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Implementing Erlang's behaviours without using lightweight processes

The other week I made the claim that the big idea in Erlang isn't lightweight processes and message passing but rather its behaviours1.

In short: Erlang's six behaviours, gen_server, gen_statem, gen_event, supervisor, application and release, are building blocks for reliable distributed systems. They abstract away the repetitive, difficult, low-level and concurrent details, and let the user focus on the semantics of their problem.

In Joe Armstrong's own words: "Behaviors in Erlang can be thought of as parameterizable higher-order parallel processes. They represent an extension of conventional higher-order functions (like map, fold etc) into a concurrent domain."

Many comments, including one from Robert Virding2, basically claim that one needs lightweight processes and message passing in order to implement behaviours.

Conceptually lightweight processes and message passing came before behaviours after all, as Robert points out.

I can imagine that perhaps Erlang's concurrency model makes it easier to implement behaviours.

But I don't think we can draw the conclusion that they are therefore needed for implementing behaviours (maybe they were needed in the special case of how Erlang evolved, but that's not my point, I'm talking about in general).

My intuition is: there are other ways of doing concurrency than lightweight processes and message passing, a popular one is event-driven programming and perhaps it make sense to implement behaviours in that setting as well.

My goal isn't to reimplement OTP, merely understand the fundamental ideas behind behaviours, so that we can build and improve upon them (outside of Erlang/OTP).

I think this is important because the understanding of behaviour isn't well established, unlike the idea of lightwight process and message passing.

Leading to people stealing lightweight processes and message passing, while failing to copy behaviours -- which, from my understanding of Joe's thesis, are the key ingredients in being able to write reliable systems3.

Lightweight processes and message passing

Let's start off by defining what we mean by lightweight processes and message passing.

To really understand a concept one needs to understand the context in which it was conceived.

When Joe Armstrong interviewed Alan Kay in 2017, Joe explained how Erlang came to be.

Joe says in the mid 1980s he was trying to improve the state of programming telephony. This was before internet, but the telephone system had "services" and "features" so I suppose in a sense he was interested in improving what what we'd today call "backend development".

At Ericsson, where he was working, they already had a proprietary programming language called PLEX which they used to program telephony. PLEX, which first appeared in the 70s, and the telephone hardware switches were a heavy influence on Erlang:

  1. Process and their isolation from each other;
  2. Signals and ability to wait for them, i.e. message passing;
  3. Hot code swapping.

So the early inspiration for Erlang was to be a better version of PLEX and run on ordinary hardware.

I suppose when Joe was looking around for programming languages that might fit the bill, he found Alan et al's Smalltalk.

Alan said that the big idea in Smalltalk is message passing after all.

Alan, who did a BSc in mathematics and molecular biology, said:

I thought of objects being like biological cells and/or individual computers on a network, only able to communicate with messages (so messaging came at the very beginning -- it took a while to see how to do messaging in a programming language efficiently enough to be useful).

(Smalltalk was also influenced by Simula, but I don't know anything about Simula so I won't go further down the rabbit hole at this point. I'd like to understand Simula better because apparently it was designed to enable continuous and discrete-event simulation which is related to the kind of testing that I care about.)

The problem was that when Joe was playing around with Smalltalk on his Sun workstation, and it was so slow that he'd go for a coffee break while it was garbage collecting.

Joe even ordered the first Tektronix Smalltalk Workstation in hope of it making things faster.

Parallel to the Smalltalk experiments Joe was also developing an algebra for telephony (i.e. a domain specific language using mathematical notation).

While Joe was waiting for his Smalltalk machine to arrive, he got chatting with a guy called Roger Skagervall and showed him his algebra, Roger asked Joe if he had seen Prolog. Joe had not, so Roger pulled him into his office and showed him how to implement his algebra in Prolog.

The (probably quite expensive) Smalltalk machine arrived, but Joe didn't even plug it in...

And that's the story of how Erlang started, Joe implemented his ideas on how to improve PLEX in Prolog.

Kerstin Ödling, one of the first Erlang user, wanted to program the MD110 telephone switch.

She was using fishbone diagrams (finite state machine without cycles) like these4 to describe telephony services (I'm imagining these being something like telephone APIs):

Kerstin's fishbone diagrams

I suppose they didn't have cycles, if you wanted to "go back" you'd simply hang up and call again.

Here's the direct translation of her diagram into Joe's telephony algebra written in Prolog:

Kerstin's fishbone diagram in the Prolog library version of Erlang:

The diagrams describe one "session", there were hundreds of thousands of these happening in parallel.

These messages are sent between "processes", or lightweight threads (as opposed to heavyweight OS-level threads). The processes are isolated, in that if one fails somehow it shouldn't affect the other processes.

Not sharing memory and therefor not be able to corrupt each others memory. This implies no global variables.

But also not be able to hog all CPU in case the process starts doing something that takes a very long time or ends up getting stuck in an infinite loop.

That's why Erlang has pre-emptive scheduling, a process will be run until it gets stuck, waiting for a message or I/O, or it reaches some max running time, at which point it will be switched out by the scheduler and another process will be allowed to run. Hence even if a process is stuck in an infinite loop, it will not cause any other process to be stuck.

Given Erlang's use case at Ericsson, how Ericsson's hardware already had process isolation, and Joe's background in physics it seems quite natural to opt for the lightweight process and message passing approach.

Having explained what lightweight processes and message passing is in Erlang, lets just note that similar concepts in other languages: Scala's Akka, Go channels, Microsoft's virtual actors, "Cloud Haskell", Rust, the actor model...

While there are technical differences between all these implementations, for the purpose of this article we shall group them all together and say that they are implementations of lightweight processes and message passing.

Generic server

Now that we know how Erlang got its lightweight processes and message passing, lets implement behaviours without them.

Let's start with the perhaps most useful worker behaviour, gen_server. We said in the previous post that behaviours are interfaces, so lets define that first.

I'll use pseudo code in order to try to be accessible to the wider community. This pseudo language might have some features that your favorite language doesn't have, but don't dispair I'll try to provide workarounds in the footnotes.

interface GenServer parametrised by the types for state, input and output and requiring the functions:

  • Step that takes an input and the current state and returns the updated state and an output;
  • Init that returns the initial state;
  • Terminate which takes the current state and returns nothing.

So the user must implement these three (sequential) functions in order to get a concurrent server. The concurrent code is written against (or parametrised by) this interface and will work for any instance of this interface.

Let's implement a counter as an example. The counter has an integer as its state and it can be incremented, its current value can be read, or it can be reset:

data type State is an Integer. data type Input is an enum with the tags Increment, Read and Reset.

The output of the counter when incrementing and resetting is an acknowledgement while reading the current value returns an integer.

data type Output is a tagged union5 with the tags Ack and Value where Value has an Integer parameter.

The implementation of the Step function is a completely sequential program:

function Step from input and state is defined by case analysis on input:

  • if Increment, then the new state is the old state + 1 and the output is Ack;
  • if Read, then the new state is the old state and the output is Value with the old state as parameter;
  • if Reset, then check what the current state is: if it's 0 then crash (deliberate bug), otherwise the new state is 0 and the output is Ack.

We initialise our counter as follows:

function Init checks if an previous state of the counter has been saved to the disk. If that's the case then use the saved value as the intial state otherwise start with 0.

Lastly we terminate our counter as follows:

function Terminate takes the current state and saves it to disk.

The three functions, Step, Init and Terminate, together implement the GenServer interface.

Using the Step function we can define a Run function which takes an intial state and a asequence of Inputs , it applies the Step function to the first input and the initial state, takes the resulting state and Steps the second input with it and so on, until it reaches the last input then it returns the Output.

Using the Run function we can write some unit tests:

Run applied to the inital state 0 and the sequence of Inputs:

  • [Increment, Increment, Read] should return Value 2;
  • [Increment, Increment] should return Ack;
  • [Increment, Reset, Read] should return Value 0;
  • [Reset, Reset, Read] should crash (because of our deliberate bug in Step).

The concurrent infrastructure for a single generic server

Before we make things more complicated by introducing other behaviours than gen_server, lets see how we can get the concurrent server from merely using our sequential GenServer interface.

Lets introduce a new data type which packs up a few more pieces that we need:

data type SomeServer is a struct with the fields:

  • name of type String;
  • server of type GenServer where the type parameters state, input, and output have been existenially quantified6;
  • state of type state.
  • decode of partial function type ByteString to input;
  • encode of function type output to ByteString.

function EventLoop is parametrised by someServer of type SomeServer and is defined in steps:

  1. Create a concurrent queue of Events;
  2. Fork off a new worker (heavyweight) thread with the someServer and the queue;
  3. Start a server with the queue.

data type Event is a tagged union with the tags:

  • Input with a ByteString parameter and a incoming Socket parameter;
  • Exit.

The server accepts new connections concurrently, reads the incoming request as a ByteString and enqueues an Input to the concurrent queue together with the Socket of the client that made the request.

Have we not just moved the problem of needing lightweight processes from our GenServer implementation to the concurrent EventLoop?

Using one lightweight process (or thread) per client is one way of implementing the concurrent server, but we can also use a small fixed number of (heavyweight OS-level) threads and a thread pool, or a single thread and do I/O multiplexing.

The worker thread reads from the queue, if it sees an Input event it tries to decodes the ByteString, if decoding fails we move on, if it succeeds we feed the input to the Step function of the server together with the current state. The state field gets updated with the new state and the output gets encoded into a BytesString and sent back to the client via the Socket.

  • XXX: Example interaction with our gen server

definition SomeCounter ... function Main ...

Hopefully by now I've managed to convince you that we can, at least, implement the gen_server behaviour without using lightweight processes or message passing.

  • The key idea is that the concurrent queue serialises the concurrent requests, so that a single thread can apply the requests one by one in a sequential fashion, similar to how we implemented Run.

  • Already useful: separates concurrent networking code from the sequential "business logic"

  • event loop (or game loop), event-driven program, reactor pattern are all different names for the same well known alternatives to lightweight processes/threads

  • One write thread, sqlite

  • Timeouts, schedule timer event to yourself, event loop takes care of this

  • All in-memory, power loss = data loss, command sourcing or async writing to disk


Next lets have a look at how we can add supervisors.

data type Supervisor is a recursive tagged union with the tags:

  • Leaf with a SomeServer parameter (or more generally any worker behaviour);
  • Node with a RestartStrategy parameter and a List of child Supervisors parameter.

data type RestartStrategy is an enum with the tags OneForOne and OneForAll.

definition SupervisorExample is of type Supervisor and is a Ǹode with the restart strategy OneForOne and the children:

  • Leaf with a SomeCounter;
  • Leaf with a SomeCounter.

function Restart takes the name (of type String) of the SomeServer which failed and a Supervisor tree and returns a Supervisor tree. It's defined in steps:

  1. Traverse the supervisor tree and find the Leaf which has a SomeServer with matching name, lets calls this SomeServer failedServer;
  2. Go up the tree one step in the tree to find the supervisor Node and its RestartStrategy, lets call this Node supervisorOfFailed;
  3. By case analysis on the RestartStrategy: - If OneForOne then Terminate and Init failedServer; - If OneForAll then traverse the list of child supervisor trees of supervisorOfFailed in depth-first fashion and Terminate all SomeServers, then do another traversal and Init all of them again.

The concurrent infrastructure for supervisor trees

Since our plan is to be able to deploy several SomeServers arranged in a Supervisor tree, we need to change the event data type to also include the name of which SomeServer the Input is for.

data type EventSup is a tagged union with the tags:

  • Input with a name of type String, a ByteString parameter and a incoming Socket parameter;
  • Exit.

The event loop for supervisor trees looks the same as before except it's now parametrised by a supervisor tree rather than just a single SomeServer.

function EventLoopSup is parametrised by sup of type Supervisor and is defined in steps:

  1. Create a concurrent queue of EventSups;
  2. Fork off a new worker thread with the sup and the queue;
  3. Start a server with the queue.

The difference is in the worker thread. As before it reads from the queue, if it sees an Input event it tries to decodes the ByteString, if decoding fails we move on, if it succeeds we feed the input to the Step function of the server together with the current state. It's this Step function that is the only thing that can fail, so we wrap the call in a try-catch and if it fails we catch the error and call Restart on the supervisor tree with the name of the failing worker.

The state field gets updated with the new state and the output gets encoded into a BytesString and sent back to the client via the Socket.

  • try to Step, if it fails then catch and call Restart

  • What is catchable might vary between programming languages, ideally we want to be able to catch any exception including assertion failures, explicitly signaled errors, undefined or missing functionality, etc.

  • example using SupervisorExample

  • Why is this effective?

  • Save log that lead up to crash for later debugging

  • Frequently restarted processes further down the tree

Generic event manager and performance

  • Concurrent queue = fan-in

  • Event manager = fan-out / broadcast / pubsub

  • In Erlang event manager is a process that gets a message in its mailbox and it copies it to the mailboxes of all subscribers to that message

  • There's a much more efficient way of doing this that doesn't require any copying (assuming that the broadcast is local, i.e. within the node): LMAX disruptor

  • How disruptor works

    • One worker behaviour per CPU core = parallelism, no copying due to disruptor?
    • "multi-cast"
    • batching
    • pipelining
    • sharding
    • Built-in support for back-pressure, unlike in Erlang where you can run out of memory due to the fact that the mailboxes are unbounded
    • Determinstic (unlike lightweight processes, well there's PULSE, OCaml's eio and Java's project Loom has deterministic scheduling I think)

Martin Thompson is perhaps best known for introducing the concept of mechanical sympathy in the context of computers.

The term was originally coined by the racing driver Jackie "Flying Scot" Stewart, who said:

You don't have to be an engineer to be be a racing driver, but you do have to have Mechanical Sympathy.

What he meant was that understanding how the car works makes you a better driver. Martin makes the analogous claim that knowing how modern CPUs work will make you a better programmer.

Martin has given several full talks on the topic, so I'll not attempt to repeat all that here

In a talk at Functional Conf 2017, Martin Thompson said:

"If there's one thing I'd say to the Erlang folks, it's you got the stuff right from a high-level, but you need to invest in your messaging infrastructure so it's super fast, super efficient and obeys all the right properties to let this stuff work really well."

  • Multicore OCaml's eio
    • determinism
    • io_uring
  • TigerBeetleDB's event loop
    • also determinism and io_uring

Application and release

Recall that an application is a supervisor tree together with whatever else the application needs that is not the code itself, e.g. graphical assets, configuration files, etc.

  • Supervisor trees have a start up order.

The final behaviour release is one or more applications together with a way of upgrading from the currently running release and a way of rolling back in case the upgrade fails.

But they do provide structure in areas where most programming languages don't give you anything: reconfiguration, deployment and upgrades.

Joe has talked how modules can evolve over time, how git is useless... while this isn't part of Erlang's releases, it could still be interesting to ponder.

  • release?
    • upgrades
      • versioning messages and always supporting previous version?
    • configuration
    • overcoming "container and yaml hell"?
    • hot code swapping
    • ssh access to remote machines in case of multi node deployment?

The last two behaviours application and release clearly don't have anything to do with lightweigt processes and message passing.

  • packaging, dependency management, dependency hell, nix...

Summary and contributing

  • Hopefully it's clear by now that gen_server, gen_event and supervisor don't have to be implemented using lightweight processes and message passing.

  • In fact implementing it the way outlined above might even have performance benefits (benchmarks?)

  • Many things missing. Far from reimplementing OTP, but that's not the point. I want to understand the ideas behind OTP so that we one day can implement something better!

    • supervisors themselves failing
    • remote supervisors
  • Performance penalty of having a try-catch around Step? Is there something clever in the BEAM for how a linked process that dies sends it exception to its supervisor?
  • If one worker behaviour per CPU/core then how does supervision work? Links?

  • remote supervisors, how is this implemented in Erlang actually? What happens if nodes get partitioned? Heartbeats?

  • pre-emptive? Less important when we are not spawning processes left and right? One worker per CPU/core.

  • Erlang supports upgrading/hot code swapping a behaviour while it's running, but what about upgrading clustered Erlang nodes without downtime?

  • What about the original problem of many concurrent state machines?

See also


  1. Technically behaviours are part of the Open Telecom Platform (OTP). According to Wikipedia "the term Erlang is used interchangeably with Erlang/OTP", so we'll just say Erlang.

  2. One of the original designers and implementors of Erlang, as well as one of the "actors" in Erlang the movie.

  3. In fact I think many languages and libraries have been blinded by thinking that lightweight threads have to be part of the solution in order to achieve Erlang's robustness.

    The example I'm most familiar with is "Cloud Haskell".

  4. Kerstin's fishbone diagams and Prolog implementation are taken from the following talk (18:00) by Joe.

  5. Or enums and structs and potentially union types if your language of choice doesn't have sum types.

  6. If your language of choice doesn't support existential types, then you got the choice of being less generic or less well-typed. One way to be less generic is to parametrise the supervisor type by the parameters of the generic server, but that means that all your generic servers will have to have the same parameters. Or you can be less well-typed by removing the parameters from GenServer and simply use some generic but fixed type, like type type of JSON objects.