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Reproducible Research: Peer Assessment 1

Loading and preprocessing the data

##Load the data
##Date transformation
data$date <- as.Date(data$date)

What is mean total number of steps taken per day?

Calculate the total number of steps taken per day

##          date steps
## 1  2012-10-02   126
## 2  2012-10-03 11352
## 3  2012-10-04 12116
## 4  2012-10-05 13294
## 5  2012-10-06 15420
## 6  2012-10-07 11015
## 7  2012-10-09 12811
## 8  2012-10-10  9900
## 9  2012-10-11 10304
## 10 2012-10-12 17382
## 11 2012-10-13 12426
## 12 2012-10-14 15098
## 13 2012-10-15 10139
## 14 2012-10-16 15084
## 15 2012-10-17 13452
## 16 2012-10-18 10056
## 17 2012-10-19 11829
## 18 2012-10-20 10395
## 19 2012-10-21  8821
## 20 2012-10-22 13460
## 21 2012-10-23  8918
## 22 2012-10-24  8355
## 23 2012-10-25  2492
## 24 2012-10-26  6778
## 25 2012-10-27 10119
## 26 2012-10-28 11458
## 27 2012-10-29  5018
## 28 2012-10-30  9819
## 29 2012-10-31 15414
## 30 2012-11-02 10600
## 31 2012-11-03 10571
## 32 2012-11-05 10439
## 33 2012-11-06  8334
## 34 2012-11-07 12883
## 35 2012-11-08  3219
## 36 2012-11-11 12608
## 37 2012-11-12 10765
## 38 2012-11-13  7336
## 39 2012-11-15    41
## 40 2012-11-16  5441
## 41 2012-11-17 14339
## 42 2012-11-18 15110
## 43 2012-11-19  8841
## 44 2012-11-20  4472
## 45 2012-11-21 12787
## 46 2012-11-22 20427
## 47 2012-11-23 21194
## 48 2012-11-24 14478
## 49 2012-11-25 11834
## 50 2012-11-26 11162
## 51 2012-11-27 13646
## 52 2012-11-28 10183
## 53 2012-11-29  7047
#Show a histogram of the total number of steps taken each day
hist(dailysteps$steps, breaks=20, main="Total steps taken per day", xlab="Number of steps")

meansteps<-format(meansteps, scientific=FALSE) ##Display this nicely rather than as an exponent

"Calculate and report the mean and median of the total number of steps taken per day"
Mean number of steps taken per day (excluding NA values): 10766.19
Median number of steps taken per day (excluding NA values): 10765

What is the average daily activity pattern?

Make a time series plot (i.e. 𝚝𝚢𝚙𝚎 = "𝚕") of the 5-minute interval (x-axis) and the average number of steps taken, averaged across all days (y-axis)

stepsPerInterval<-aggregate(steps~interval, data, mean)
interval <- stepsPerInterval$interval[stepsPerInterval$steps == maxsteps] 

plot(stepsPerInterval$interval, stepsPerInterval$steps, xlab="Interval", ylab="Average steps", type="l")

"Which 5-minute interval, on average across all the days in the dataset, contains the maximum number of steps?"

Answer: 835

Imputing missing values

Calculate and report the total number of missing values in the dataset (i.e. the total number of rows with 𝙽𝙰s)


Number of NA values: 2304

For the missing values, use the mean calculated earlier for that particular 5-minute interval. Creating a new dataset that is equal to the original dataset but with the missing data filled in...

completeData <- data ## Copy data

##Run through data and replace any NAs by average for that interval - use modulus operator to determine interval needed
intervalCount<-dim(stepsPerInterval) ## Number of intervals per day
for(i in seq_along(completeData$steps))
    if ($steps[i]))
        index<-(i %% intervalCount[1])
        if (index==0)
          index<-intervalCount[1] ##No zero indexing in R

Make a histogram of the total number of steps taken each day

##          date    steps
## 1  2012-10-01 10766.19
## 2  2012-10-02   126.00
## 3  2012-10-03 11352.00
## 4  2012-10-04 12116.00
## 5  2012-10-05 13294.00
## 6  2012-10-06 15420.00
## 7  2012-10-07 11015.00
## 8  2012-10-08 10766.19
## 9  2012-10-09 12811.00
## 10 2012-10-10  9900.00
## 11 2012-10-11 10304.00
## 12 2012-10-12 17382.00
## 13 2012-10-13 12426.00
## 14 2012-10-14 15098.00
## 15 2012-10-15 10139.00
## 16 2012-10-16 15084.00
## 17 2012-10-17 13452.00
## 18 2012-10-18 10056.00
## 19 2012-10-19 11829.00
## 20 2012-10-20 10395.00
## 21 2012-10-21  8821.00
## 22 2012-10-22 13460.00
## 23 2012-10-23  8918.00
## 24 2012-10-24  8355.00
## 25 2012-10-25  2492.00
## 26 2012-10-26  6778.00
## 27 2012-10-27 10119.00
## 28 2012-10-28 11458.00
## 29 2012-10-29  5018.00
## 30 2012-10-30  9819.00
## 31 2012-10-31 15414.00
## 32 2012-11-01 10766.19
## 33 2012-11-02 10600.00
## 34 2012-11-03 10571.00
## 35 2012-11-04 10766.19
## 36 2012-11-05 10439.00
## 37 2012-11-06  8334.00
## 38 2012-11-07 12883.00
## 39 2012-11-08  3219.00
## 40 2012-11-09 10766.19
## 41 2012-11-10 10766.19
## 42 2012-11-11 12608.00
## 43 2012-11-12 10765.00
## 44 2012-11-13  7336.00
## 45 2012-11-14 10766.19
## 46 2012-11-15    41.00
## 47 2012-11-16  5441.00
## 48 2012-11-17 14339.00
## 49 2012-11-18 15110.00
## 50 2012-11-19  8841.00
## 51 2012-11-20  4472.00
## 52 2012-11-21 12787.00
## 53 2012-11-22 20427.00
## 54 2012-11-23 21194.00
## 55 2012-11-24 14478.00
## 56 2012-11-25 11834.00
## 57 2012-11-26 11162.00
## 58 2012-11-27 13646.00
## 59 2012-11-28 10183.00
## 60 2012-11-29  7047.00
## 61 2012-11-30 10766.19
hist(completedailysteps$steps, breaks=20, main="Total steps taken per day", xlab="Number of steps")

Calculate and report the mean and median total number of steps taken per day.



Mean number of steps taken per day (imputing NA values): 1.0766189\times 10^{4}
Median number of steps taken per day (imputing NA values): 1.0766189\times 10^{4}

Do these values differ from the estimates from the first part of the assignment?

Answer: Not significantly

What is the impact of imputing missing data on the estimates of the total daily number of steps? Answer: Step count is averaged for those with all data missing, otherwise not changed significantly

Are there differences in activity patterns between weekdays and weekends?

I've run out of time to complete this - sorry. Thanks for reading!