Return help text associated with a provided alias.
var help = require( '@stdlib/repl/help' );
Returns help text for a provided alias.
var txt = help( 'base.sin' );
// returns <string>
If provided an unrecognized alias
, the function returns null
var txt = help( 'unrecognized_alias_beep_boop_bop_bip' );
// returns null
var discreteUniform = require( '@stdlib/random/base/discrete-uniform' );
var aliases = require( '@stdlib/namespace/aliases' );
var help = require( '@stdlib/repl/help' );
var list;
var len;
var idx;
var i;
list = aliases();
len = list.length;
for ( i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) {
idx = discreteUniform( 0, len-1 );
console.log( help( list[ idx ] ) );
Usage: stdlib-alias-help [options] <alias>
-h, --help Print this message.
-V, --version Print the package version.
$ stdlib-alias-help 'base.sin'
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