So far, we learned about the core features of the Idris language, which it has in common with several other pure, strongly typed programming languages like Haskell: (Higher order) Functions, algebraic data types, pattern matching, parametric polymorphism (generic types and functions), and ad hoc polymorphism (interfaces and constrained functions).
In this chapter, we start to dissect Idris functions and their types
for real. We learn about implicit arguments, named arguments, as well
as erasure and quantities. But first, we'll look at let
and where
blocks, which help us implement functions too complex
to fit on a single line of code. Let's get started!
module Tutorial.Functions2
%default total
The functions we looked at so far were simple enough to be implemented directly via pattern matching without the need of additional auxiliary functions or variables. This is not always the case, and there are two important language constructs for introducing and reusing new local variables and functions. We'll look at these in two case studies.
In this example, we'd like to calculate the arithmetic mean and the standard deviation of a list of floating point values. There are several things we need to consider.
First, we need a function for calculating the sum of
a list of numeric values. The Prelude exports function
for this:
Main> :t sum
Prelude.sum : Num a => Foldable t => t a -> a
This is - of course - similar to sumList
from Exercise 10
of the last section, but generalized to all
container types with a Foldable
implementation. We will
learn about interface Foldable
in a later section.
In order to also calculate the variance,
we need to convert every value in the list to
a new value, as we have to subtract the mean
from every value in the list and square the
result. In the previous section's exercises, we
defined function mapList
for this. The Prelude - of course -
already exports a similar function called map
which is again more general
and works also like our mapMaybe
for Maybe
and mapEither
for Either e
. Here's its type:
Main> :t map : Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Interface Functor
is another one we'll talk about
in a later section.
Finally, we need a way to calculate the length of
a list of values. We use function length
for this:
Main> :t List.length
Prelude.List.length : List a -> Nat
Here, Nat
is the type of natural numbers
(unbounded, unsigned integers). Nat
is actually not a primitive data
type but a sum type defined in the Prelude with
data constructors Z : Nat
(for zero)
and S : Nat -> Nat
(for successor). It might seem highly inefficient
to define natural numbers this way, but the Idris compiler
treats these and several other number-like types specially, and
replaces them with primitive integers during code generation.
We are now ready to give the implementation of mean
a go.
Since this is Idris, and we care about clear semantics, we will
quickly define a custom record type instead of just returning
a tuple of Double
s. This makes it clearer, which floating
point number corresponds to which statistic entity:
square : Double -> Double
square n = n * n
record Stats where
constructor MkStats
mean : Double
variance : Double
deviation : Double
stats : List Double -> Stats
stats xs =
let len := cast (length xs)
mean := sum xs / len
variance := sum (map (\x => square (x - mean)) xs) / len
in MkStats mean variance (sqrt variance)
As usual, we first try this at the REPL:
Tutorial.Functions2> stats [2,4,4,4,5,5,7,9]
MkStats 5.0 4.0 2.0
Seems to work, so let's digest this step by step.
We introduce several new local variables
, mean
, and variance
which all will be used more than once in the remainder
of the implementation. To do so, we use a let
binding. This
consists of the let
keyword, followed by one or more
variable assignments, followed by the final expression,
which has to be prefixed by in
. Note, that whitespace
is significant again: We need to properly align the three
variable names. Go ahead, and try out what happens if
you remove a space in front of mean
or variance
Note also, that the alignment of assignment operators
is optional. I do this, since I thinks it helps
Let's also quickly look at the different variables
and their types. len
is the length of the list
cast to a Double
, since this is what's needed
later on, where we divide other values of type Double
by the length. Idris is very strict about this: We are
not allowed to mix up numeric types without explicit
casts. Please note, that in this case Idris is able
to infer the type of len
from the surrounding
context. mean
is straight forward: We sum
up the
values stored in the list and divide by the list's
length. variance
is the most involved of the
three: We map each item in the list to a new value
using an anonymous function to subtract the mean
and square the result. We then sum up the new terms
and divide again by the number of values.
In the second use case, we are going to write a slightly larger application. This should give you an idea about how to design data types and functions around some business logic you'd like to implement.
Assume we run a music streaming web server, where users can buy whole albums and listen to them online. We'd like to simulate a user connecting to the server and getting access to one of the albums they bought.
We first define a bunch of record types:
record Artist where
constructor MkArtist
name : String
record Album where
constructor MkAlbum
name : String
artist : Artist
record Email where
constructor MkEmail
value : String
record Password where
constructor MkPassword
value : String
record User where
constructor MkUser
name : String
email : Email
password : Password
albums : List Album
Most of these should be self-explanatory. Note, however, that
in several cases (Email
, Artist
, Password
) we wrap a
single value in a new record type. Of course, we could have
used the unwrapped String
type instead, but we'd have ended
up with many String
fields, which can be hard to disambiguate.
In order not to confuse an email string with a password string,
it can therefore be helpful to wrap both of them in a new
record type to drastically increase type safety at the cost
of having to reimplement some interfaces.
Utility function on
from the Prelude is very useful for this. Don't
forget to inspect its type at the REPL, and try to understand what's
going on here.
Eq Artist where (==) = (==) `on` name
Eq Email where (==) = (==) `on` value
Eq Password where (==) = (==) `on` value
Eq Album where (==) = (==) `on` \a => (, a.artist)
In case of Album
, we wrap the two fields of the record in
a Pair
, which already comes with an implementation of Eq
This allows us to again use function on
, which is very convenient.
Next, we have to define the data types representing server requests and responses:
record Credentials where
constructor MkCredentials
email : Email
password : Password
record Request where
constructor MkRequest
credentials : Credentials
album : Album
data Response : Type where
UnknownUser : Email -> Response
InvalidPassword : Response
AccessDenied : Email -> Album -> Response
Success : Album -> Response
For server responses, we use a custom sum type encoding
the possible outcomes of a client request. In practice,
the Success
case would return some kind of connection
to start the actual album stream, but we just
wrap up the album we found to simulate this behavior.
We can now go ahead and simulate the handling of a request at the server. To emulate our user data base, a simple list of users will do. Here's the type of the function we'd like to implement:
DB : Type
DB = List User
handleRequest : DB -> Request -> Response
Note, how we defined a short alias for List User
called DB
This is often useful to make lengthy type signatures more readable
and communicate the meaning of a type in the given context. However,
this will not introduce a new type, nor will it
increase type safety: DB
is identical to List User
, and as
such, a value of type DB
can be used wherever a List User
expected and vice versa. In more complex programs it is therefore
usually preferable to define new types by wrapping values in
single-field records.
The implementation will proceed as follows: It will first
try and lookup a User
by is email address in the data
base. If this is successful, it will compare the provided password
with the user's actual password. If the two match, it will
lookup the requested album in the user's list of albums.
If all of these steps succeed, the result will be an Album
wrapped in a Success
. If any of the steps fails, the
result will describe exactly what went wrong.
Here's a possible implementation:
handleRequest db (MkRequest (MkCredentials email pw) album) =
case lookupUser db of
Just (MkUser _ _ password albums) =>
if password == pw then lookupAlbum albums else InvalidPassword
Nothing => UnknownUser email
where lookupUser : List User -> Maybe User
lookupUser [] = Nothing
lookupUser (x :: xs) =
if == email then Just x else lookupUser xs
lookupAlbum : List Album -> Response
lookupAlbum [] = AccessDenied email album
lookupAlbum (x :: xs) =
if x == album then Success album else lookupAlbum xs
I'd like to point out several things in this example. First,
note how we can extract values from nested records in a
single pattern match.
Second, we defined two local functions in a where
block: lookupUser
and lookupAlbum
. Both of these have access to all variables
in the surrounding scope. For instance, lookupUser
uses the
variable from the pattern match in the implementation's
first line. Likewise, lookupAlbum
makes use of the album
A where
block introduces new local definitions, accessible
only from the surrounding scope and from other functions
defined later in the same where
block. These need to
be explicitly typed and indented by the same amount of whitespace.
Local definitions can also be introduce before a function's
implementation by using the let
keyword. This usage
of let
is not to be confused with let bindings described
above, which are used to bind and reuse the results of intermediate
computations. Below is how we could have implemented handleRequest
local definitions introduced by the let
keyword. Again,
all definitions have to be properly typed and indented:
handleRequest' : DB -> Request -> Response
handleRequest' db (MkRequest (MkCredentials email pw) album) =
let lookupUser : List User -> Maybe User
lookupUser [] = Nothing
lookupUser (x :: xs) =
if == email then Just x else lookupUser xs
lookupAlbum : List Album -> Response
lookupAlbum [] = AccessDenied email album
lookupAlbum (x :: xs) =
if x == album then Success album else lookupAlbum xs
in case lookupUser db of
Just (MkUser _ _ password albums) =>
if password == pw then lookupAlbum albums else InvalidPassword
Nothing => UnknownUser email
The exercises in this section are supposed to increase
you experience in writing purely functional code. In some
cases it might be useful to use let
expressions or
blocks, but this will not always be required.
Exercise 3 is again of utmost importance. traverseList
is a specialized version of the more general traverse
one of the most powerful and versatile functions
available in the Prelude (check out its type!).
in base exports functionsfind
. Inspect their types and use these in the implementation ofhandleRequest
. This should allow you to completely get rid of thewhere
block. -
Define an enumeration type listing the four nucleobases occurring in DNA strands. Define also a type alias
for lists of nucleobases. Declare and implement functionreadBase
for converting a single character (typeChar
) to a nucleobase. You can use character literals in your implementation like so:'A'
. Note, that this function might fail, so adjust the result type accordingly. -
Implement the following function, which tries to convert all values in a list with a function, which might fail. The result should be a
holding the list of converted values in unmodified order, if and only if every single conversion was successful.traverseList : (a -> Maybe b) -> List a -> Maybe (List b)
You can verify, that the function behaves correctly with the following test:
traverseList Just [1,2,3] = Just [1,2,3]
. -
Implement function
readDNA : String -> Maybe DNA
using the functions and types defined in exercises 2 and 3. You will also need functionunpack
from the Prelude. -
Implement function
complement : DNA -> DNA
to calculate the complement of a strand of DNA.
So far, when we defined a top level function, it looked something like the following:
zipEitherWith : (a -> b -> c) -> Either e a -> Either e b -> Either e c
zipEitherWith f (Right va) (Right vb) = Right (f va vb)
zipEitherWith f (Left e) _ = Left e
zipEitherWith f _ (Left e) = Left e
Function zipEitherWith
is a generic higher-order function combining the
values stored in two Either
s via a binary function. If either
of the Either
arguments is a Left
, the result is also a Left
This is a generic function with type parameters a
, b
, c
, and e
However, there is a more verbose type for zipEitherWith
, which is
visible in the REPL when entering :ti zipEitherWith
(the i
tells Idris to include implicit
arguments). You will get a type
similar to this:
zipEitherWith' : {0 a : Type}
-> {0 b : Type}
-> {0 c : Type}
-> {0 e : Type}
-> (a -> b -> c)
-> Either e a
-> Either e b
-> Either e c
In order to understand what's going on here, we will have to talk about named arguments, implicit arguments, and quantities.
In a function type, we can give each argument a name. Like so:
fromMaybe : (deflt : a) -> (ma : Maybe a) -> a
fromMaybe deflt Nothing = deflt
fromMaybe _ (Just x) = x
Here, the first argument is given name deflt
, the second ma
. These
names can be reused in a function's implementation, as was done for deflt
but this is not mandatory: We are free to use different names in the
implementation. There are several reasons, why we'd choose to name our
arguments: It can serve as documentation, but it also
allows us to pass the arguments to a function in arbitrary order
when using the following syntax:
extractBool : Maybe Bool -> Bool
extractBool v = fromMaybe { ma = v, deflt = False }
Or even :
extractBool2 : Maybe Bool -> Bool
extractBool2 = fromMaybe { deflt = False }
The arguments in a record's constructor are automatically named in accordance with the field names:
record Dragon where
constructor MkDragon
name : String
strength : Nat
hitPoints : Int16
gorgar : Dragon
gorgar = MkDragon { strength = 150, name = "Gorgar", hitPoints = 10000 }
For the use cases described above, named arguments are merely a convenience and completely optional. However, Idris is a dependently typed programming language: Types can be calculated from and depend on values. For instance, the result type of a function can depend on the value of one of its arguments. Here's a contrived example:
IntOrString : Bool -> Type
IntOrString True = Integer
IntOrString False = String
intOrString : (v : Bool) -> IntOrString v
intOrString False = "I'm a String"
intOrString True = 1000
If you see such a thing for the first time, it can be hard to understand
what's going on here. First, function IntOrString
computes a Type
from a Bool
value: If the argument is True
, it returns type Integer
if the argument is False
it returns String
. We use this to
calculate the return type of function intOrString
based on its
boolean argument v
: If v
is True
, the return type is (in accordance
with IntOrString True = Integer
) Integer
, otherwise it is String
Note, how in the type signature of intOrString
, we must give the
argument of type Bool
a name (v
) in order to reference it in
the result type IntOrString v
You might wonder at this moment, why this is useful and why we would ever want to define a function with such a strange type. We will see lots of very useful examples in due time! For now, suffice to say that in order to express dependent function types, we need to name at least some of the function's arguments and refer to them by name in the types of other arguments.
Implicit arguments are arguments, the values of which the compiler
should infer and fill in for us automatically. For instance, in
the following function signature, we expect the compiler to
infer the value of type parameter a
automatically from the
types of the other arguments (ignore the 0 quantity for the moment;
I'll explain it in the next subsection):
maybeToEither : {0 a : Type} -> Maybe a -> Either String a
maybeToEither Nothing = Left "Nope"
maybeToEither (Just x) = Right x
-- Please remember, that the above is
-- equivalent to the following:
maybeToEither' : Maybe a -> Either String a
maybeToEither' Nothing = Left "Nope"
maybeToEither' (Just x) = Right x
As you can see, implicit arguments are wrapped in curly braces, unlike explicit named arguments, which are wrapped in parentheses. Inferring the value of an implicit argument is not always possible. For instance, if we enter the following at the REPL, Idris will fail with an error:
Tutorial.Functions2> show (maybeToEither Nothing)
Error: Can't find an implementation for Show (Either String ?a).
Idris is unable to find an implementation of Show (Either String a)
without knowing what a
actually is.
Note the question mark in front of the
type parameter: ?a
If this happens, there are several ways to help the type checker.
We could, for instance, pass a value for the implicit argument
explicitly. Here's the syntax to do this:
Tutorial.Functions2> show (maybeToEither {a = Int8} Nothing)
"Left "Nope""
As you can see, we use the same syntax as shown above for explicit named arguments and the two forms of argument passing can be mixed.
We could also specify the type of the whole expression using
utility function the
from the Prelude:
Tutorial.Functions2> show (the (Either String Int8) (maybeToEither Nothing))
"Left "Nope""
It is instructive to have a look at the type of the
Tutorial.Functions2> :ti the
Prelude.the : (0 a : Type) -> a -> a
Compare this with the identity function id
Tutorial.Functions2> :ti id : {0 a : Type} -> a -> a
The only difference between the two: In case of the
the type parameter a
is an explicit argument, while
in case of id
, it is an implicit argument. Although
the two functions have almost identical types (and implementations!),
they serve quite different purposes: the
is used to help
type inference, while id
is used whenever we'd like
to return an argument without modifying it at all (which,
in the presence of higher-order functions,
happens surprisingly often).
Both ways to improve type inference shown above are used quite often, and must be understood by Idris programmers.
Finally, we need to talk about the zero multiplicity, which appeared in several of the type signatures in this section. Idris 2, unlike its predecessor Idris 1, is based on a core language called quantitative type theory (QTT): Every variable in Idris 2 is associated with one of three possible multiplicities:
, meaning that the variable is erased at runtime.1
, meaning that the variable is used exactly once at runtime.- Unrestricted (the default), meaning that the variable is used an arbitrary number of times at runtime.
We will not talk about the most complex of the three, multiplicity 1
, here.
We are, however, often interested in multiplicity 0
: A variable with
multiplicity 0
is only relevant at compile time. It will not make
any appearance at runtime, and the computation of such a variable will
never affect a program's runtime performance.
In the type signature of maybeToEither
we see that type
parameter a
has multiplicity 0
, and will therefore be erased and
is only relevant at compile time, while the Maybe a
has unrestricted multiplicity.
It is also possible to annotate explicit arguments with multiplicities,
in which case the argument must again be put in parentheses. For an example,
look again at the type signature of the
It is often desirable, to only write as little code as necessary and let Idris figure out the rest. We have already learned about one such occasion: Catch-all patterns. If a variable in a pattern match is not used on the right hand side, we can't just drop it, as this would make it impossible for Idris, which of several arguments we were planning to drop, but we can use an underscore as a placeholder instead:
isRight : Either a b -> Bool
isRight (Right _) = True
isRight _ = False
But when we look at the type signature of isRight
, we will note
that type parameters a
and b
are also only used once, and
are therefore of no importance. Let's get rid of them:
isRight' : Either _ _ -> Bool
isRight' (Right _) = True
isRight' _ = False
In the detailed type signature of zipEitherWith
, it should
be obvious for Idris that the implicit arguments are of type Type
After all, all of them are later on applied to the Either
constructor, which is of type Type -> Type -> Type
. Let's get rid
of them:
zipEitherWith'' : {0 a : _}
-> {0 b : _}
-> {0 c : _}
-> {0 e : _}
-> (a -> b -> c)
-> Either e a
-> Either e b
-> Either e c
Consider the following contrived example:
foo : Integer -> String
foo n = show (the (Either String Integer) (Right n))
Since we wrap an Integer
in a Right
, it is obvious
that the second argument in Either String Integer
. Only the String
argument can't be inferred
by Idris. Even better, the Either
itself is obvious!
Let's get rid of the unnecessary noise:
foo' : Integer -> String
foo' n = show (the (_ String _) (Right n))
Please note, that using underscores as in foo'
not always desirable, as it can quite drastically
obfuscate the written code. Always use a syntactic
convenience to make code more readable, and not to
show people how clever you are.
Solved all the exercises so far? Got angry at the type checker for always complaining and never being really helpful? It's time to change that. Idris comes with several highly useful interactive editing features. Sometimes, the compiler is able to implement complete functions for us (if the types are specific enough). Even if that's not possible, there's an incredibly useful and important feature, which can help us when the types are getting too complicated: Holes. Holes are variables, the names of which are prefixed with a question mark. We can use them as placeholders whenever we plan to implement a piece of functionality at a later time. In addition, their types and the types and quantities of all other variables in scope can be inspected at the REPL (or in your editor, if you setup the necessary plugin). Let's see them holes in action.
Remember the traverseList
example from an Exercise earlier in
this section? If this was your first encounter with applicative list
traversals, this might have been a nasty bit of work. Well, let's just
make it a wee bit harder still. We'd like to implement the same
piece of functionality for functions returning Either e
, where
is a type with a Semigroup
implementation, and we'd like
to accumulate the values in all Left
s we meet along the way.
Here's the type of the function:
traverseEither : Semigroup e
=> (a -> Either e b)
-> List a
-> Either e (List b)
Now, in order to follow along, you might want to start your own Idris source file, load it into a REPL session and adjust the code as described here. The first thing we'll do, is write a skeleton implementation with a hole on the right hand side:
traverseEither fun as = ?impl
When you now go to the REPL and reload the file using command :r
you can enter :m
to list all the metavariables:
Tutorial.Functions2> :m
1 hole:
Tutorial.Functions2.impl : Either e (List b)
Next, we'd like to display the hole's type (including all variables in the surrounding context plus their types):
Tutorial.Functions2> :t impl
0 b : Type
0 a : Type
0 e : Type
as : List a
fun : a -> Either e b
impl : Either e (List b)
So, we have some erased type parameters (a
, b
, and e
), a value
of type List a
called as
, and a function from a
Either e b
called fun
. Our goal is to come up with a value
of type Either a (List b)
We could just return a Right []
, but that only make sense
if our input list is indeed the empty list. We therefore should
start with a pattern match on the list:
traverseEither fun [] = ?impl_0
traverseEither fun (x :: xs) = ?impl_1
The result is two holes, which must be given distinct names. When inspecting impl_0
we get the following result:
Tutorial.Functions2> :t impl_0
0 b : Type
0 a : Type
0 e : Type
fun : a -> Either e b
impl_0 : Either e (List b)
Now, this is an interesting situation. We are supposed to come up with a value
of type Either e (List b)
with nothing to work with. We know nothing
about a
, so we can't provide an argument with which to invoke fun
Likewise, we know nothing about e
or b
either, so we can't produce
any values of these either. The only option we have is to replace impl_0
with an empty list wrapped in a Right
traverseEither fun [] = Right []
The non-empty case is of course slightly more involved. Here's the context
of ?impl_1
Tutorial.Functions2> :t impl_1
0 b : Type
0 a : Type
0 e : Type
x : a
xs : List a
fun : a -> Either e b
impl_1 : Either e (List b)
Since x
is of type a
, we can either use it as an argument
to fun
or drop and ignore it. xs
, on the other hand, is
the remainder of the list of type List a
. We could again
drop it or process it further by invoking traverseEither
recursively. Since the goal is to try and convert all values,
we should drop neither. Since in case of two Left
s we
are supposed to accumulate the values, we eventually need to
run both computations anyway (invoking fun
, and recursively
calling traverseEither
). We therefore can do both at the
same time and analyze the results in a single pattern match
by wrapping both in a Pair
traverseEither fun (x :: xs) =
case (fun x, traverseEither fun xs) of
p => ?impl_2
Once again, we inspect the context:
Tutorial.Functions2> :t impl_2
0 b : Type
0 a : Type
0 e : Type
xs : List a
fun : a -> Either e b
x : a
p : (Either e b, Either e (List b))
impl_2 : Either e (List b)
We'll definitely need to pattern match on pair p
to figure out, which of the two computations succeeded:
traverseEither fun (x :: xs) =
case (fun x, traverseEither fun xs) of
(Left y, Left z) => ?impl_6
(Left y, Right _) => ?impl_7
(Right _, Left z) => ?impl_8
(Right y, Right z) => ?impl_9
At this point we might have forgotten what we actually wanted to do (at least to me, this happens annoyingly often), so we'll just quickly check what our goal is:
Tutorial.Functions2> :t impl_6
0 b : Type
0 a : Type
0 e : Type
xs : List a
fun : a -> Either e b
x : a
y : e
z : e
impl_6 : Either e (List b)
So, we are still looking for a value of type Either e (List b)
, and
we have two values of type e
in scope. According to the spec we
want to accumulate these using e
s Semigroup
We can proceed for the other cases in a similar manner, remembering
that we should return a Right
, if and only if all conversions
where successful:
traverseEither fun (x :: xs) =
case (fun x, traverseEither fun xs) of
(Left y, Left z) => Left (y <+> z)
(Left y, Right _) => Left y
(Right _, Left z) => Left z
(Right y, Right z) => Right (y :: z)
To reap the fruits of our labour, let's show off with a small example:
data Nucleobase = Adenine | Cytosine | Guanine | Thymine
readNucleobase : Char -> Either (List String) Nucleobase
readNucleobase 'A' = Right Adenine
readNucleobase 'C' = Right Cytosine
readNucleobase 'G' = Right Guanine
readNucleobase 'T' = Right Thymine
readNucleobase c = Left ["Unknown nucleobase: " ++ show c]
DNA : Type
DNA = List Nucleobase
readDNA : String -> Either (List String) DNA
readDNA = traverseEither readNucleobase . unpack
Let's try this at the REPL:
Tutorial.Functions2> readDNA "CGTTA"
Right [Cytosine, Guanine, Thymine, Thymine, Adenine]
Tutorial.Functions2> readDNA "CGFTAQ"
Left ["Unknown nucleobase: 'F'", "Unknown nucleobase: 'Q'"]
There are plugins available for several editors and programming environments, which facilitate interacting with the Idris compiler when implementing your functions. One editor, which is well supported in the Idris community, is Neovim. Since I am a Neovim user myself, I added some examples of what's possible to the appendix. Now would be a good time to start using the utilities discussed there.
If you use a different editor, probably with less support for the Idris programming language, you should at the very least have a REPL session open all the time, where the source file you are currently working on is loaded. This allows you to introduce new metavariables and inspect their types and context as you develop your code.
We again covered a lot of ground in this section. I can't stress enough that you should get yourselves accustomed to programming with holes and let the type checker help you figure out what to do next.
When in need of local utility functions, consider defining them as local definitions in a where block.
Use let expressions to define and reuse local variables.
Function arguments can be given a name, which can serve as documentation, can be used to pass arguments in any order, and is used to refer to them in dependent types.
Implicit arguments are wrapped in curly braces. The compiler is supposed to infer them from the context. If that's not possible, they can be passed explicitly as other named arguments.
Whenever possible, Idris adds implicit erased arguments for all type parameters automatically.
Quantities allow us to track how often a function argument is used. Quantity 0 means, the argument is erased at runtime.
Use holes as placeholders for pieces of code you plan to fill in at a later time. Use the REPL (or your editor) to inspect the types of holes together with the names, types, and quantities of all variables in their context.
In the next chapter we'll start using dependent types to help us write provably correct code. Having a good understanding of how to read Idris' type signatures will be of paramount importance there. Whenever you feel lost, add one or more holes and inspect their context to decide what to do next.