IMPORTANT NOTE: filedriller is deprecated and will be EOL'd. Please check out the successor FileTrove and
filedriller walks a directory tree and identifies all regular files by type with siegfried. Furthermore it creates UUIDv4s, hash sums (md5, sha1, sha256, sha512 or blake2b-512) and filedriller can check if the file is in the NSRL.
The NSRL check expects a Redis server that serves NSRL SHA-1 hashes. You can use my docker image
iPres paper 2021: University of Vienna
For issues see the issue tab.
Binary release
Download the file for your platform and execute it on the command line. The executables are named friller.
Note: If the build badge above is green and says passing, it is a good idea to install from source.
From source
go get
Download signature file
friller -download
Optional NSRL:
- docker pull ampoffcom/nslredis:122022 - docker images - docker run -p 6379:6379 $IMAGEID
When you pass the -redisserv flag, friller sends a SHA-1 hash to the specified server.
Fetch the pronom.sig file
friller --download
Without Redis / NSRL
friller --in SOMEDIRECTORY
With Redis / NSRL
friller --in SOMEDIRECTORY --redisserv localhost
With alternate output file
friller --in SOMEDIRECTORY -output foo.csv
asciinema recording:
The output is written to a CSV file. Schema of the file:
Filename, SizeInByte, Registry, PUID, Name, Version, MIME, ByteMatch, IdentificationNote,
Hash Name, UUID, AccessTime, ModTime, ChangeTime, BirthTime inNSRL, Entropy
Usage of ./friller:
--download, -d
Download siegfried's signature file
--entropy, -e
Calculate the entropy of files. Limited to file sizes up to 1GB
--errlog, -w
Error log file (default "errorlogs.txt")
--hash, -h string
The hash algorithm to use: md5, sha1, sha256, sha512, blake2b-512 (default "sha256")
--in, -i string
Root directory to work on
--log, -l string
Log file (default "logs.txt")
--output, -o string
Output file (default "info.csv")
--redisport, -s string
Redis port number for a NSRL database (default "6379")
--redisserv, -p string
Redis server address for a NSRL database
--version, -v
Print version and build info