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IFC is an open standard for exchanging Building Information Models (BIM). This notebook shows how IFC files can be georeferenced by providing 7 parameters that are part of the IFC standard but are usually omitted. These parameters make it easier to combine BIM and geospatial data (e.g. cadastral parcel data, 3D city models, point cloud data, or a digital elevation model) and enable use cases such as urban planning, evaluation of building permits or asset management.
One of the impediments to the automated processing of IFC data is the fact that georeferencing information is not explicitly included in IFC information exchanges. Two scenarios are possible:
- Local reference system: in most construction projects, the partners share a common local reference system, which is defined as a local origin and axis orientation. The local origin is often a conspicuous point near the construction site and the axis orientation is often chosen for convenience (e.g. along the axis of the main construction). Although the geolocation of this local reference system is known to the partners, there is usually no information about it in the IFC file.
- Geospatial reference system: In other construction projects, the partners exchange IFC files in a standard projected reference system used by land surveyors or geospatial data (for example EPSG:2169 Luxembourg). Although this information is known to the partners in the project, it is often left implicit in the IFC file thus inhibiting the possibility for automated processing.
In both scenarios, the georeferencing information can be made explicit by using the IfcProjectedCRS and IfcMapConversion entities from the IFC4 standard. The former allows specifying a recognized, target coordinate reference system (CRS). The latter can be used to specify the coordinate transformation needed to convert coordinates from the project CRS to the specified target CRS. As depicted in the diagram below from the IFC standard, these ifc entities are directly related to the IfcProject (a subclass of IfcContext) entity.
IfcProjectedCRS allows specifying a target projected coordinate reference system. The most relevant attribute is the name of the reference system:
- IfcProjectedCRS.Name: According to the IFC4 specification, the name shall be taken from the list recognized by the European Petroleum Survey Group EPSG and should be qualified by the EPSG name space, for example as 'EPSG:2169'. In case the EPSG registry includes a vertical datum for the coordinate reference system - as is the case for our example - no other properties need to be provided.
IfcMapConversion provides information on how the reference system of the IFC file can be converted into the reference system indicated by IfcProjectedCRS. It contains information on the required coordinate translation, rotation, and scaling:
- IfcMapConversion.Eastings, IfcMapConversion.Northings, IfcMapConversion.OrthogonalHeight indicate the position of the origin of the local reference system used in the IFC file in terms of the indicated IfcProjectedCRS. Together, they define the coordinate translation needed to convert the origin of the local project CRS into the origin of the target geospatial CRS.
- IfcMapConversion. XAxisAbscissa and IfcMapConversion.XAxisOrdinate together define the angle of rotation required to convert the axis orientation of the local reference system, into the axis orientation of the indicated coordinate reference system.
- IfcMapConversion.Scale indicates the conversion factor to be used, to convert the units of the local, engineering coordinate system into the units of the target CRS (often expressed in metres). If omitted, the value of 1.0 is assumed.
In IFC2x3 the same information can be included by using equivalent property sets 'ePset_MapConversion' and 'ePSet_ProjectedCRS' on IfcSite as proposed by BuildingSMART Australasia in their paper 'User guide for georeferencing in IFC'.
Recent versions of Revit (with the revit-ifc plugin) and ArchiCAD make it possible export this IFC information. See the wiki or the blog post by Dion Moult for a detailed guide on georeferencing in Revit.
IfcOpenShell-python is an open-source library for working with IFC files. Let's use IfcOpenShell-python to write or read georeferencing information from an IFC file. For this purpose, we have taken the Duplex Apartment IFC file by BuildingSMART International.
First, let's visualize the rooms (IfcSpace) in the IFC file using a threeJS viewer. This filter on IfcSpace objects is relevant because we usually do not need all the detail in the IFC file when combining it with GIS data. The viewer shows the XYZ axis and origin of the local reference system. Its origin is located very near the construction site.
from math import atan2, degrees
import ifcopenshell
import ifcopenshell.geom
from OCC.Display.WebGl.jupyter_renderer import JupyterRenderer, format_color
settings = ifcopenshell.geom.settings()
settings.set(settings.USE_WORLD_COORDS, True)
settings.set(settings.USE_BREP_DATA, True)
settings.set(settings.USE_PYTHON_OPENCASCADE, True)
fn = './Duplex_A_20110907.ifc'
ifc_file =
threejs_renderer = JupyterRenderer(size=(500, 500))
spaces = ifc_file.by_type("IfcSpace")
for space in spaces:
if space.Representation is not None:
shape = ifcopenshell.geom.create_shape(settings, inst=space)
r,g,b,alpha = shape.styles[0]
color = format_color(int(abs(r)*255), int(abs(g)*255), int(abs(b)*255))
threejs_renderer.DisplayShape(shape.geometry, shape_color = color, transparency=True, opacity=alpha, render_edges=True)
Now, let's use IfcOpenShell-python to add geoloation information to the IFC file with the function set_mapconversion_crs()
in georeference_ifc/
import georeference_ifc
The function get_mapconversion_crs()
in georeference_ifc/ can be used to extract georeferencing information from an IFC file. From XAxisAbscissa and XAxisOrdinate we calculate the rotation.
import georeference_ifc
IfcMapConversion, IfcProjectedCRS = georeference_ifc.get_mapconversion_crs(ifc_file=ifc_file)
import pandas as pd
from IPython.display import display
df = pd.DataFrame(list(IfcProjectedCRS.__dict__.items()) + list(IfcMapConversion.__dict__.items()), columns= ['property', 'value'])
rotation = degrees(atan2(IfcMapConversion.XAxisOrdinate, IfcMapConversion.XAxisAbscissa))
print(f'Rotation is: {rotation:.1f}° (degrees(atan2(map_conversion.XAxisOrdinate, map_conversion.XAxisAbscissa)) ')
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
property | value | |
0 | Name | EPSG:2169 |
1 | Eastings | 76670.0 |
2 | Northings | 77179.0 |
3 | OrthogonalHeight | 293.700012 |
4 | XAxisAbscissa | 0.325568 |
5 | XAxisOrdinate | 0.945519 |
6 | Scale | 1.0 |
Rotation is: 71.0° (degrees(atan2(map_conversion.XAxisOrdinate, map_conversion.XAxisAbscissa))
We will use a utility function shape_to_polygons(shape)
that will convert a 3D space into a 2D polygon, by extracting the shape into faces. Only the first face that is converted into a valid polygon is taken. We then use GeoPandas to convert the polygons from the project CRS into the geospatial CRS using the IfcMapConversion parameters. We will respectively apply a rotation, translation, and scaling.
from util import shape_to_polygons
import geopandas as gpd
from geopandas import GeoSeries
polygons = []
names = []
for space in spaces:
if space.Representation is not None:
shape = ifcopenshell.geom.create_shape(settings, inst=space)
shape_polygons = shape_to_polygons(shape)
polygons = polygons + shape_polygons
names = names + [space.Name for _ in shape_polygons]
footprint = GeoSeries(polygons,crs=IfcProjectedCRS.Name)
footprint = footprint\
.rotate(rotation, origin=(0,0,), use_radians=False)\
.translate(IfcMapConversion.Eastings, IfcMapConversion.Northings, 0)\
.scale(IfcMapConversion.Scale if IfcMapConversion.Scale else 1.0)
The resulting building footprint data is pure geospatial data that can be depicted on a map and combined with other geospatial data, in this example with OpenStreetMap and data.
import folium
import json
import requests
m = folium.Map(location=[49.629, 6.122], zoom_start=20, tiles='CartoDB positron', max_zoom=30)
df_cp = gpd.read_file(requests.get(url).text, crs='EPSG:3857')
df_cp = df_cp.to_crs(epsg=4326)
folium.GeoJson(df_cp.to_json(), name="cadastral parcels").add_to(m)
df = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'name': names}, geometry=footprint)
df = df.to_crs(epsg=4326)
for _, r in df.iterrows():
sim_geo = gpd.GeoSeries(r['geometry'])
geo_j = sim_geo.to_json()
geo_j = folium.GeoJson(data=geo_j,
style_function=lambda x: {'fillColor': 'orange'})
The use of IfcProjectedCRS and IfcMapConversion is a precise and unitrusive way of adding geolocation information to an IFC file.
- This solution does not require you to change the local reference system, only to provide information about it.
- It is more accurate compared the use of IfcSite.RefLongitude and IfcSite.RefLatitude in WGS84 coordinates, as a more appropriate geospatial coordinate reference system can be used.
- BIM tools such as Revit and ArchiCAD already support it.
- If your BIM tool does not support it, you can use IfcOpenShell to postprocess your IFC prior to exchanging it with third parties.
Therefore providing this information should considered to be made mandatory when drafting BIM information exchange agreements.
BuildingSMART. IFC Specifications database.
BuildingSMART Australasia (2020). User Guide for Geo-referencing in IFC, version 2.0.
Dion Moult (2019). IFC Coordinate Reference Systems and Revit. (2021). IFC2x3 geo-referencing property set template definitions.
Clemen, C., & Görne, H. (2019). Level of Georeferencing (LoGeoRef) using IFC for BIM. Journal of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre, (10).
Noardo, F., Krijnen, T., Arroyo Ohori, K., Biljecki, F., Ellul, C., Harrie, L., Eriksson, H., Polia, L., Salheb, N., Tauscher, H., van Liempt, J., Goerne, H., Hintz, D., Kaiser, T., Leoni, C., Warchol, A., Stoter, J. (2021). Reference study of IFC software support: the GeoBIM benchmark 2019 – Part I. Transactions in GIS.
Comments are welcome via GitHub issues.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License.