📦 Packer templates for building Proxmox KVM images from ISO
- use the latest tagged version which has been tested more thoroughly than 'master'
Debian v10 (buster) Packer Template using Packer Proxmox Builder to build a Proxmox VM image template
Ubuntu 18.04 (bionic) Packer Template using Packer Proxmox Builder to build a Proxmox VM image template
OpenBSD 6 Packer Template using Packer Proxmox Builder to build a Proxmox VM image template
Alpine Linux Packer Template using QEMU Builder to build a KVM image usable in Openstack or Proxmox
Alpine Linux Packer Template using Packer Proxmox Builder to build a Proxmox VM image template
- downloads the ISO and places it in Proxmox
- creates a Proxmox VM using Packer
- builds the image using preseed.cfg (Debian/Ubuntu) and Ansible
- stores it as a Proxmox Template
- see README.md for Usage details on each template
The build script which will run the packer template is configured to run on the Proxmox server. Thus the following pre-requisites should be installed on the Proxmox server:
- Ensure that Proxmox 6 is installed
- Set up a DHCP server on
(for exampleisc-dhcp-server
) see section DHCP
printf "Proxmox $(pveversion)\n"
- Install Packer on the Proxmox server
apt -y install unzip
wget https://releases.hashicorp.com/packer/${packer_ver}/packer_${packer_ver}_linux_amd64.zip
sudo unzip packer_${packer_ver}_linux_amd64.zip -d /usr/local/bin
packer --version
- Install Ansible on the Proxmox server
apt -y install python3-pip
pip3 install ansible==2.7.10
pip3 install py-bcrypt
- Install j2cli on the Proxmox server
pip3 install j2cli[yaml]
wget https://github.com/chriswayg/packer-proxmox-templates/archive/v1.5.zip && unzip v1.5.zip && cd packer-proxmox-templates-*
On the Proxmox Server with Packer installed:
cd OSname-xy-amd64-proxmox
# for example
cd debian-10-amd64-proxmox
cd ubuntu-18.04-amd64-proxmox
cd openbsd-6-amd64-proxmox
- edit
, especially the Proxmox URL & ISO download links (for the latest distro version) - edit
, especially the SSH Key & regional repos
../build.sh proxmox
- The template can be checked in the Proxmox GUI while it is being created
- Login using the default username as set in
../build.sh (proxmox|debug [new_VM_ID])
proxmox - Build and create a Proxmox VM template
debug - Debug Mode: Build and create a Proxmox VM template
VM_ID - VM ID for new VM template (or use default from build.conf)
Enter Passwwords when prompted or provide them via ENV variables:
(use a space in front of ' export' to keep passwords out of bash_history)
export proxmox_password=MyLoginPassword
export ssh_password=MyPasswordInVM
The Packer templates have been tested with the following versions of Packer and Ansible. If you use different versions, some details may need to be updated.
printf "$(lsb_release -d) $(cat /etc/debian_version)\n" && \
printf "Proxmox $(pveversion)\n" &&
packer version && \
ansible --version | sed -n '1p' && \
ansible --version | sed -n '6p' && \
j2 --version
Description: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) 10.3
Proxmox pve-manager/6.1-8/806edfe1 (running kernel: 5.3.18-3-pve)
Packer v1.5.5
ansible 2.9.7
python version = 3.7.3 (default, Dec 20 2019, 18:57:59) [GCC 8.3.0]
j2cli 0.3.10, Jinja2 2.11.2
NOTE: For security reasons it would be preferable to build the Proxmox template images on a local Proxmox staging server (for example in a VM) and then to transfer the Proxmox templates using migration onto the live server(s).