- nt!PsSetCreateThreadNotifyRoutine
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🛡️ Awesome Cloud Security Resources ⚔️
A cheat sheet that contains common enumeration and attack methods for Windows Active Directory.
Monitoring and controlling kernel API calls with stealth hook using EPT
ETW patches from userMode learned till now
Villain is a high level stage 0/1 C2 framework that can handle multiple reverse TCP & HoaxShell-based shells, enhance their functionality with additional features (commands, utilities) and share th…
A round-trip obfuscated HTTP file transfer setup built to bypass IDS detections.
Exploitation paths allowing you to (mis)use the Windows Privileges to elevate your rights within the OS.
Test the accuracy of Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) software with simple script which executes various ATT&CK/LOLBAS/Invoke-CradleCrafter/Invoke-DOSfuscation payloads
This script is designed to test the detection and response capabilities of endpoint detection and response (EDR) solutions.
PoC module to demonstrate automated lateral movement with the Havoc C2 framework.
A memory-based evasion technique which makes shellcode invisible from process start to end.
Stand up a simple Elastic container with Kibana, Fleet, and the Detection Engine
Driver loader for bypassing Windows x64 Driver Signature Enforcement
IoctlHunter is a command-line tool designed to simplify the analysis of IOCTL calls made by userland software targeting Windows drivers.
A proof of concept demonstrating the DLL-load proxying using undocumented Syscalls.
PoCs and tools for investigation of Windows process execution techniques
A tool that is used to hunt vulnerabilities in x64 WDM drivers