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Instructions for settings and analysis

ALC_TRAJECTORY requires two files:

  • TRAJECTORY: must contain the atomic positions recorded along the MD trajectory. To date, formats "xyz" and "vasp" (XDATCAR) are the only two implemented options.
  • SETTINGS: contains the instructions for data analysis.

Both SETTINGS and TRAJECTORY files must be present in the folder where ALC_TRAJECTORY is executed from, otherwise the program will print an error message and abort. Comments to the SETTINGS file can be added using the symbol "#". It is recommended to add a descriptive header in the first lines of the file for revision purposes. Different files will be printed depending on the selected options. The code is flexible enough to recognize directives independently of capitalization. For example, directive Ensemble, eNsemBle, ENSEMBLE, etc, will all be interpreted as ensemble. Together with the individual directives, it is also required to specify blocks, which are declared with the character "&", followed by the name of the block (i.e. &name), and must be closed with &end_name. ALC_TRAJECTORY generates the OUTPUT file, which details the input settings (based on the content of the SETTINGS file) and the generated information from the data analysis.

Upon execution, the code first checks the correctness of the syntax and format for the defined settings. If a problem is found, an error message is printed to OUTPUT file and the execution is aborted. The code then reads the TRAJECTORY file, and the collected information is compared against the directives of the SETTINGS file. In case there is an inconsistency but the calculation can still proceed, ALC_TRAJECTORY prints a warning message. If the specified settings are incorrect, the program will print an error message instructing the user what to fix.

The structure of the SETTINGS file can be divided in model and trajectory related directives/blocks. In the following sections, we will use the example case of nano-confined water in Nafion to explain the different functionalities. This model system constitutes an example of a highly reactive system, where chemical species change along the trajectory. The SETTINGS file can be found in the examples/Nafion-hydrated/ folder. The TRAJECTORY file is also attached, so the user can run the code and change the settings. This trajectory is rather short and provided for the purpose of explaining the code and its functionalities.

The files for the analysis of bulk liquid water (modelled by 64 water molecules in a cubic box) can be found in the examples/bulk-water/ folder. In contrast to the Nafion, the model for bulk liquid water constitutes an example of a non-reactive system. We shall not discuss this case in the following notes. In contrast to reactive systems, the definition of the &search_chemistry block (see the section "Identification of chemistry changes" below) is NOT NEEDED for non-reactive systems.

Accepted units are fs (femtoseconds) and ps (picoseconds) for time-related directives, and Angstrom and Bohr for distance-related directives. Before proceeding to the desciption of settings and funcionalities, we define the following acronyms:

  • TCF: Transfer Correlation Function
  • OCF: Orientational Correlation Function
  • RDF: Radial Distribution Function
  • MSD: Mean Square Displacement
  • SPCF: Special Pair Correlation Function.

Model settings

To describe the implemented functionalities for analysis, we will use the example case of nano-confined water in Nafion. The SETTINGS file can be found in the examples/Nafion-hydrated/ folder.

Format for the atomic positions

The format of the the TRAJECTORY file will be determined by the computational code used to run the MD simulation. To date, ALC_TRAJECTORY only accepts "xyz" and "vasp" formats. The format for the trajectory is specified as follows:

input_geometry_format  xyz

Input composition

To specify the atomic details of the input model, it is necessary to define the &input_composition block. This block allows tagging the atoms of the model according to the structure of the system under consideration. Tags are needed to classify elements with different chemical environments. For example, a model can have H atoms as part of water molecules and H atoms as part of a backbone membrane: the chemical element is the same (H), but the chemical environment around each hydrogen is completely different. The structure of this block for the present example is defined as follows:

   atomic_species   7
   tags        Cch  Hch  Hs  Och  Sch  Hw   Ow
   amounts   56    60    4     12    4    112   56
   elements   C     H     H      O     S     H      O

The first directive must be atomic_species, in this case equal to 7. This setting indicates that 7 different atomic tags will be used to label the atoms. The next task is to define the tags, amounts and elements directives. The order for the definition of such directives is irrelevant. These settings describe what type of atoms and how many of them are part of the model. Atomic tags are selected based on a reference configuration (see the DL_FIELD code, for example). In reactive systems, the tags of certain atoms are expected to change with respect to the tagging that corresponds to the reference configuration. We shall return to this point later when we describe the &search_chemistry block. Consistent with the definition of the &input_composition block, each frame (atomic configuration) of the trajectory must have the following structure/order:

  • 56   C atoms with tag Cch, followed by
  • 60   H atoms with tag Hch, followed by
  • 4     H atoms with tag Hs, followed by
  • 12   O atoms with tag Och, followed by
  • 4     S atoms with tag Sch, followed by
  • 112 H atoms with tag Hw, followed by
  • 56   O atoms with tag Ow.

The suffixes "ch", "s" and "w" here indicate "chain", "sulphonic" and "water", respectively, but this choice is arbitrary and subject to user's criteria. Ideally, the initial configuration of the trajectory should arrange atoms in groups to facilitate the definition of the block. Unfortunately this is not always possible. Still, the block is sufficiently flexible to allow multiple definitions of the same tags. For example, let's assume that the atomic configuration of 30 Hch atoms (out of 60) have been grouped at the end. The structure for the block would be:

   atomic_species   8
   tags        Cch  Hch  Hs  Och  Sch  Hw   Ow    Hch
   amounts   56    30    4     12    4    112   56   30
   elements   C     H     H      O     S     H      O    H

It is important to clarify that although the last group of 30 Hch atoms are equivalent to the previous 30 Hch, it is needed to increase "atomic_species" by 1, from 7 to 8. If there is an inconsistency between the settings in the block and the structure of the TRAJECTORY file, the code will inform the user and abort the execution.

Simulation cell

Only for those trajectories recorded in "xyz" format (see the input_geometry_format directive above), the code will ask to define the simulation cell, which remains unchanged along the trajectory. In fact, trajectories in "xyz" format are only compatible with NVE and NVT simulations (see the ensemble directive below). Information for the simulation cell for the current example is set as follows:

cell_units    Angstrom

   10.064000   0.0000000   0.0000000
     0.000000 13.0735195   0.0000000
     0.000000   0.0000000 20.0000000

Both cell_units and &simulation_cell are NOT NEEDED if the TRAJECTORY was recorded in "vasp" format. If there is an inconsistency between this block and the atomic positions of the trajectory, the code will inform the user and abort the execution.

Identification of chemistry changes

Reactive systems are characterized by the breaking and formation of chemical bonds, which leads to the changes of the constituents species. To compute reactive systems, it is first necessary to set the following directive

change_chemistry   True

which instructs ALC_TRAJECTORY to search for changes of chemical species within the model. Changes are monitored through the identification of donor and acceptor sites. The user needs to define following block:

   total_number   4

      number_of_bonds   3
      only_element          H
      cutoff                    1.3   Angstrom
          types_of_bonds   2
          Och  Hw  1.25   Angstrom
          Och  Hs   1.25   Angstrom


      include_tags    2  Ow  Och
      exclude_pairs  1  Och
      cutoff    3.20    Angstrom


The total_number directive sets to identify a total of 4 donor sites at each frame of the trajectory. In this example, the total number of 4 comes from the H atom of the 4 SO3H groups (with tag Hs in the &input_composition block). For the present case, we set to identify H3O+ species using the &bonding_criteria sub-block, which specifies that each reference sites (O atoms in this case, see &acceptor_criteria) forms 3 bonds only with H atoms, independently of theirs tag. A bond between the reference site and the H atoms is subject to a cutoff distance criterion of 1.3 Angstrom, beyond which the bond is considered to be broken.
This information is enough to track all H3O+ species. For Nafion, however, H2O and H3O+ species are not part of bulk liquid water but constitute an interface with the backbone structure of the membrane. Consequently, protons can also form bonds with the oxygen atoms of the SO3- groups. Such oxygens are labelled as Och in the input_composition block. To account for the formation of these bonds, the user must define the &possible_extra_bonds sub-block and specify the number of type of bonds (2 in this case). Together with the atomic tags to define the bond, the user must also define the cutoff value and the units as shown. This ends the specifications for the &bonding_criteria block. To indicate that the possible tags (Ow and Och) become the reference site of a newly formed chemical species, the implemented algorithm retags the sites by adding an asterisk symbol * as apex, so the tags become Ow* and Och*. The same is done with the corresponding H atoms.

So far, we have implicitly discussed about the donors (Ow and Och) based on chemical knowledge for the system under consideration. This is not enough for executing the code. In fact, we need to specify the criteria not only to identify the donor sites but also to track the transferring of atomic species to neighbouring acceptors. This information must be added using the &acceptor_criteria block. The include_tags directive sets the number of atomic tags (2, Ow and Och) that are possible candidates to become the reference site of the chemical species. The implemented algorithm first identifies the reference sites, which become the donors. For the subsequent frames of the MD trajectory, ALC_TRAJECTORY determines the bonding pattern for all those Ow and Och neighbouring sites, only within the environment region around each donor site. The environment is defined using a distance cutoff criterion, the cutoff directive, of 3.2 Angstrom (note: this cutoff is different from the bonding cutoff. A reasonable good value for this directive can be obtained from the RDF analysis). Evaluating the bonding criteria for donors and possible acceptors allows detecting (proton) transfer events and tracking changes of the chemical species. The settings for the include_tags directive also indicate that when the site is Ow* or Och*, both Ow and Och can be considered as acceptors within the distance cutoff. For this system, we know that Och* -> Och transitions are unphysical. To accelerate the search, we can (optionally) opt to discard the calculation of Och-Och pairs in the search. This is specified with the exclude_pairs.
The &search_chemistry block prints the TRACK_CHEMISTRY file with the xyz position for the donor sites along the trajectory. As explained, such donors can be interpreted as the location of the chemical species, in this case H3O+ or SO3H. The percentage of residence for the tags, accounting for all the 4 species, are printed as a table in the OUTPUT file.
It is important to emphasise that the setting of the &search_chemistry block ONLY requires atomic labels, defined in &input_composition, and the definition of few cutoff values. This structure for the settings is rather flexible and general. Most importantly, it avoids the complexity of setting system-specific bond lengths and angle parameters, as required by other analysis tools.

Definition of monitored species

The model related settings of the previous sections are already sufficient to evaluate chemistry changes along the trajectory. However, it is also important to account for species that are not the chemical active, but part of the environment (solution). As we will show later, such identification allows computing Mean Square Displacement (MSD) and Orientational Correlation Function (OCF) analyses for the non-reactive species of the system. We shall define and refer to such species as "monitored species". In the present case, monitored species are the nano-confined water molecules. The following blick defines all the directives related to monitored species definition (in blue) and statistics (purple and magenta). The definition the monitored species for this case (water) is trivial, but illustrates the flexibility of the code if more complex monitored species need to be defined:

   name H2O
   reference_tag Ow
      number_components 2
      H    2
      O    1

   bond_cutoff             1.2   Angstrom
   compute_amount   .True.

        species     H O
        delta     0.005 Angstrom
        lower_bound     0.8 Angstrom
        upper_bound     1.4 Angstrom

        species     H O H
        lower_bound     80 degrees
        upper_bound     130 degrees
        delta     0.5 degrees

      only_ref_tag_as_nn .True.

         delta 0.01 Angstrom
         lower_bound 2.3 Angstrom
         upper_bound 4.0 Angstrom

         lower_bound 30 degrees
         upper_bound 180 degrees
         delta 2 degrees


In this example, we name the species as" H2O" and use the Ow as the reference atomic tag. The atomic composition is set using the &atomic_components block. The cutoff sets that the maximum bonding distance criterion between the O and the H atoms for the set to be considered as a "monitored species". When setting the optional compute_amount directive to .True. (set to .False. by default), the code will compute the average number (and the standard deviation) of monitored species along the trajectory, and the result is printed to the OUTPUT file. The computed number depends on the settings for the &region block, if defined.
ALC_TRAJECTORY also offers the possibility to compute probability densities for intramolecular and intermolecular distances and angles involving the monitored species, for which the user must define the &intramol_stat_settings and the &intermol_stat_settings, respectively. Likewise, information of distances and angles are derived from the definition of the &distance_parameters and &angle_parameters sub-blocks, respectively.

For intramolecular information, the user must define the &intramol_stat_settings*** block. For distances, the user must define the &distance_parameters with the pair of atomic elements involved, which must agree with the definitions of the &atomic_components block. To set the range of distances to be considered the user must also define the lower and upper bounds as well as the delta directive, which corresponds to the distance discretization. Allowed units are Bohr and Angstrom. The definition of this block generates the INTRAMOL_DISTANCES file.
For angles, the &distance_parameters sub-block require three atomic elements, which must also be in agreement with the definition of &atomic_components. The order of the elements is important. In this case, only the H-O-H angle is computed, which is the internal angle for water. To set the range of angles to be considered the user must also define lower_bound and upper_bounds as well as the delta directive, which corresponds to the discretization of the selected range. The definition of this block generates the INTRAMOL_ANGLES file.

The definition of this block identifies the first and the second nearest monitored species around each monitored species. In contrast to the &intramol_stat_settings block, the user must not define the involved elements, as the algorithm will use the reference atomic species as defined in the reference_tag directive. Instead, the only_ref_tag_as_nn directive can be defined: if set to .True., the statistics will only include those species whose reference tag is exactly the same as the tag defined by the reference_tag directive; if set to .False., all monitored species will be considered for the analysis, even if they change their chemistry. The information provided is used to computed the probability density for of the first and second nearest monitored species if the &distance_parameters sub-block is defined, which will generate the INTERMOL_DISTANCES_NN1 and INTERMOL_DISTANCES_NN2 files. The description for the required directives of the &distance_parameters sub-block is the same as the &distance_parameters sub-block within &intramol_stat_settings. If the &angle_parameters sub-block is defined, ALC_TRAJECTORY computes the angle that each monitored species form with the first and second nearest monitored species. This information is used to obtain the probability density of this angle, considering all the monitored species of the system along trajectory. The description for the required directives of the &angle_parameters sub-block is the same as the &distance_parameters sub-block within &intramol_stat_settings. The result is printed to the INTERMOL_ANGLES_NN file.

Trajectory settings for analysis

Having defined the model related settings, the next step is to specify trajectory related directives and blocks for MD analysis. The first two compulsory directives must be the ensemble and timestep. It is important to clarify that this timestep is not the time step used for the numerical integration of the equation of motion, but the time step used to record the configurations of the trajectory. For this example we have:

ensemble    NVE
timestep     10   fs

These two settings are important to evaluate and process the data. It is user's responsibility to ensure the correctness of these directives. Options for ensemble are NVE, NVT and NPT. Analysis for NPT ensembles is NOT compatible for "xyz" formats because the simulation cell is NOT fixed along the trajectory. In contrast, NPT is a valid option for trajectories in "vasp" format.
For reactive systems and only for debugging purposes, the user can request printing a trajectory that contains the labels used to identify the reactive species:

print_retagged_trajectory   TRUE        (only if change_chemistry   True)

This setting prints the relabelled trajectory to the TAGGED_TRAJECTORY file.

Radial Distribution Function (RDF)

This capability is a common feature in the majority of available software for MD data analysis. The user should define tags_species_a and tags_species_b. All tags for tags_species_a must correspond to the same chemical element. Likewise, all tags for tags_species_b must also correspond to the same chemical element. The chemical element for type a can be different from the chemical elements for the type b . In addition, the user needs to specify the discretization for the distance, dr, set to 0.02 Angstrom in this case.

   dr   0.02   Angstrom
   tags_species_a   1   Ow
   tags_species_b   2   Ow*    Och*

In this block, ALC_TRAJECTORY is instructed to compute the RDF between the water oxygens (Ow) and all the oxygen sites of the chemically formed species (Ow* and Och*). Note the values of 1 and 2, preceding the definition of the tags for type a and b, define the amount of atomic tags to be considered. Results are printed to the RDF file.

Definition of time intervals for data analysis

In order to make the most of the collected statistics, the computation of TCF, SPCF, OCF, CHEM_OCF and MSD (see below) can be optimised by dividing of the whole trajectory in time segments. In ALC_TRAJECTORY, this is done through the definition of the following block, which in this case reads:

   time_interval   10.0   ps
   ignore_initial    2.00  ps
   overlap_time    0.50  ps

The time_interval directive specifies the duration of the time segment used to compute the properties. In this case, the time segment is set to 10 ps. It might well happen that the computation of quantities require different time intervals, for which the user should compute each quantity separately in different runs. Optionally, the user can delay the start of the analysis by using the ignore_initial directive, which ignores the first part of the trajectory (2 ps here).
Generally, the size for systems compatible with standard DFT simulations are often not large enough statistically-wise, while the length of computed trajectories are limited to tens of picoseconds. Consequently, computed properties are subject to significantly large errors. To reduce this effect, we follow the strategy of S. Kim et al. [1] and use multiple time origins, which are separated by the settings of the overlap_time directive (0.50 ps). In this example the analysis for the first segment starts at 2 ps and it lasts for 10 ps (up to the first 12 ps of the trajectory). At 2.50 ps, a new analysis starts, which also lasts for 10 ps and extends to the 12.50 ps of the trajectory. Likewise, a third analysis starts at 3.0 ps and finishes at 13 ps. The process is repeated until the starting time of the last segment, which is the total time recorded for the trajectory minus 10 ps. At the end of the cycle, we will have multiple analyses, each of 10 ps length. ALC_TRAJECTORY will compute the average quantity (AVG) using the multiple analyses, together with the standard deviation (STD) along the selected time interval. Results are printed to files TCF_AVG, SPCF_AVG, OCF_AVG, CHEM_OCF_AVG and MSD_AVG, depending on which block are defined (see below).

IMPORTANT: by default, the values computed for all the multiple time intervals are not printed. In case the user wants to print the information for all time intervals, the print_all_intervals directive must be set to .True. inside the relevant block. Results will be printed to files whose names contain the relevant quantity with the "_ALL" appex.

Transfer Correlation Function (TCF), Special Pair Correlation Function (SPCF) and residence times

TCFs, SPCFs and residence times can be computed only for reactive systems using the &lifetime block, which in this case reads:

   method    HiCF
   rattling_wait   0.2   ps

The method directive selects the approximation to compute the TCF and SPCF. In ALC_TRAJECTORY, both History-Independent and History-Dependent Correlation Functions (HiCF and HDCF, respectively) have been implemented, following the work of M. Tuckerman et al. [2] and T. Zelovich et al. [3]. This block generates the TCF_AVG and SPCF_AVG files with the computed average (AVG) and standard deviation (STD) as a function of time, in this case 10 ps long, according to the specification of the &data_analysis block. By setting the print_all_intervals directive to .True. inside this block, the computed correlation for all the 10 ps segments will be printed to the TCF_ALL and SPCF_ALL files.

MD studies have revealed that the involved species (protons in this case) can be transferred back and forth between donors and acceptors in the femtoscale domain, which does not contribute to the overall transfer. This is known as "rattling" in the specialised literature [2]. To exclude this effect in the analysis, the standard practice is to remove snapshots from the trajectory. This can be a tedious and cumbersome task, which in turn is subject to ambiguity due to the lack of a well stablished numerical protocol. Work in progress is focused in trying to develop alternative correlations to HiCF and HDCF, so the issue of the "rattling" can be surmounted automatically.

In addition to TCF and SPCF, the definition of the &lifetime block also computes the residense times for each species before being transferred. It is important the user understands that residence times and TCF (and SPCF) are not the same concept. To account for the problem of the "rattling", the user can set the rattling_wait directive, which handles the analysis as follows: once the transfer of the atomic species (in this case proton) from donor to acceptor has occurred, the algorithm waits/holds for some time (0.2 ps in this case) to accept the transfer. If the proton returns back to its donor, the transfer is discarded. Results are printed to the RES_TIMES file for each of the species (either Ow* or Och*). If the rattling_wait directive is not declared, rattling effects are included in the analysis.

IMPORTANT: the rattling_wait directive does not affect the computation of TCF and SPCF.

Mean Square Displacement (MSD)

As for the RDF, the computation of MSDs is a common feature in most available software for MD data analysis. In ALC_TRAJECTORY, the MSD is only computed for the monitored species, for which the definition of the &monitored_species is compulsory. In this example we set:

   select   xy
   pbc_xyz   T   T   T

The select directive instructs the code to consider selected components of the atomic positions to compute the MSD. For those users that are not familiar with the formula to compute the MSD, we refer to the Supporting Information of Ref. [4]. In this example, the option "xy" computes the MSD only in the plane parallel to the Nafion membrane. Available options for select are: x, y, z, xy, xz, yz and xyz.
As an optional directive, pbc_xyz allows including (or not) the effect of periodic boundary conditions (PBCs) for each Cartesian coordinate. PBCs are set by default.
Activation of the &msd block generates the MSD_AVG file with the computed average (AVG) and standard deviation (STD) as a function of time, in this case 10 ps long, according to the specification of the &data_analysis block. The user could optionally set the print_all_intervals directive to .True. inside this block, which will print the results for all the 10 ps segments to the MSD_ALL file.

Orientational Correlation Function (OCF)

Together to the already presented capabilities, ALC_TRAJECTORY offers the computation of OCFs of monitored species, both for reactive and non-reactive systems. The monitored species must be a molecule (water in this case), otherwise the code will abort the execution. At time zero, the vector unit u(0) is computed using a chosen geometry criterion for each the monitored species (excluding the chemical species). Implemented options for geometry criterion are discussed below. Unit vectors define the orientations of the molecules. Likewise, at trajectory time t the unit vector u(t) is also computed for each monitored species. The OCT at time t is computed as <Pl [u(t).u(0)]>, where l is the order of the Legendre polynomial, the dot is the inner product and the average < > is done over the number of monitored species [5]. A remarkable feature of the implementation is the possibility to compute OCF for reactive systems. The implemented algorithm identifies all the monitored species at time zero. If one of the species become a reactive site (from having accepted an atomic species), such site (formerly Ow and now Ow* ) is discarded. Likewise, if the same site donates the species and becomes a monitored species again, it will be discarded for the whole time interval, as the correlation between u(t) and u(0) is already lost when the monitored species became an reactive site. In this example, we define the settings for OCF as follows:

   legendre_order   2
   u_definition       bond_12-13

The order of the polynomial "l" is set with the legendre_order directive. Although the OCF analysis is often performed by setting l=2, the user is free to select orders between 1 and 4. To define the vector unit u, different geometrical criteria are implemented. The u_definition directive can be set to:

  • bond_12: the unit vector between atoms 1 and 2 of the monitored species. This is the only option for diatomic molecules.
  • bond_13: the unit vector between atoms 1 and 3 of the monitored species.
  • plane: the unit vector from the cross product between vector_12 and vector_13.
  • bond_123: the unit vector from the sum of vector_12 and vector_13.
  • bond_12-13: the unit vector_12 and vector_13 are evaluated together within the average.

It is users responsibility to test all these possible settings for the interpretation of the computed OCF. IMPORTANT: For monitored species with more than 2 atoms we do not recommend the use of options bond_12, bond_13 and plane.

Activation of the &ocf block generates the OCF_AVG file with the computed average (AVG) and standard deviation (STD) as a function of time, in this case 10 ps long, according to the specification of the &data_analysis block. By setting the print_all_intervals directive to .True. inside this block, the computed correlation for all the 10 ps segments will be printed to the OCF_ALL file.

Tracking non-reactive species (unchanged chemistry)

In addition to the tracking of the changing chemical species, the user can also choose to track atomic sites that do not change their chemistry. This can be important to compare how the location of reactive and non-reactive sites are distributed along the trajectory. The block must be defined as follows:

    number    4
    tag       Sch
    list_indexes     133    134    135     136

The first directive must be number, which indicates how many sites the user wants to track. A maximum of 10 sites are allowed. The directive tag specifies the atomic species to be tracked. Finally, the user must define the 4 atomic indexes with the indexes directive. In case that the declared indexes do not correspond to the defined tag, the code will abort the execution. The positions of the tracked indexes are printed to the UNCHANGED_CHEMISTRY file.
In the hypothetical scenario the users aims to track Ow atoms for this example, the code would track the Ow species as long as they do not change their chemistry. If the chemistry changes, results would be printed up to the frame where the change has occurred.

Spatial probability distribution of selected species

For anisotropic models such as membranes or layered materials it might be convenient to compute the probability distribution of selected species along a particular coordinate (x, y or z). This information can be important to identify the role of confinement for example. To compute this quantity, we define the following block for this particular example:

    species         Ow
    coordinate    z
    delta   0.1   Angstrom

In this case ALC_TRAJECTORY will compute the probability distribution of all Ow species (directive species) along the z coordinate (directive coordinate), which is the coordinate perpendicular to the Nafion backbone membrane. The discretization for the z coordinate is defined with the delta directive, set to 0.1 Angstrom in this case. Results are printed to the COORD_DISTRIBUTION file.

Computing the probability distribution for the shortest distance between defined species

To withdraw further information about the interactions between species, ALC_TRAJECTORY offers the possibility to compute the probability distribution for the distance between reference species and nearest neighbour species selected by the user. To compute this quantity, the user must define the following block with directives:

   reference_species     Ow
   nn_species        4 Ow Ow* Och Och*
   lower_bound     2.3 Angstrom
   upper_bound     3.0 Angstrom
   dr     0.01 Angstrom

For this block the user must define the reference_species using the tag for the species under consideration. In this example, the reference tag is set to Ow. The nn_species directive refer for all the species for which the algorithm will search as nearest neighbours to each reference_species. One must first specify the number of species and the list of atomic tags to be considered. We remind that the asterix is used to identify a relevant atomic tag that has become part of a new chemical species from the definition of the &search_chemistry block. Here the tag Ow* corresponds to the hydronium oxygen. The specification for the rest for the remaining directives define the distance range and the discretization to generate the probability distribution. Results are printed to the SELECTED_NN_DISTANCES file.

Orientational chemistry

In addition to the orientational correlation functions for the monitored species, for reactive systems it is also possible to compute the orientional anisotropy related to the changing species. Such information can be related to measured anisotropies of proton complexes. We refer to Refs. [6] and [7] for a detailed explanation of these quantities. The orientational correlation function for the changing chemical species is computed using the following block:

   variable      special_pair

The variable directive specifies the variable that determines the orientation of each reactive species, which is defined the position of the reference tag and its neighbours. In this case, we instruct the code to use the "special pair", defined as the closest acceptor(donor) to the donor(acceptor) taking the reference atomic species (either Ow* or Och*) and the closest oxygen neighbour (either Ow or Och). The other implemented option for variable is "acceptor_donor_tranfer_couple", defined as pair between the reference atom of the atomic species and the neighbouring oxygen that will be part of the changing chemical species. We refer the reader to Ref. [7] for a detailed description of this quantities.

In contrast to the &ocf block where we offer the choice of several orders for the Legendre polynomail, here we have restricted the computation of this quantity using the second-order. Thus, there is no possibility to define the order of the Legendre polynomial here.
This block generates the CHEM_OCF_AVG file with the computed average (AVG) and standard deviation (STD) as a function of time, in this case 10 ps long, according to the specification of the &data_analysis block. The user could set the print_all_intervals directive to .True. inside this block, and the computed correlation for all the 10 ps segments will be printed to the CHEM_OCF_ALL file.

Constraining the analysis to a selected region

ALC_TRAJECTORY also offers the possibility to compute quantities for a particular region of the simulation cell. If this block is omitted, the whole simulation cell is considered. Only rectangular regions within the simulation cell are allowed. To set a region, the user must set the &region block:

   Delta_x      -1.6    11.6    inside
   Delta_y      -1.0    14.0   inside
   Delta_z       8.0    12.0   outside

The choice of the settings for Delta_x, Delta_y and Delta_x is subject to the dimensions of the simulation cell. The first and second values are the minimum and maximum values for the domain along the corresponding coordinate in units of Angstrom. The third argument indicates if the region of interest for analysis are within (inside) or outside the given range. By comparison with the definition of the simulation_cell block above, we realise that Delta_x and Delta_y are redundant for this case, and they can be omitted. In fact, when the Delta setting is omitted, ALC_TRAJECTORY will use the whole spatial domain of the simulation cell for that coordinate. In this example, the analysis is focused on the interface regions (up and down) near the SO3- groups. The central region between 8 and 12 Angstrom is not considered. If any of the defined settings is not consistent with the simulation cell (for example, replacing inside by outside in the specification of the Delta_x directive), the code will abort the execution. The user can double check the definition of the region in the generated OUTPUT file. Finally, multiple definitions for Delta_x, Delta_y and Delta_z are allowed.

IMPORTANT: the &region block affects the computation of:

  • TCF: Transfer Correlation Function
  • SPCF: Special Pair Correlation Function
  • OCF: Orientational Correlation Function
  • CHEM_OCF: OCF for the changing chemical species
  • RDF: Radial Distribution Function
  • MSD: Mean Square Displacement
  • shortest pair: probability distribution for the shortest distance between defined species
  • Intramolecular parameters: probability distribution for intramolecular angles and distances
  • Intermolecular parameters: probability distribution for intermolecular angles and distances

It is user's responsability to set a correct and meaningful region where to constrain the analysis. Of course, this depends on the type of analysis and the system under consideration.