The minimum edit distance is a possibility to measure the similarity of two strings w and u by counting costs of operations which are necessary to transform w into u (or vice versa).
A common distance measure is given by the Levenshtein distance, which allows the following three transformation operations:
- Insertion (ε→x) of a single symbol x with cost 1,
- Deletion (x→ε) of a single symbol x with cost 1, and
- Substitution (x→y) of two single symbols x, y with cost 1 if x≠y and with cost 0 otherwise.
When transforming a string by a sequence of operations, the costs of the single operations are added to obtain the (minimal) edit distance. For example, the string Door can be transformed by the operations o→l, r→l, ε→s to the string Dolls, which results in a minimum edit distance of 3.
To avoid exponential time complexity, the minimum edit distance of two strings in the usual is computed using dynamic programming. For this in a matrix
var matrix = [[Int]](repeating: [Int](repeating: 0, count: n + 1), count: m + 1)
already computed minimal edit distances of prefixes of w and u (of length m and n, respectively) are used to fill the matrix. In a first step the matrix is initialized by filling the first row and the first column as follows:
// initialize matrix
for index in 1...m {
// the distance of any first string to an empty second string
matrix[index][0] = index
for index in 1...n {
// the distance of any second string to an empty first string
matrix[0][index] = index
Then in each cell the minimum of the cost of insertion, deletion, or substitution added to the already computed costs in the corresponding cells is chosen. In this way the matrix is filled iteratively:
// compute Levenshtein distance
for (i, selfChar) in self.characters.enumerated() {
for (j, otherChar) in other.characters.enumerated() {
if otherChar == selfChar {
// substitution of equal symbols with cost 0
matrix[i + 1][j + 1] = matrix[i][j]
} else {
// minimum of the cost of insertion, deletion, or substitution
// added to the already computed costs in the corresponding cells
matrix[i + 1][j + 1] = Swift.min(matrix[i][j] + 1, matrix[i + 1][j] + 1, matrix[i][j + 1] + 1)
After applying this algorithm, the minimal edit distance can be read from the rightmost bottom cell and is returned.
return matrix[m][n]
This algorithm has a time complexity of Θ(mn).
TODO: Other distance measures.
Written for Swift Algorithm Club by Luisa Herrmann