So far, all our examples and exercises dealt with pure, total functions. We didn't read or write content from or to files, nor did we write any messages to the standard output. It is time to change that and learn, how we can write effectful programs in Idris.
module Tutorial.IO
import Data.List1
import Data.String
import Data.Vect
import System.File
%default total
If we once again look at the hello world example from the introduction, it had the following type and implementation:
hello : IO ()
hello = putStrLn "Hello World!"
If you load this module in a REPL session and evaluate hello
you'll get the following:
Tutorial.IO> hello
MkIO (prim__putStr "Hello World!")
This might not be what you expected, given that we'd actually wanted the program to just print "Hello World!". In order to explain what's going on here, we need to quickly look at how evaluation at the REPL works.
When we evaluate some expression at the REPL, Idris tries to
reduce it to a value until it gets stuck somewhere. In the above case,
Idris gets stuck at function prim__putStr
. This is
a foreign function defined in the Prelude, which has to be implemented
by each backend in order to be available there. At compile time (and at the REPL),
Idris knows nothing about the implementations of foreign functions
and therefore can't reduce foreign function calls, unless they are
built into the compiler itself. But even then, values of type IO a
being a type parameter) are typically not reduced.
It is important to understand that values of type IO a
a program, which, when being executed, will return a value of type a
after performing arbitrary side effects along the way. For instance,
has type String -> IO ()
. Read this as: "putStrLn
is a function,
which, when given a String
argument, will return a description of
an effectful program with an output type of ()
is syntactic sugar for type Unit
, the
empty tuple defined at the Prelude, which has only one value called MkUnit
for which we can also use ()
in our code.)
Since values of type IO a
are mere descriptions of effectful computations,
functions returning such values or taking such values as
arguments are still pure and thus referentially transparent.
It is, however, not possible to extract a value of type a
a value of type IO a
, that is, there is no generic function IO a -> a
as such a function would inadvertently execute the side
effects when extracting the result from its argument,
thus breaking referential transparency.
(Actually, there is such a function called unsafePerformIO
Do not ever use it in your code unless you know what you are doing.)
If you are new to pure functional programming, you might now - rightfully -
mumble something about how useless it is to
have descriptions of effectful programs without being able to run them.
So please, hear me out. While we are not able to run values of type
IO a
when writing programs, that is, there is no function of
type IO a -> a
, we are able to chain such computations and describe more
complex programs. Idris provides special syntax for this: Do blocks.
Here's an example:
readHello : IO ()
readHello = do
name <- getLine
putStrLn $ "Hello " ++ name ++ "!"
Before we talk about what's going on here, let's give this a go at the REPL:
Tutorial.IO> :exec readHello
Hello Stefan!
This is an interactive program, which will read a line from standard
input (getLine
), assign the result to variable name
, and then
use name
to create a friendly greeting and write it to
standard output.
Note the do
keyword at the beginning of the implementation of readHello
It starts a do block, where we can chain IO
computations and bind
intermediary results to variables using arrows pointing
to the left (<-
), which can then be used in later
actions. This concept is powerful enough to let us encapsulate arbitrary
programs with side effects in a single value of type IO
. Such a
description can then be returned by function main
, the main entry point
to an Idris program, which is being executed when we run a compiled
Idris binary.
In order to better understand the difference between describing an effectful computation and executing or running it, here is a small program:
launchMissiles : IO ()
launchMissiles = putStrLn "Boom! You're dead."
friendlyReadHello : IO ()
friendlyReadHello = do
_ <- putStrLn "Please enter your name."
actions : Vect 3 (IO ())
actions = [launchMissiles, friendlyReadHello, friendlyReadHello]
runActions : Vect (S n) (IO ()) -> IO ()
runActions (_ :: xs) = go xs
where go : Vect k (IO ()) -> IO ()
go [] = pure ()
go (y :: ys) = do
_ <- y
go ys
readHellos : IO ()
readHellos = runActions actions
Before I explain what the code above does, please note function
used in the implementation of runActions
. It is
a constrained function, about which we will learn in the next
chapter. Specialized to IO
, it has generic type a -> IO a
It allows us to wrap a value in an IO
action. The resulting
program will just return the wrapped value without performing
any side effects. We can now look at the big picture of what's
going on in readHellos
First, we define a friendlier version of readHello
: When executed, this will
ask about our name explicitly. Since we will not use the result
of putStrLn
any further, we can use an underscore as a catch-all
pattern here. Afterwards, readHello
is invoked. We also define
, which, when being executed, will lead to the
destruction of planet earth.
Now, runActions
is the function we use to
demonstrate that describing an IO
action is not the
same as running it. It will drop the first action from
the non-empty vector it takes as its
argument and return a new IO
action, which describes the
execution of the remaining IO
actions in sequence. If this behaves
as expected, the first IO
action passed to runActions
should be
silently dropped together with all its potential side effects.
When we execute readHellos
at the REPL, we will be asked for our
name twice, although actions
also contains launchMissiles
at the
beginning. Luckily, although we described how to destroy the planet,
the action was not executed, and we are (probably) still here.
From this example we learn several things:
Values of type
IO a
are pure descriptions of programs, which, when being executed, perform arbitrary side effects before returning a value of typea
. -
Values of type
IO a
can be safely returned from functions and passed around as arguments or in data structures, without the risk of them being executed. -
Values of type
IO a
can be safely combined in do blocks to describe newIO
actions. -
action will only ever get executed when it's passed to:exec
at the REPL, or when it is themain
function of a compiled Idris program that is being executed. -
It is not possible to ever break out of the
context: There is no function of typeIO a -> a
, as such a function would need to execute its argument in order to extract the final result, and this would break referential transparency.
The title of this subsection is somewhat misleading. IO
are pure values, but what is typically meant here, is that we
combine non-IO
functions with effectful computations.
As a demonstration, in this section we are going to write a small
program for evaluating arithmetic expressions. We are going to
keep things simple and allow only expressions with a single
operator and two arguments, both of which must be integers,
for instance 12 + 13
We are going to use function split
from Data.String
base to tokenize arithmetic expressions. We are then trying
to parse the two integer values and the operator. These operations
might fail, since user input can be invalid, so we also need an
error type. We could actually just use String
, but I
consider it to be good practice to use custom sum types
for erroneous conditions.
data Error : Type where
NotAnInteger : (value : String) -> Error
UnknownOperator : (value : String) -> Error
ParseError : (input : String) -> Error
dispError : Error -> String
dispError (NotAnInteger v) = "Not an integer: " ++ v ++ "."
dispError (UnknownOperator v) = "Unknown operator: " ++ v ++ "."
dispError (ParseError v) = "Invalid expression: " ++ v ++ "."
In order to parse integer literals, we use function parseInteger
from Data.String
readInteger : String -> Either Error Integer
readInteger s = maybe (Left $ NotAnInteger s) Right $ parseInteger s
Likewise, we declare and implement a function for parsing arithmetic operators:
readOperator : String -> Either Error (Integer -> Integer -> Integer)
readOperator "+" = Right (+)
readOperator "*" = Right (*)
readOperator s = Left (UnknownOperator s)
We are now ready to parse and evaluate simple arithmetic expressions. This consists of several steps (splitting the input string, parsing each literal), each of which can fail. Later, when we learn about monads, we will see that do blocks can be used in such occasions just as well. However, in this case we can use an alternative syntactic convenience: Pattern matching in let bindings. Here is the code:
eval : String -> Either Error Integer
eval s =
let [x,y,z] := forget $ split isSpace s | _ => Left (ParseError s)
Right v1 := readInteger x | Left e => Left e
Right op := readOperator y | Left e => Left e
Right v2 := readInteger z | Left e => Left e
in Right $ op v1 v2
Let's break this down a bit. On the first line, we split
the input string at all whitespace occurrences. Since
returns a List1
(a type for non-empty lists
exported from Data.List1
in base) but pattern matching
on List
is more convenient, we convert the result using
. Note, how we use a pattern match
on the left hand side of the assignment operator :=
This is a partial pattern match (partial meaning,
that it doesn't cover all possible cases), therefore we have
to deal with the other possibilities as well, which is
done after the vertical line. This can be read as follows:
"If the pattern match on the left hand side is successful,
and we get a list of exactly three tokens, continue with
the let
expression, otherwise return a ParseError
a Left
The other three lines behave exactly the same: Each has a partial pattern match on the left hand side with instructions what to return in case of invalid input after the vertical bar. We will later see, that this syntax is also available in do blocks.
Note, how all of the functionality implemented so far is pure, that is, it does not describe computations with side effects. (One could argue that already the possibility of failure is an observable effect, but even then, the code above is still referentially transparent, can be easily tested at the REPL, and evaluated at compile time, which is the important thing here.)
Finally, we can wrap this functionality in an IO
action, which reads a string from standard input
and tries to evaluate the arithmetic expression:
exprProg : IO ()
exprProg = do
s <- getLine
case eval s of
Left err => do
putStrLn "An error occured:"
putStrLn (dispError err)
Right res => putStrLn (s ++ " = " ++ show res)
Note, how in exprProg
we were forced to deal with the
possibility of failure and handle both constructors
of Either
differently in order to print a result.
Note also, that do blocks are ordinary expressions,
and we can, for instance, start a new do block on
the right hand side of a case expression.
In these exercises, you are going to implement some
small command-line applications. Some of these will potentially
run forever, as they will only stop when the user enters
a keyword for quitting the application. Such programs
are no longer provably total. If you added the
%default total
pragma at the top of your source file,
you'll need to annotate these functions with covering
meaning that you covered all cases in all pattern matches
but your program might still loop due to unrestricted
Implement function
, which will read a line of input from the terminal, evaluate it using the given function, and print the result to standard output:rep : (String -> String) -> IO ()
Implement function
, which behaves just likerep
but will repeat itself forever (or until being forcefully terminated):covering repl : (String -> String) -> IO ()
Implement function
, which behaves just likerepl
but will only continue looping if the given function returns aRight
. If it returns aLeft
should print the final message wrapped in theLeft
and then stop.covering replTill : (String -> Either String String) -> IO ()
Write a program, which reads arithmetic expressions from standard input, evaluates them using
, and prints the result to standard output. The program should loop until users stops it by entering "done", in which case the program should terminate with a friendly greeting. UsereplTill
in your implementation. -
Implement function
, which behaves just likerepl
but uses some internal state to accumulate values. At each iteration (including the very first one!), the current state should be printed to standard output using functiondispState
, and the next state should be computed using functionnext
. The loop should terminate in case of aLeft
and print a final message usingdispResult
:covering replWith : (state : s) -> (next : s -> String -> Either res s) -> (dispState : s -> String) -> (dispResult : res -> s -> String) -> IO ()
from Exercise 5 to write a program for reading natural numbers from standard input and printing the accumulated sum of these numbers. The program should terminate in case of invalid input and if a user enters "done".
Here's an important piece of information: There is nothing
special about do blocks. They are just syntactic sugar,
which is converted to a sequence of operator applications.
With syntactic sugar,
we mean syntax in a programming language that makes it
easier to express certain things in that language without
making the language itself any more powerful or expressive.
Here, it means you could write all the IO
without using do
notation, but the code you'll write
will sometimes be harder to read, so do blocks provide
nicer syntax for these occasions.
Consider the following example program:
sugared1 : IO ()
sugared1 = do
str1 <- getLine
str2 <- getLine
str3 <- getLine
putStrLn (str1 ++ str2 ++ str3)
The compiler will convert this to the following program before disambiguating function names and type checking:
desugared1 : IO ()
desugared1 =
getLine >>= (\str1 =>
getLine >>= (\str2 =>
getLine >>= (\str3 =>
putStrLn (str1 ++ str2 ++ str3)
There is a new operator ((>>=)
) called bind in the
implementation of desugared1
. If you look at its type
at the REPL, you'll see the following:
Main> :t (>>=)
Prelude.>>= : Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
This is a constrained function requiring an interface called Monad
We will talk about Monad
and some of its friends in the next
chapter. Specialized to IO
, bind has the following type:
Main> :t (>>=) {m = IO}
>>= : IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b
This describes a sequencing of IO
actions. Upon execution,
the first IO
action is being run and its result is
being passed as an argument to the function generating
the second IO
action, which is then also being executed.
You might remember, that you already implemented something
similar in an earlier exercise: In Algebraic Data Types,
you implemented bind for Maybe
and Either e
. We will
learn in the next chapter, that Maybe
and Either e
too come
with an implementation of Monad
. For now, suffice to say
that Monad
allows us to run computations with some kind
of effect in sequence by passing the result of the
first computation to the function returning the
second computation. In desugared1
you can see, how
we first perform an IO
action and use its result
to compute the next IO
action and so on. The code is somewhat
hard to read, since we use several layers of nested
anonymous function, that's why in such cases, do blocks
are a nice alternative to express the same functionality.
Since do block are always desugared to sequences of
applied bind operators, we can use them to chain
any monadic computation. For instance, we can rewrite
function eval
by using a do block like so:
evalDo : String -> Either Error Integer
evalDo s = case forget $ split isSpace s of
[x,y,z] => do
v1 <- readInteger x
op <- readOperator y
v2 <- readInteger z
Right $ op v1 v2
_ => Left (ParseError s)
Don't worry, if this doesn't make too much sense yet. We will
see many more examples, and you'll get the hang of this
soon enough. The important thing to remember is how do
blocks are always converted to sequences of bind
operators as shown in desugared1
Remember our implementation of friendlyReadHello
? Here it is again:
friendlyReadHello' : IO ()
friendlyReadHello' = do
_ <- putStrLn "Please enter your name."
The underscore in there is a bit ugly and unnecessary. In fact,
a common use case is to just chain effectful computations with
result type Unit
), merely for the side
effects they perform. For instance, we could repeat friendlyReadHello
three times, like so:
friendly3 : IO ()
friendly3 = do
_ <- friendlyReadHello
_ <- friendlyReadHello
This is such a common thing to do, that Idris allows us to drop the bound underscores altogether:
friendly4 : IO ()
friendly4 = do
Note, however, that the above gets desugared slightly differently:
friendly4Desugared : IO ()
friendly4Desugared =
friendlyReadHello >>
friendlyReadHello >>
friendlyReadHello >>
Operator (>>)
has the following type:
Main> :t (>>)
Prelude.>> : Monad m => m () -> Lazy (m b) -> m b
Note the Lazy
keyword in the type signature. This means,
that the wrapped argument will be lazily evaluated. This
makes sense in many occasions. For instance, if the Monad
in question is Maybe
the result will be Nothing
the first argument is Nothing
, in which case there is no
need to even evaluate the second argument.
Because Idris supports function and operator overloading, we
can write custom bind operators, which allows us to
use do notation for types without an implementation
of Monad
. For instance, here is a custom implementation of
for sequencing computations returning vectors.
Every value in the first vector (of length m
will be converted to a vector of length n
, and
the results will be concatenated leading to
a vector of length m * n
flatten : Vect m (Vect n a) -> Vect (m * n) a
flatten [] = []
flatten (x :: xs) = x ++ flatten xs
(>>=) : Vect m a -> (a -> Vect n b) -> Vect (m * n) b
as >>= f = flatten (map f as)
It is not possible to write an implementation of Monad
which encapsulates this behavior, as the types wouldn't
match: Monadic bind specialized to Vect
type Vect k a -> (a -> Vect k b) -> Vect k b
. As you
see, the sizes of all three occurrences of Vect
have to be the same, which is not what we expressed
in our custom version of bind. Here is an example to
see this in action:
modString : String -> Vect 4 String
modString s = [s, reverse s, toUpper s, toLower s]
testDo : Vect 24 String
testDo =
s1 <- ["Hello", "World"]
s2 <- [1, 2, 3]
modString (s1 ++ show s2)
Try to figure out how testDo
works by desugaring it
manually and then comparing its result with what you
expected at the REPL. Note, how we helped Idris disambiguate,
which version of the bind operator to use by prefixing
the do
keyword with part of the operator's namespace.
In this case, this wasn't strictly necessary, although
Vect k
does have an implementation of Monad
, but it is
still good to know that it is possible to help
the compiler with disambiguating do blocks.
Of course, we can (and should!) overload (>>)
in the
same manner as (>>=)
, if we want to overload the
behavior of do blocks.
Every data type, function, or operator can be unambiguously
identified by prefixing it with its namespace. A function's
namespace typically is the same as the module where it was defined.
For instance, the fully qualified name of function eval
would be Tutorial.IO.eval
. Function and operator names must
be unique in their namespace.
As we already learned, Idris can often disambiguate between functions with the same name but defined in different namespaces based on the types involved. If this is not possible, we can help the compiler by prefixing the function or operator name with a suffix of the full namespace. Let's demonstrate this at the REPL:
Tutorial.IO> :t (>>=)
Prelude.>>= : Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
Tutorial.IO.>>= : Vect m a -> (a -> Vect n b) -> Vect (m * n) b
As you can see, if we load this module in a REPL session and
inspect the type of (>>=)
, we get two results as two
operators with this name are in scope. If we only want
the REPL to print the type of our custom bind operator,
is is sufficient to prefix it with IO
, although we could
also prefix it with its full namespace:
Tutorial.IO> :t IO.(>>=)
Tutorial.IO.>>= : Vect m a -> (a -> Vect n b) -> Vect (m * n) b
Tutorial.IO> :t Tutorial.IO.(>>=)
Tutorial.IO.>>= : Vect m a -> (a -> Vect n b) -> Vect (m * n) b
Since function names must be unique in their namespace and
we still may want to define two overloaded versions of a function
in an Idris module, Idris makes it possible to add
additional namespaces to modules. For instance, in order
to define another function called eval
, we need to add
it to its own namespace (note, that all definitions in a
namespace must be indented by the same amount of
white space):
namespace Foo
eval : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
eval = (*)
-- prefixing `eval` with its namespace is not strictly necessary here
testFooEval : Nat
testFooEval = Foo.eval 12 100
Now, here is an important thing: For functions and data types to
be accessible from outside their namespace or module, they need to
be exported by annotating them with the export
or public export
The difference between export
and public export
is the following:
A function annotated with export
exports its type and can be
called from other namespaces. A data type annotated with export
exports its type constructor but not its data constructors.
A function annotated with public export
also exports its
implementation. This is necessary to use the function in compile-time
computations. A data type annotated with public export
exports its data constructors as well.
In general, consider annotating data types with public export
since otherwise you will not be able to create values of these
types or deconstruct them in pattern matches. Likewise, unless you
plan to use your functions in compile-time computations, annotate
them with export
Sometimes, even do blocks are too noisy to express a combination of effectful computations. In this case, we can prefix the effectful parts with an exclamation mark (wrapping them in parentheses if they contain additional white space), while leaving pure expressions unmodified:
getHello : IO ()
getHello = putStrLn $ "Hello " ++ !getLine ++ "!"
The above gets desugared to the following do block:
getHello' : IO ()
getHello' = do
s <- getLine
putStrLn $ "Hello " ++ s ++ "!"
Here is another example:
bangExpr : String -> String -> String -> Maybe Integer
bangExpr s1 s2 s3 =
Just $ !(parseInteger s1) + !(parseInteger s2) * !(parseInteger s3)
And here is the desugared do block:
bangExpr' : String -> String -> String -> Maybe Integer
bangExpr' s1 s2 s3 = do
x1 <- parseInteger s1
x2 <- parseInteger s2
x3 <- parseInteger s3
Just $ x1 + x2 * x3
Please remember the following: Syntactic sugar has been introduced to make code more readable or more convenient to write. If it is abused just to show how clever you are, you make things harder for other people (including your future self!) reading and trying to understand your code.
Reimplement the following do blocks, once by using bang notation, and once by writing them in their desugared form with nested binds:
ex1a : IO String ex1a = do s1 <- getLine s2 <- getLine s3 <- getLine pure $ s1 ++ reverse s2 ++ s3 ex1b : Maybe Integer ex1b = do n1 <- parseInteger "12" n2 <- parseInteger "300" Just $ n1 + n2 * 100
Below is the definition of an indexed family of types, the index of which keeps track of whether the value in question is possibly empty or provably non-empty:
data List01 : (nonEmpty : Bool) -> Type -> Type where Nil : List01 False a (::) : a -> List01 False a -> List01 ne a
Please note, that the
case must have thenonEmpty
tag set toFalse
, while with the cons case, this is optional. So, aList01 False a
can be empty or non-empty, and we'll only find out, which is the case, by pattern matching on it. AList01 True a
on the other hand must be a cons, as for theNil
case thenonEmpty
tag is always set toFalse
Declare and implement function
for non-empty lists:head : List01 True a -> a
Declare and implement function
for converting anyList01 ne a
to aList01 False a
of the same length and order of values. -
Declare and implement function
for extracting the possibly empty tail from a non-empty list. -
Implement function
for concatenating two values of typeList01
. Note, how we use a type-level computation to make sure the result is non-empty if and only if at least one of the two arguments is non-empty:(++) : List01 b1 a -> List01 b2 a -> List01 (b1 || b2) a
Implement utility function
and use it in the implementation ofconcat
. Note, that inconcat
the two boolean tags are passed as unrestricted implicits, since you will need to pattern match on these to determine whether the result is provably non-empty or not:concat' : List01 ne1 (List01 ne2 a) -> List01 False a concat : {ne1, ne2 : _} -> List01 ne1 (List01 ne2 a) -> List01 (ne1 && ne2) a
:map01 : (a -> b) -> List01 ne a -> List01 ne b
Implement a custom bind operator in namespace
for sequencing computations returningList01
s.Hint: Use
in your implementation and make sure to use unrestricted implicits where necessary.You can use the following examples to test your custom bind operator:
-- this and lf are necessary to make sure, which tag to use -- when using list literals lt : List01 True a -> List01 True a lt = id lf : List01 False a -> List01 False a lf = id test : List01 True Integer test = x <- lt [1,2,3] y <- lt [4,5,6,7] op <- lt [(*), (+), (-)] [op x y] test2 : List01 False Integer test2 = x <- lt [1,2,3] y <- Nil {a = Integer} op <- lt [(*), (+), (-)] lt [op x y]
Some notes on Exercise 2: Here, we combined the capabilities
of List
and Data.List1
in a single indexed type family.
This allowed us to treat list concatenation correctly: If
at least one of the arguments is provably non-empty, the
result is also non-empty. To tackle this correctly with
and List1
, a total of four concatenation functions
would have to be written. So, while it is often possible to
define distinct data types instead of indexed families,
the latter allow us to perform type-level computations to
be more precise about the pre- and postconditions of the functions
we write, at the cost of more-complex type signatures.
In addition, sometimes it's not possible to derive the
values of the indices from pattern matching on the data
values alone, so they have to be passed as unerased
(possibly implicit) arguments.
Please remember, that do blocks are first desugared, before type-checking, disambiguating which bind operator to use, and filling in implicit arguments. It is therefore perfectly fine to define bind operators with arbitrary constraints or implicit arguments as was shown above. Idris will handle all the details, after desugaring the do blocks.
Module System.File
from the base library exports utilities necessary
to work with file handles and read and write from and to files. When
you have a file path (for instance "/home/hock/idris/tutorial/tutorial.ipkg"),
the first thing we will typically do is to try and create a file handle
(of type System.File.File
by calling fileOpen
Here is a program for counting all empty lines in a Unix/Linux-file:
countEmpty : (path : String) -> IO (Either FileError Nat)
countEmpty path = openFile path Read >>= either (pure . Left) (go 0)
where covering go : Nat -> File -> IO (Either FileError Nat)
go k file = do
False <- fEOF file | True => closeFile file $> Right k
Right "\n" <- fGetLine file
| Right _ => go k file
| Left err => closeFile file $> Left err
go (k + 1) file
In the example above, I invoked (>>=)
without starting a do block.
Make sure you understand what's going on here. Reading concise functional
code is important in order to understand other people's code.
Have a look at function either
at the REPL, try figuring out what
(pure . Left)
does, and note how we use a curried version of go
as the second argument to either
Function go
calls for some additional explanations. First, note how
we used the same syntax for pattern matching intermediary results
as we also saw for let
bindings. As you can see, we can use several
vertical bars to handle more than one additional pattern. In order to
read a single line from a file, we use function fGetLine
. As with
most operations working with the file system, this function might fail
with a FileError
, which we have to handle correctly. Note also, that
will return the line including its trailing newline character
, so in order to check for empty lines, we have to match against
instead of the empty string ""
Finally, go
is not provably total and rightfully so.
Files like /dev/urandom
or /dev/zero
provide infinite
streams of data, so countEmpty
will never
terminate when invoked with such a file path.
Note, how we had to manually open and close the file handle in
. This is error-prone and tedious. Resource handling
is a big topic, and we definitely won't be going into the
details here, but there is a convenient function exported
from System.File
: withFile
, which handles the opening,
closing and handling of file errors for us.
countEmpty' : (path : String) -> IO (Either FileError Nat)
countEmpty' path = withFile path Read pure (go 0)
where covering go : Nat -> File -> IO (Either FileError Nat)
go k file = do
False <- fEOF file | True => pure (Right k)
Right "\n" <- fGetLine file
| Right _ => go k file
| Left err => pure (Left err)
go (k + 1) file
Go ahead, and have a look at the type of withFile
, then
have a look how we use it to simplify the implementation of
. Reading and understanding slightly more complex
function types is important when learning to program in Idris.
When you look at the IO
functions we used so far, you'll
notice that most if not all of them actually don't work
with IO
itself but with a type parameter io
with a
constraint of HasIO
. This interface allows us to lift
a value of type IO a
into another context. We will see
use cases for this in later chapters, especially when we
talk about monad transformers. For now, you can treat these
parameters as being specialized to IO
As we have seen in the examples above,
actions working with file handles often come with the risk of failure. We can therefore simplify things by writing some utility functions and a custom bind operator to work with these nested effects. In a new namespaceIOErr
, implement the following utility functions and use these to further cleanup the implementation ofcountEmpty'
:pure : a -> IO (Either e a) fail : e -> IO (Either e a) lift : IO a -> IO (Either e a) catch : IO (Either e1 a) -> (e1 -> IO (Either e2 a)) -> IO (Either e2 a) (>>=) : IO (Either e a) -> (a -> IO (Either e b)) -> IO (Either e b) (>>) : IO (Either e ()) -> Lazy (IO (Either e a)) -> IO (Either e a)
Write a function
for counting the words in a file. Consider usingData.String.words
and the utilities from exercise 1 in your implementation. -
We can generalize the functionality used in
, by implementing a helper function for iterating over the lines in a file and accumulating some state along the way. ImplementwithLines
and use it to reimplementcountEmpty
:covering withLines : (path : String) -> (accum : s -> String -> s) -> (initialState : s) -> IO (Either FileError s)
We often use a
for accumulating values. It is therefore convenient to specializewithLines
for this case. UsewithLines
to implementfoldLines
according to the type given below:covering foldLines : Monoid s => (path : String) -> (f : String -> s) -> IO (Either FileError s)
Implement function
for counting the number of lines, words, and characters in a text document. Define a custom record type together with an implementation ofMonoid
for storing and accumulating these values and usefoldLines
in your implementation ofwordCount
In this final section of an already lengthy chapter, we will risk
a glance at how IO
is implemented in Idris. It is interesting
to note, that IO
is not a built-in type but a regular data type
with only one minor speciality. Let's learn about it at the REPL:
Tutorial.IO> :doc IO
data PrimIO.IO : Type -> Type
Totality: total
Constructor: MkIO : (1 _ : PrimIO a) -> IO a
Applicative IO
Functor IO
HasLinearIO IO
Monad IO
Here, we learn that IO
has a single data constructor
called MkIO
, which takes a single argument of type
PrimIO a
with quantity 1. We are not going to
talk about the quantities here, as in fact they are not
important to understand how IO
Now, PrimIO a
is a type alias for the following function:
Tutorial.IO> :printdef PrimIO
PrimIO.PrimIO : Type -> Type
PrimIO a = (1 _ : %World) -> IORes a
Again, don't mind the quantities. There is only
one piece of the puzzle missing: IORes a
, which is
a publicly exported record type:
Solutions.IO> :doc IORes
data PrimIO.IORes : Type -> Type
Totality: total
Constructor: MkIORes : a -> (1 _ : %World) -> IORes a
So, to put this all together, IO
is a wrapper around
something similar to the following function type:
%World -> (a, %World)
You can think of type %World
as a placeholder for the
state of the outside world of a program (file system,
memory, network connections, and so on). Conceptually,
to execute an IO a
action, we pass it the current state
of the world, and in return get an updated world state
plus a result of type a
. The world state being updated
represents all the side effects describable in a computer
Now, it is important to understand that there is no such
thing as the state of the world. The %World
type is
just a placeholder, which is converted to some kind of
constant that's passed around and never inspected at
runtime. So, if we had a value of type %World
, we could
pass it to an IO a
action and execute it, and this is
exactly what happens at runtime: A single value of
type %World
(an uninteresting placeholder like null
, or - in case of the JavaScript backends - undefined
is passed to the main
function, thus
setting the whole program in motion. However, it
is impossible to programmatically create a value of
type %World
(it is an abstract, primitive type), and
therefore we cannot ever extract a value of type a
from an IO a
action (modulo unsafePerformIO
Once we will talk about monad transformers and the state
monad, you will see that IO
is nothing else but
a state monad in disguise but with an abstract state
type, which makes it impossible for us to run the
stateful computation.
Values of type
IO a
describe programs with side effects, which will eventually result in a value of typea
. -
While we cannot safely extract a value of type
from anIO a
, we can use several combinators and syntactic constructs to combineIO
actions and build more-complex programs. -
Do blocks offer a convenient way to run and combine
actions sequentially. -
Do blocks are desugared to nested applications of bind operators (
). -
Bind operators, and thus do blocks, can be overloaded to achieve custom behavior instead of the default (monadic) bind.
Under the hood,
actions are stateful computations operating on a symbolic%World
Now, that we had a glimpse at monads and the bind operator,
it is time to in the next chapter introduce Monad
and some
related interfaces for real.