This is app used to drive virtual White Elephant gift exchanges.
- Add one image for each gift+player to
- The names are pulled from the image file names:
IGNORED_First Lastname
- The names are pulled from the image file names:
- Launch the app
- When ready to start, press "Go To Next Player"
- "Current Player" will display whose turn it is
- When they choose a gift, click the gift to expand a popup
- New gift? Give it a text description
- Stolen gift? Click the "Steal" button to increase the count
- Write in the "Receiver" name of who now has the gift
- Click "Go To Next Player"... continue to step 3
- This button will disable when there are no more players
- Press the 🖨️ "Print Saved Data" button
- A text file will open with a log of who recieved which gifts