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Meta-level run-time services for Unix processes... a.k.a. dragging Unix into the 1980s


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liballocs is a run-time library and toolchain extension which extends Unix-like operating systems (currently GNU/Linux) with a rich run-time reflective model.

If you want to try it, here's how to run a simple demo in a container:

$ git clone
$ docker build -t liballocs_built liballocs/buildtest/debian-stretch
$ DOCKER_RUN_ARGS="--security-opt apparmor=unconfined --security-opt seccomp=unconfined"
$ docker run ${DOCKER_RUN_ARGS} --rm -i -t --name liballocs_test liballocs_built bash
$ export PATH=/usr/local/src/liballocs/tools/lang/c/bin:$PATH
$ cat >test.c <<EOF
  #include <allocs.h>
  #include <stdio.h>
  int main(int argc, char **argv)
    void *p = malloc(42 * sizeof(int));
    void *ptrs[] = { main, p, &p, argv, NULL };
    for (void **x = &ptrs[0]; *x; ++x)
      printf("At %p is a %s-allocated object of size %u, type %s\n",
        (unsigned) alloc_get_size(*x),
    return 0;
$ allocscc -I/usr/local/src/liballocs/include -o test test.c
$ LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/src/liballocs/lib/ ./test

You should see something like the following. This is just a simple demo of how liballocs knows what is in memory, having precise dynamic information and an awareness of allocators (there are four different allocators visible in this example).

At 0x55d223c01436 is a static-allocated object of size 0, type __FUN_FROM___ARG0_int$32__ARG1___PTR___PTR_signed_char$8__FUN_TO_int$32
At 0x55d2259235c0 is a __default_lib_malloc-allocated object of size 176, type __ARR0_int$32
At 0x7ffe4e3692c8 is a stackframe-allocated object of size 128, type $2e$2ftest$2ecil$2ecmain_vaddrs_0x1436_0x154d
At 0x7ffe4e369418 is a auxv-allocated object of size 16, type __ARR2___PTR_signed_char$8

More generally, liballocs provides the following.

  • run-time type information

    • in a flexible language-agnostic in-memory format
    • derived from DWARF debugging information
  • a run-time model of memory as an allocation hierarchy

    • from memory mappings right down to individual variables, objects and fields
  • a run-time notion of allocator

    • capturing how each piece of memory is allocated and managed
    • at each level in the hierarchy!
  • a reflective meta-level API answering queries about arbitrary memory

    • type, bounds, who allocated it, etc.
    • each allocator can have its own implementation of this
  • a uniform base-level API for manipulating memory allocations

    • at any level in the hierarchy

It does this extension mostly transparently. In particular,

  • most of the time, you don't have to change your code

    • ... or even recompile it!
    • so long as you have debugging information
    • exception: custom allocators (alloca() is supported via compile-time instrumentation; obstacks are WIP)
      • for your own allocators: annotate and relink, but usually no code changes (see Documentation/
  • most of the time, the slowdown is not noticeable

    • slowdowns I've seen are mostly under 5%...
    • ... and these could be reduced further, to near zero (see Documentation/
    • some code patterns do suffer worse slowdowns
      • main one: non-malloc-like custom allocators
  • most of the time, the memory overheads are low

    • I don't currently have precise measurements (soon!)

What's the purpose of all this? Unix abstractions are fairly simple and fairly general, but they are not humane, and they invite fragmentation. By 'not humane', I mean that they are error-prone and difficult to experiment with interactively. By 'fragmentation', I mean they invite building higher-level abstractions in mutually opaque and incompatible ways (think language VMs, file formats, middlewares...). To avoid these, liballocs is a minimal extension of Unix-like abstractions broadly in the spirit of Smalltalk-style dynamism, designed to counter both of these problems. It provides a foundation for features such as:

  • run-time type checking in C, C++ and other unsafe languages
  • type-checked linking, including dynamic linking
  • rich debugging/tracing tools with data visibility (think: better ltrace/strace)
  • high-level I/O abstractions over memory-mapped data (think: realloc() part of a file)
  • multi-language programming without foreign function interfacing APIs
  • flexible "live" programming
  • robust and efficient dynamic software update
  • precise garbage collection across a whole address space
  • efficient and flexible checkpoint/restore
  • seamless debugging across native, interpreted and instrumented code
  • snapshotting and fast startup via allocation-graph dump/reload
  • easy serialization of arbitrary objects
  • fine-grained versioning and adaptation of binary interfaces
  • high-level abstractions for memory-mapped I/O
  • hosting multiple ABIs in one process, interoperably
  • reliable inter-process shared-memory data structures
  • simplifying linking and loading mechanisms
  • recompilation-based dynamic optimisation of whole processes
  • robust object-level copy-on-write (+ tools based on it)
  • robust shadow memory (+ tools based on it)
  • orthogonal persistence
  • image-based development (Smalltalk-style or otherwise)
  • your idea here!

What's novel? Although the run-time facilities of liballocs are (I contend) richer than what has existed before in any Unix-like system, you might counter that many of the above goals have apparently been achieved, at least as far as proof-of-concept, by earlier research or development prototypes. This has been through heroic efforts of many people... but evidently these efforts have not "stuck" in the sense of becoming part of the fabric of a commodity distribution. When this phenomenon repeats itself, it becomes a research problem to itself -- not simply a matter of tech transfer or follow-through. Many of the resulting prototypes lack features required for real-world use -- awareness of custom memory allocators is a common lack -- and generally they are realised in mutually incompatible ways, for want of the right abstractions.

To borrow Greenspun's tenth rule, this is because each of these earlier prototypes contains an ad-hoc, bug-ridden and slow implementation of a small fraction of liballocs. The goal of liballocs is to offer a flexible, pluralist structure for growing these features on -- in a way that transparently adds thse capabilities to existing codebases, rather than requiring up-front "buy-in". It's not a framework; you don't usually write code against its API, or port your code to it. Instead, it extends the fabric which already builds and runs your code. The research programme around liballocs is working towards demonstrating the practicality of this approach, by building instances of several of the above systems/services, at modest effort and capable of co-existence.

One idea behind liballocs is to adopt some of the same design heuristics to which Unix owes its success: minimalism, flexibility and pluralism. Instead of a defining a single "virtual machine" from the top down, it permits many possible realisations of the same or similar abstractions. Unix's free-form byte-oriented facilities allow many higher-level semantic constructs to coexist (programming languages, structured data, network protocols and so on). Unlike Unix, liballocs also tries fairly hard to recognise and reconcile these duplicates after the fact. That requires a metasystem that is descriptive rather than prescriptive. A few abstractions (allocators, 'types' as data layout descriptions, and interpreters) allow reconciling commonalities across many distinct pre-existing concretions: ways in which can be managed, data be organised, and meanings interpreted. These core abstractions form a platform for higher-level services that can be made to operate across multiple ABIs, language runtimes, libraries, coding styles and so on.

There is both a toolchain component and a run-time component. The run-time is what actually offers the services, and is in this repository. For this to work reliably, compilation toolchains must be lightly subverted, but this mostly occurs below the level of user code -- at link time, by influencing compiler options, and sometimes by light instrumentation; the basics of this are found in the toolsub repository, which is usable independently of liballocs. Similarly, a minimal core runtime, which reflects roughly at the ELF level, but does not know about allocators or types, is in the librunt repository, and liballocs directly extends it.

You can read more about the system in a research paper from Onward! 2015 which explains how liballocs generalises existing debugging infrastructure, the contrast with VM-style debug servers, and the Unix-style descriptive debugging which liballocs adopts and extends. The polyglot aspects of liballocs were discussed in my talk at Strange Loop 2014 Another paper is rather overdue, to describe the more mature architecture that now exists.

For full disclosure, here are some additional current limitations that will eventually go away.

  • works on GNU/Linux only (some FreeBSD code exists...)
  • when code does need to be recompiled, the toolchain is a bit slow
  • it is a little fragile to churn (e.g. glibc or Linux kernel changes can break it)
  • reflection is only as good as the available debugging information (or other ground-truth metadata). So, for example, if you want to find out where all the pointers are on your stack, you need the compiler's help -- and today's compilers only keep a very partial record of this. Similarly, if you want to reflect on C preprocessor macros, you'll need some source of that metadata, which standard debuginfo builds usually omit.

To build this software on a Debian-based GNU/Linux distribution, please see the .circleci/ and buildtest/ directories. The former shows the actively tested build recipe, and the latter has a number of Dockerfiles for doing testable, (mostly) reproducible builds from a bare-bones start on the given distributions. You should be able to adapt the RUN commands fairly easily to do your build. If you find any problems doing these builds ("docker build buildtest/xxx") please report them. If there is no buildtest Dockerfile for your distribution, pick the "closest" one but then you'll need to figure out any necessary changes for yourself. Ideally, please contribute a Dockerfile once you've done this. Thanks to Manuel Rigger for contributing the initial Ubuntu 18.04 one.

Note also there are submodules at many levels in this git repo, including nested submodules. You pull naturally end up pulling them all if you follow one of the buildtest recipes or the instructions below. The following diagram shows the structure (generated by this script; view the SVG proper for useful mouseover labels explaining what each subrepo contains).

Diagram of liballocs's depended-on subrepositories

Generic download-and-build instructions for Debian platforms look something like the following.

$ sudo apt-get install libelf-dev libdw-dev binutils-dev \
    autoconf automake libtool pkg-config autoconf-archive \
    g++ ocaml ocamlbuild ocaml-findlib \
    default-jre-headless python3 python \
    make git gawk gdb wget \
    libunwind-dev libc6-dev-i386 zlib1g-dev libc6-dbg \
    libboost-{iostreams,regex,serialization,filesystem}-dev && \
git clone && \
cd liballocs && \
git submodule update --init --recursive && \
make -C contrib -j4 && \
./ && \
. contrib/ && \
./configure && \
make -j4

... where you should tune "-j4" according to your needs. After building, you will also want to set up space to hold metadata files, and build the metadata for your C library binary. (This is slow because libdwarf calls malloc() far, far too often.)

$ cd ..
$ export LIBALLOCS=`pwd`/liballocs
$ sudo mkdir /usr/lib/meta # metadata will live here
$ sudo chown root:staff /usr/lib/meta
$ sudo chmod g+w /usr/lib/meta
$ make -f "$LIBALLOCS"/tools/Makefile.meta \
  /usr/lib/meta$( readlink -f /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ )

If you've got this far, you may as well run the tests.

$ cd liballocs/tests
$ make                        # please report failures