Innovation Works
- Beijing
- http://www.lambdahacker.org/
Solidity language support and visual security auditor for Visual Studio Code
Generalized atomic swap marketplaces for ERC-777(advanced token standard) and ERC-721 (non-fungible tokens)
View source of deployed Ethereum contracts in VSCode
🔌 TypeScript bindings for Ethereum smart contracts
A factory contract for creating metamorphic (i.e. redeployable) contracts.
Get up to speed on Maximum Extractable Value
A compilation of patterns and best practices for the smart contract programming language Solidity
Minimal Anti-Collusion Infrastructure (MACI)
A merkle tree is a data structure used for efficiently summarizing sets of data, often one-time signatures.
💸 Lightweight Merkle Drop contract for n tranches
Guidelines and training material to write secure smart contracts
Zorbs shift when transferred. The Zorb Fridge allows you to freeze them.
a p2p trading app on Ethereum & Polygon :)
Gnosis Safe app for batch OpenSea purchases
The Nest.js software development kit for EarnKeeper.io plugins
Simple, intentionally-limited versions of web3 protocols & apps.
Project Wyvern Ethereum Smart Contracts
Smart Contract Weakness Classification and Test Cases