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test license release

Spin up a local dev environment for Flux with Docker and Kubernetes KIND in under five minutes.

Who is this for?

  • Flux users who want to test Flux configs locally, without having to push changes to a Git repository. Config changes are pushed to a local registry and synced on the cluster by Flux automatically.
  • Flux contributors who want to test their changes to Flux controllers locally, without having to push the container images to an external registry.
  • Flux maintainers who want to test Flux prereleases on various Kubernetes versions and configurations.

How does it work?

This project spins up a Docker Registry container named kind-registry and a Kubernetes Kind cluster named flux under the same Docker network. Then it installs Flux and configures it to upgrade itself from the latest OCI artifact published at Before an upgrade, Flux verifies that the OCI artifacts are signed by the Flux team with Cosign and GitHub OIDC.

Component Role Host
Kubernetes KIND Local cluster Binds to port 80 and 443
Docker Registry Local registry Binds to port 5050
Flux Cluster reconciler -
ingress-nginx Ingress for *.flux.local -
cert-manager Self-signed ingress certs -
metrics-server Container resource metrics -
kube-prometheus-stack Prometheus Operator and Grafana Binds to grafana.flux.local
weave-gitops Flux UI Binds to ui.flux.local
podinfo Demo app Binds to podinfo.flux.local

The Docker registry is exposed on the local machine on localhost:5050 and inside the cluster on kind-registry:5000. The registry servers two purposes:

  • hosts container images e.g. docker push localhost:5050/podinfo:test1
  • hosts OCI artifacts e.g. flux push artifact oci://localhost:5050/podinfo-manifests:test1

To facilitate ingress access to the Flux UI and any other application running inside the cluster, the Kubernetes Kind container binds to port 80 and 443 on localhost. Ingress is handled by Kubernetes ingress-nginx and self-signed TLS certs are provided by cert-manager.

To monitor how the deployed applications perform on the cluster, the kube-prometheus-stack and metrics-server Helm charts are installed at bootstrap along with the Flux Grafana dashboards.

To monitor and debug Flux using a Web UI, the Weave GitOps Helm chart is installed at bootstrap.

How to get started?


Start by cloning the repository locally:

git clone
cd flux-local-dev

Install Kubernetes kind, kubectl, flux and other CLI tools with Homebrew:

make tools

The complete list of tools can be found in the Brewfile.

Note that the minimum required version of Flux is v2.0.0-rc.1.


Start the dev environment with:

make up

The make up command performs the following steps:

  • creates the Docker registry container if it's not already running
  • creates the Kubernetes Kind cluster if it's not already running
  • pushes the Kubernetes manifests as OCI artifacts to the local registry
    • locahost:5050/flux-cluster-sync is generated from kubernetes/clusters/local
    • locahost:5050/flux-infra-sync is generated from kubernetes/infra
    • locahost:5050/flux-apps-sync is generated from kubernetes/apps
  • installs Flux on the clusters and configures it to self upgrade from oci://
  • waits for Flux to reconcile the cluster addons from oci://kind-registry:5000/flux-infra-sync
  • waits for Flux to reconcile the demo apps from oci://kind-registry:5000/flux-apps-sync

Access Flux UI


Add the following domains to /etc/hosts: podinfo.flux.local grafana.flux.local ui.flux.local

Verify that the NGINX ingress self-signed TLS works:

make check

Access the Flux UI and Grafana using the username admin and password flux:

Access the demo application on http://podinfo.flux.local.

Sync local changes

Add a label to the apps namespace definition:

yq eval '.metadata.labels.env="dev"' -i ./kubernetes/apps/namespace.yaml

Validate the Kubernetes manifests and Flux custom resources:

make validate

Push the changes to the local registry with:

make sync

Verify that Flux has reconciled the namespace:

kubectl get ns apps --show-labels


Delete the registry and the Kubernetes cluster with:

make down

How to use CUE for manifests generation?

In the cue directory you can find an example of how to use cuelang to define and generate Kubernetes resources.

List the CUE generated resources with make cue-ls:

$ make cue-ls

RESOURCE                                   API VERSION
Namespace/cue-apps                         v1
ServiceAccount/cue-apps/flux-cue-apps      v1
Service/cue-apps/podinfo                   v1
ServiceAccount/cue-apps/podinfo            v1
Deployment/cue-apps/podinfo                apps/v1
HorizontalPodAutoscaler/cue-apps/podinfo   autoscaling/v2beta2

Push the generated resources to the local registry with make cue-push:

$ make cue-push 
► pushing artifact to localhost:5050/flux-cue-apps-sync:local
✔ artifact successfully pushed to localhost:5050/flux-cue-apps-sync@sha256:59676338abbb245a80345713fea24c2686c8c38cbd235691dd0af0fdc00fe116

To reconcile the resources on the cluster, add a file called cue-apps.yaml to the kubernetes/cluster/local directory:

kind: OCIRepository
  name: cue-apps-source
  namespace: flux-system
  insecure: true
  interval: 1m
  provider: generic
    tag: local
  url: oci://kind-registry:5000/flux-cue-apps-sync
kind: Kustomization
  name: cue-apps-sync
  namespace: flux-system
    - name: infra-config
  interval: 5m
  retryInterval: 30s
  timeout: 5m
  path: ./
  prune: true
    kind: OCIRepository
    name: cue-apps-source

Sync the changes on the cluster with:

make sync

List the reconciled objects with:

$ flux tree ks cue-apps-sync 
├── Namespace/cue-apps
├── ServiceAccount/cue-apps/flux-cue-apps
├── ServiceAccount/cue-apps/podinfo
├── RoleBinding/cue-apps/flux-cue-apps
├── Service/cue-apps/podinfo
├── Deployment/cue-apps/podinfo
├── HorizontalPodAutoscaler/cue-apps/podinfo
├── ServiceMonitor/cue-apps/podinfo
└── Ingress/cue-apps/podinfo

If you make changes to the CUE definitions, run make cue-push and Flux will apply the changes on its own.

How to test Flux controllers?

Assuming you are contributing a change to kustomize-controller, and you want to run a series of end-to-end tests before opening a PR. Most importantly, you want to make sure your changes don't break Flux capability to upgrade itself.

Build and push the controller image

From within the kustomize-controller local clone, run make docker-build to build the controller image. If your local machine is an Apple M1, set the arch to linux/arm64 and run:

IMG=localhost:5050/kustomize-controller:latest make docker-build docker-push
BUILD_PLATFORMS=linux/arm64 make docker-build

Tag and push the image to your local registry:

docker tag fluxcd/kustomize-controller:latest localhost:5050/kustomize-controller:test1
docker push localhost:5050/kustomize-controller:test1

Deploy the controller

From within the flux-local-dev clone, open the kubernetes/clusters/local/flux-system/flux-sync.yaml file and add an image patch:

kind: Kustomization
  name: flux-sync
  namespace: flux-system
    - name:
      newName: localhost:5050/kustomize-controller
      newTag: test1

Sync the changes on the cluster with make sync and verify that the image is being rolled out:

make sync
kubectl -n flux-system get deploy/kustomize-controller --watch

Finally, verify that the upgrade was successful with:

$ flux check 

✔ kustomize-controller: deployment ready
► localhost:5050/kustomize-controller:test1

If you don't want to bump the image tag on every build, you can bypass the local registry and import the image directly in the cluster cache:

export IMG=localhost:5050/kustomize-controller:test1
IMG=${IMG} make docker-build &&
kind import docker-image ${IMG} &&
kubectl delete pod -n flux-system -l app=kustomize-controller

How to test Flux prereleases?

Assuming you are maintainer, and you want to test the Flux controller suite before a release.

Build and push the manifests

From within the flux2 local clone, run make build-dev to build the Flux CLI binary that embeds the install manifests.

Extract the manifests to a directory with:

mkdir -p flux-vnext

./bin/flux install --components-extra=image-reflector-controller,image-automation-controller \
--export > ./flux-vnext/install.yaml

Push the manifests to your local registry:

./bin/flux push artifact oci://localhost:5050/flux:latest --path ./flux-vnext \
--source="$(git config --get remote.origin.url)" \
--revision="$(git rev-parse HEAD)"

Deploy the controllers

From within the flux-local-dev clone, open the kubernetes/clusters/local/flux-system/flux-source.yaml file, change the URL to point to your local registry and enable the insecure flag:

kind: OCIRepository
  name: flux-source
  namespace: flux-system
  url: oci://kind-registry:5000/flux
  insecure: true

Sync the changes on the cluster with make sync and wait for the new version to rollout:

make sync
flux reconcile ks flux-sync --with-source

Finally, verify that the upgrade was successful with:

flux check 

How to test Flux CRDs?

Assuming you are contributing an API change to source-controller, and you want to run a series of end-to-end tests before opening a PR.

Build and push the controller image

From within the source-controller local clone, run make docker-build to build the controller image. If your local machine is an Apple M1, set the arch to linux/arm64 and run:

IMG=localhost:5050/source-controller \
TAG=oci1 \
BUILD_PLATFORMS=linux/arm64 \
BUILD_ARGS=--load \
make docker-build docker-push

Build and push the manifests

From within the source-controller local clone, extract the Flux manifests to a directory:

mkdir -p flux-vnext

flux install --components-extra=image-reflector-controller,image-automation-controller \
--export > ./flux-vnext/install.yaml

Replace the CRD with the one from your branch:

export CRD_NAME=""
yq e 'select( != env(CRD_NAME))' -i ./flux-vnext/install.yaml

cp ${CRD_BASE_PATH}/${CRD_FILE_NAME} ./flux-vnext/

Push the manifests to your local registry:

flux push artifact oci://localhost:5050/flux:latest --path ./flux-vnext \
--source="$(git config --get remote.origin.url)" \
--revision="$(git rev-parse HEAD)"

Deploy the controller

From within the flux-local-dev clone, open the kubernetes/clusters/local/flux-system/flux-source.yaml file, change the URL to point to your local registry and enable the insecure flag:

kind: OCIRepository
  name: flux-source
  namespace: flux-system
  url: oci://kind-registry:5000/flux
  insecure: true

Open the kubernetes/clusters/local/flux-system/flux-sync.yaml file and patch the controller deployment with the local image:

kind: Kustomization
  name: flux-sync
  namespace: flux-system
    - name:
      newName: localhost:5050/source-controller
      newTag: oci1

Sync the changes on the cluster with make sync and wait for the new version to rollout:

make sync
flux reconcile ks flux-sync --with-source

Manual testing

Test the new feature by adding a Flux resource to the kubernetes/apps/source-test.yaml:

kind: OCIRepository
  name: podinfo-keyless
  namespace: apps
  interval: 5m
  url: oci://
    semver: "*"
    provider: cosign

Sync the changes on the cluster and see the reconciliation result:

make sync
flux get source oci podinfo-keyless -n apps