QueryPulse is a golang database driver that provides a callback so you can easily log database queries, their arguments and how long they took.
When working with databases it can be tricky to understand when queries are slow. Sometimes queries are fast for some inputs and not others. By logging slow queries you can easily find examples of queries to optimise.
- Log all queries
- Configure your own logging function
- Only log slow queries
- Format how you like it
- Supports all database drivers. PostgreSQL, MySQL SQLite etc.
- Supports jmoiron/sqlx. See demo.
go get github.com/stephennancekivell/querypulse
// Register the QueryPulse driver wrapping your other driver.
driverName, err := querypulse.Register(
"postgres", // wrap the postgres driver
// Provide an OnSuccess function to print all queries
OnSuccess: func(query string, args []any, duration time.Duration) {
fmt.Printf("OnSuccess: %v %v %v\n", query, args, duration)
// connect to the database using the driver like normal.
db, err := sql.Open(driverName, connStr)
// execute queries just an you normally would with the *sql.DB interface
rows, err := db.Query("select $1", 100)
OnSuccess: select $1 [100] 135.176µs
// Create a logger using slog.
jsonlog := slog.New(slog.NewJSONHandler(os.Stdout, nil))
slogDriver, err := qslog.Register("postgres", jsonlog)
slogDb, err := sql.Open(slogDriver, connStr)
if err != nil {
rows, err = slogDb.Query("select $1", 300)
"time": "2023-08-25T13:24:16.210197191+10:00",
"level": "INFO",
"msg": "query success",
"query": "select $1",
"args": [300],
"took_ms": 77027
This code was heavily inspired by zipkin-go-sql. Thanks to the maintainers for the great example.