that the constructor of the Application
class or Sandbox
class takes the path to a config lua-file as an argument.
The config file can look like this.
The libResFolder
option contains the full path to the library's built-in assets.
-- File: Config.lua
libResFolder = "E:/Dev/SgOgl/SgOglLib/res"
window = {
title = "Sandbox",
compatibleProfile = false,
debugContext = true,
antialiasing = true,
printFrameRate = true,
glMajor = 4,
glMinor = 3,
fps = 60.0
projection = {
fovDeg = 70.0,
width = 1024,
height = 768,
near = 0.1,
far = 10000.0
Here is an example:
-- Create Scene --
scene = Scene.new(applicationContext)
-- Create and add Renderer --
-- forward with skybox
SkyboxRenderer.new(4, scene)
SunRenderer.new(3, scene)
ForwardRenderer.new(2, scene)
SkeletalModelRenderer.new(1, scene)
GuiRenderer.new(0, scene)
TextRenderer.new(0, scene, "res/font/calibri.ttf")
-- deferred with skybox
DeferredRenderer.new(3, scene)
SkyboxRenderer.new(2, scene)
SunRenderer.new(1, scene)
GuiRenderer.new(0, scene)
-- forward with skydome
SkydomeRenderer.new(4, scene)
SunRenderer.new(3, scene)
ForwardRenderer.new(2, scene)
SkeletalModelRenderer.new(1, scene)
GuiRenderer.new(0, scene)
-- deferred with skydome
DeferredRenderer.new(3, scene)
SkydomeRenderer.new(2, scene)
SunRenderer.new(1, scene)
GuiRenderer.new(0, scene)
TextRenderer.new(0, scene, "res/font/calibri.ttf")
-- Create and add Cameras --
firstPersonCamera = FirstPersonCamera.new("first_person_camera1", applicationContext, Vec3.new(-375.0, 313.0, -417.0), -147.0, -16.0, scene)
thirdPersonCamera = ThirdPersonCamera.new("third_person_camera1", applicationContext, Vec3.new(1334.0, 820.0, 227.0), scene)
-- Config Scene --
scene:SetAmbientIntensity(Vec3.new(0.2, 0.2, 0.2))
-- Load resources --
plane = modelManager:GetModel("res/primitive/plane1/plane1.obj")
sphere = modelManager:GetModel("res/primitive/sphere/sphere.obj")
dome = modelManager:GetModel("res/model/Dome/dome.obj")
lamp = modelManager:GetModel("res/model/Streetlamp/streetlamp.obj")
jade = modelManager:GetMaterialByName("jade")
gold = modelManager:GetMaterialByName("gold")
sunTextureId = textureManager:LoadTexture("res/sun/sun.png")
foodGuiId = textureManager:LoadTexture("res/gui/foodIcon.png")
healthGuiId = textureManager:LoadTexture("res/gui/healthIcon.png")
hero = modelManager:GetSkeletalModel("res/model/CastleGuard01/Idle.dae")
a = {}
a[1] = "res/skybox/sky1/sRight.png"
a[2] = "res/skybox/sky1/sLeft.png"
a[3] = "res/skybox/sky1/sUp.png"
a[4] = "res/skybox/sky1/sDown.png"
a[5] = "res/skybox/sky1/sBack.png"
a[6] = "res/skybox/sky1/sFront.png"
skyboxCubemapId = textureManager:GetCubemapId(a)
-- Create Entities --
-- plane
planeEntity = ecs:CreateEntity()
ecs:AddModelComponent(planeEntity, plane, false)
ecs:AddTransformComponent(planeEntity, Vec3.new(0.0, 150.0, 0.0), Vec3.new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vec3.new(5000.0, 1.0, 5000.0))
-- hero
heroEntity = ecs:CreateEntity()
ecs:AddSkeletalModelComponent(heroEntity, hero, false)
ecs:AddTransformComponent(heroEntity, Vec3.new(-500.0, 150.0, -500.0), Vec3.new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vec3.new(1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
-- sphere
sphereEntity = ecs:CreateEntity()
ecs:AddModelComponent(sphereEntity, sphere, false)
ecs:AddTransformComponent(sphereEntity, Vec3.new(0.0, 240.0, 380.0), Vec3.new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vec3.new(4.0, 4.0, 4.0))
ecs:AddMaterialComponent(sphereEntity, gold)
-- skydome
skydomeEntity = ecs:CreateEntity()
ecs:AddModelComponent(skydomeEntity, dome, false)
ecs:AddTransformComponent(skydomeEntity, Vec3.new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vec3.new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vec3.new(5000.0, 5000.0, 5000.0))
ecs:AddSkydomeComponent(skydomeEntity, "skydome")
-- a point light
plightEntity0 = ecs:CreateEntity()
Vec3.new(30.0, 240.0, 657.0), -- position
Vec3.new(0.2, 0.2, 0.2), -- ambientIntensity
Vec3.new(10.0, 1.0, 1.0), -- diffuseIntensity
Vec3.new(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), -- specularIntensity
1.0, 0.0014, 0.000007 -- constant, linear, quadratic
ecs:AddUpdateComponent(plightEntity0, "UpdatePointLight")
-- another point light
plightEntity1 = ecs:CreateEntity()
Vec3.new(204.0, 240.0, -319.0), -- position
Vec3.new(0.2, 0.2, 0.2), -- ambientIntensity
Vec3.new(1.0, 1.0, 10.0), -- diffuseIntensity
Vec3.new(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), -- specularIntensity
1.0, 0.0014, 0.000007 -- constant, linear, quadratic
ecs:AddUpdateComponent(plightEntity1, "UpdatePointLight")
-- the sun
dlightEntity = ecs:CreateEntity()
Vec3.new(1.0, -0.2, -0.4), -- direction
Vec3.new(1.0, 0.8, 0.6), -- diffuseIntensity
Vec3.new(1.0, 0.8, 0.6) -- specularIntensity
sunEntity = ecs:CreateEntity()
Vec3.new(1.0, -0.2, -0.4), -- direction
Vec3.new(1.0, 0.8, 0.6), -- diffuseIntensity
Vec3.new(1.0, 0.8, 0.6), -- specularIntensity
-- skybox
skyboxEntity = ecs:CreateEntity()
ecs:AddCubemapComponent(skyboxEntity, skyboxCubemapId)
-- gui
foodEntity = ecs:CreateEntity()
ecs:AddGuiComponent(foodEntity, foodGuiId)
ecs:AddTransformComponent(foodEntity, Vec3.new(0.9, 0.9, 0.0), Vec3.new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vec3.new(0.031, 0.031, 1.0))
-- another gui
healthEntity = ecs:CreateEntity()
ecs:AddGuiComponent(healthEntity, healthGuiId)
ecs:AddTransformComponent(healthEntity, Vec3.new(0.9, 0.8, 0.0), Vec3.new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vec3.new(0.031, 0.031, 1.0))
-- point light with model
plightModelEntity = ecs:CreateEntity()
ecs:AddModelComponent(plightModelEntity, lamp, false)
ecs:AddTransformComponent(plightModelEntity, Vec3.new(-1400.0, 150.0, 11.0), Vec3.new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vec3.new(40.0, 40.0, 40.0))
Vec3.new(-1400.0, 400.0, 11.0), -- position
Vec3.new(0.2, 0.2, 0.2), -- ambientIntensity
Vec3.new(1.0, 1.0, 10.0), -- diffuseIntensity
Vec3.new(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), -- specularIntensity
1.0, 0.0014, 0.000007 -- constant, linear, quadratic
-- text
textEntity0 = ecs:CreateEntity()
ecs:AddTextComponent(textEntity0, "SgOgl Test", 40.0, 750.0, 0.35, Vec3.new(0.1, 0.2, 0.2))
textEntity1 = ecs:CreateEntity()
ecs:AddTextComponent(textEntity1, "Version: dev-master", 40.0, 730.0, 0.35, Vec3.new(0.1, 0.2, 0.2))
-- Functions --
val = 0.0
function UpdatePointLight(entity, dt)
val = val + dt
p = ecs:GetPointLightComponent(entity)
p.position.x = p.position.x + (math.sin(val) * 4.0)
In our GameState now a LuaScript
object has to be created. The script creates a Scene object that can be reached via GetApplicationContext()->currentScene
// File: GameState.cpp
bool GameState::Input()
if (GetApplicationContext()->currentScene)
return true;
bool GameState::Update(const double t_dt)
if (GetApplicationContext()->currentScene)
return true;
void GameState::Render()
if (GetApplicationContext()->currentScene)
void GameState::Init()
// ...
m_luaScript = std::make_unique<sg::ogl::LuaScript>(GetApplicationContext(), "res/scene/start.lua");