Service state Stopped & Listener State Not Listening #215
Server: Windows server 2008 R2 Enterprise
Hyper-V: VM: Windows10 Pro
Everything was working fine until windows 10 pro downloaded updates now after updated RDWW stopped working.
Here is the scope, I am already running 1.6.1, If i uninstall RDPW and run the RDPwconfig both Service and Listener are working they show green.
as soon as I install RDPWrapper the Wrapper state says Installed but the service goes to Stopped and the Listener state go to Not Listening [Fully supported]
I have done everything for the love of god and still cant get it all green.
where i stand now is the RDP works for one user only when wrapper is not installed.
when wrapper is installed it all is disabled.
I have tried to run the services manually but that doesnt make the wrapper show green.
any ideas?
here is a screen shot: