A REST endpoint that return the sum of a list of numbers e.g. [1, 2, 3] => 1+2+3 = 6.
The request should be made by POST, and send a JSON object containing the list.
Request (POST):
{"numbers_to_add": [1, 2, 3}
"total": 6
This program is not designed to deal with complex or Python Decimal numbers. The precisions IEEE floats has not been evaluated. Django places a limit on the size of POST string, this has been manually increased in the settings file.
Instructions to clone and run the project from your local machine.
Extract zip
git clone git@github.com:stephenmullens/dlg.git
cd dlg
pipenv install
pipenv shell
cd dlg
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver
Open your web browser to:
- Python follows the PEP8 standard.
- Linting with flake8
To run automated tests, cd into the dlg directory and run:
python manage.py test
This will execute all integration & unit tests and verify operation of the project.
A number of integration tests have been created which:
- test a variety of both valid and invalid lists.
- verify that failing to include the correct dict key gives an error.
- verify GET responds with an appropriate error.
- verify that failing to send a list gives an error.
These tests are not exhaustive, and more thought needs to be placed on edge cases.
The clean_number_list function was created and is being unit tested.
- verify that "good" lists are correctly cleaned.
- verify that "bad" lists return False.