(Note: the "linked state mixin" and "two-way binding" approaches described in some of these articles are still valid, but mostly discouraged at this point. The more idiomatic approach is "one-way data flow" with "controlled inputs".)
Related topics:
React Docs: Forms
The React documentation page on forms. Describes "controlled" and "uncontrolled" form inputs. -
React "controlled" vs "uncontrolled" inputs
An explanation of the terms "controlled inputs" and "uncontrolled inputs" -
React Form Components
A look at controlled vs uncontrolled inputs, with a useful note about issues with controlled inputs and certain browsers. -
Uncontrolled components are an anti-pattern
Argues that uncontrolled components are a bad idea and should be avoided. -
ReactJS and controlled forms
A look at the difference between controlled and uncontrolled inputs, and some problems that can come from using uncontrolled inputs. -
Managing React Controlled Component State
Some short examples of how to properly manage state for controlled inputs -
Managing state and controlled form fields with React
Describes the concepts of "controlled" and "uncontrolled" inputs. -
React Hates me: "Overcontrolled" components
Describes some specific issues with controlled inputs and the preventDefault method -
React.js Forms: Controlled Components
An excellent article that describes the concept of controlled components, and demonstrates examples of how to interact with different types of form inputs -
Controlled and uncontrolled form inputs in React don't have to be complicated
A great summary of what controlled and uncontrolled inputs are, what each approach looks like, and how to handle values from different types of inputs. -
Controllable React Components
A slideshow discussing how React components can themselves either be controlled or uncontrolled, and introducing a library to help make components controllable. -
Collecting data from a wizard form
Examples of how to handle data management for a multi-step form -
React Forms: Using Refs
A quick recap of what "controlled components" are, and some excellent examples of how to use refs to directly access values for different types of inputs in forms -
Understanding your options with forms in React
A quick summary of the three major forms approachs (controlled inputs, uncontrolled inputs + refs, uncontrolled inputs + serialization), with code examples for each
Learn Raw React: Ridiculously Simple Forms
Covers the basics of implementing form rendering, updates, and validation, in plain JS -
Forms in React and Redux
Demonstrates building a simple set of wrapper components to manage forms using React and Redux -
Not-so-simple Forms with React
Explains how to set up more advanced form scenarios such as optional or repeatable sections. -
Using React's state to manage data entry
Describes how to manage data for forms using React component state and some wrapper components. -
Handling React Forms with Mobx Observables
Some examples of working with forms in React, using MobX for the data management. -
Forms in React and Redux
A good example of how to set up form handling in conjunction with a Redux store. -
Radio Buttons and Checkboxes in React
Tutorials on managing various inputs in forms with React -
Building a Multi-Step Registration Form with React
A form example that shows how to track the current form step, render the right form component, and store all the necessary form data -
Making dynamic form inputs with React
Covers how to build a form that can add and remove entries dynamically, with examples. -
How to handle forms with just React
Describes a different approach for reading and managing form data, besides the usual "controlled inputs" pattern, based on the Javascript FormData object. -
Should a form for editing update the underlying model?
Some quick thoughts on ways to handle tracking data in a form - whether it should be fully controlled by a parent, or accept the initial values and report them when it's submitted. -
Modeling form state in React
Examples of how to structure form state to handle values and validation. Applicable no matter what state management approach is being used. -
Better Form Management
A couple useful examples of approaches for simplifying React form handling logic. -
Forms in React
Slides for a workshop on approaches for managing forms in React. Includes summaries of the various major approaches for managing forms, and links to several useful form-related libraries.
Form Validation Tutorial with React.js
A good example of setting up form validation in React -
Elegant Form Validation in React
Examples of adding validation to a form -
Two-Way Data Binding and Form Validation in React
Another demonstration of building a form with some logic and validation. -
Form Validation as a Higher Order Component
A 2-part series, demonstrating how to use Ramda and FP approaches to create validation logic -
Form recipe: Conditionally disabling the Submit button
Some simple examples of validating data from controlled inputs -
Instant form field validation with React's controlled inputs
Examples of how to perform validation during rendering, and immediately show which inputs are invalid -
Really Dumb Form Validation
Some quick examples of simple but effective form validation handling inside of React components.
Creating new fields and widgets for Mozilla's react-jsonschema-form
Examples of working with the react-jsonschema-form library, including defining form schemas, gotchas, and customization with specific widgets and types -
List or Form, why not both? Making a list with a built in editor in React
Builds an example of a list with the ability to do inline editing of items.