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Reinterpret a Complex64Array as a Float32Array.


npm install @stdlib/strided-base-reinterpret-complex64


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var reinterpret = require( '@stdlib/strided-base-reinterpret-complex64' );

reinterpret( x, offset )

Returns a Float32Array view of a Complex64Array.

var Complex64Array = require( '@stdlib/array-complex64' );

var x = new Complex64Array( 10 );

var view = reinterpret( x, 0 );
// returns <Float32Array>

var bool = ( view.buffer === x.buffer );
// returns true

var len = view.length;
// returns 20

The offset argument specifies the starting index of the returned Float32Array view relative to the Complex64Array.

var Complex64Array = require( '@stdlib/array-complex64' );

var x = new Complex64Array( [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0 ] );

var view = reinterpret( x, 2 );
// returns <Float32Array>

var len = view.length;
// returns 4

var re = view[ 0 ];
// returns 5.0

var im = view[ 1 ];
// returns 6.0


var Complex64Array = require( '@stdlib/array-complex64' );
var real = require( '@stdlib/complex-real' );
var imag = require( '@stdlib/complex-imag' );
var reinterpret = require( '@stdlib/strided-base-reinterpret-complex64' );

// Define a complex number array:
var x = new Complex64Array( [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0 ] );
// returns <Complex64Array>

// Reinterpret as a `float32` array:
var view = reinterpret( x, 0 );
// returns <Float32Array>

// Set view elements:
view[ 0 ] = 9.0;
view[ 1 ] = 10.0;

// Get the first element of the complex number array:
var z = x.get( 0 );
// returns <Complex64>

var re = real( z );
// returns 9.0

var im = imag( z );
// returns 10.0


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