Dump cookies and credentials directly from Chrome/Edge process memory
A Powershell script that looks for specific emails in an exchange users mailbox, downloads the attachments, then marks those emails as read and moves the messages to a processed folder for archiving.
A slightly more fun way to disable windows defender + firewall. (through the WSC api)
A Python implementation that facilitates finding timeless timing attack vulnerabilities.
一个漏洞扫描器粘合剂,添加目标后30款工具自动调用;支持 web扫描、系统扫描、子域名收集、目录扫描、主机扫描、主机发现、组件识别、URL爬虫、XRAY扫描、AWVS自动扫描、POC批量验证,SSH批量测试、vulmap。
Vcenter综合渗透利用工具包 | Vcenter Comprehensive Penetration and Exploitation Toolkit
复现《EDR的梦魇:Storm-0978使用新型内核注入技术“Step Bear”》
《APT Individual Combat Guide》
Template-Driven AV/EDR Evasion Framework
Emulate Drivers in RING3 with self context mapping or unicorn