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Ben's orbit

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Author: Ben Harries

Adapted from Orbits by Santiago Fiorino

Licence: Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike

Methods and Parameters in my sketch 'Orbits'

(my original code began with one class already for just the 'Planet's I went on to make the whole 'Solar' system a class)

In my class Solar

  • constructor: It takes the parameters width, height, traceOrbit, traceOrbit2 and rSun with their respective values as defaults to be referenced by the methods below. It then sets up 3 arrays (planets, planetsB and planets T) for the object (in this case 'solar') which will contain the planets which are created by the user.

  • setup: Takes no arguments and defines the starting environment:

    • A canvas of width and height 500
    • An optional graphic/texture of the same dimension
    • A first 'Planet object 'planet'' which has parameters of colour: "red", radius: 40, speed: 0.002
  • draw: is a method that performs all the displaying of the solar system as well as the 'noise' that is on top of the canvas (it may take the parameter g in which case it draws onto the graphic/texture called g instead of the canvas). This draw is called by the function draw in main.js so that when draw is constantly rendering my draw in the class solar is always being called.

  • printTrace: Takes no arguments and creates the 'orbit ring'

  • reset: Takes no arguments and makes the array 'planets' for that solar system back to empty therefore deleting all planets that were previously in it

  • makeNoise: Takes no arguments and makes the sytle of the sketch have an old feel to it by putting lots of small white and grey particles over the canvas

  • newPlanet: retrieves via getElementbyId('colour') ... /('radius') the value of form control labelled in the sketch as 'Colour' and 'Radius' respectively and sets them to planet_colour and planet_radius respectively. It then makes a new Planet with these as two of the parameters. This Planet is my next class The other parameters are speed (set elsewhere as a value between 0.0004 and 0.0007) and x and y both set to 0.

  • printHalfSun: Takes the argument top in which case and makes a black arc as one half of the sun at the top. Else it makes a black arc at the bottom of the sun

In class Planet

  • constructor: takes the parameter x, y, radius, speed, colour which are the x and y coordiates, the speed and colour of the planet object defined by the class Planet

  • getColour and setColour: defines my computed property 'colour' and then allows planet.colour to have this colour. Checks this is right kind of property.

  • getRadius and setRadius: " " " " 'radius' and then allows planet.radius to have this radius. Checks this is right kind of property.

  • getSpeed and setSpeed: " " " " 'speed' and then allows planet.speed to have this speed. Checks this is right kind of property.

(property returned by get... and becomes argument for set...)

  • setChords: gives the coordinates for every planet in the Solar system and is called by draw. It takes the parameters (millis, rOrbit, rOrbit2).

  • display: global method that is the most important as it creates the actual circle with the right this.colour from the constructor

  • overLapping: checks whether there are two Planets overlapping and send them to a different array so they swapp arrangements

Explanation of Example

Check the explanatory gif