Elixir Projects
A sharable todo list built with Elixir, Phoenix, and Ash
Catalog of Elixir-specific code smells
Deep Learning from the Foundations with Elixir. This repository is a transformation of the 2022 version of Fast.ai's Deep Learning for Coders Part 2 into Elixir. These code notebooks follow the not…
A Livebook smart-cell to render diagrams powered by Kroki.io
Enterprise-ready zero-trust access platform built on WireGuard®.
Monorepo for the open-source packages
A complete payment library for Elixir and Phoenix Framework
A sample Elixir project with a robust GitHub Actions CI
Gather, organize and mobilize yourselves with a convivial, ethical, and emancipating tool.
An implementation of GitHub's Primer Design System using Phoenix LiveView
Components for pagination, sortable tables and filter forms using Phoenix, Ecto and Flop
Dynamic (multi)selection field for LiveView
Low-config admin UI for Phoenix apps, built on LiveView
An Elixir app which generates text-based tables for display
An integrated knowledge work environment for open source software projects in Elixir with LLM-based assistants
Elixir implementation of an AI focused LangChain style framework.
Phoenix Liveview component library inspired by shadcn UI
Platform for hosting and sharing terminal session recordings
Live-listening web app -- http://live.orcasound.net ⭐