- Stockholm, Sweden
Remember file locations and sort by time and frequency and support telescope.
A treesitter supported autopairing plugin with extensions, and much more
A blazingly fast, animated, and infinitely customizeable startup / dashboard plugin (currently unmaintained, but with plans for a ground-up rewrite)
A Neovim plugin that displays interactive vertical scrollbars and signs.
Neovim plugin for locking a buffer to a window
🌒 Neovim plugin management inspired by Cargo, powered by luarocks
Flexible session management for Neovim.
💭👀precognition.nvim - Precognition uses virtual text and gutter signs to show available motions.
Library of 40+ independent Lua modules improving overall Neovim (version 0.8 and higher) experience with minimal effort
💾 Simple session management for Neovim with git branching, autoloading and Telescope support
Interactively select and swap function arguments, list elements, and much more. Powered by tree-sitter.
minimal neovim plugin for taking down notes for git projects, branch, etc.
Control Neovim from shells running inside Neovim.
Snippet support using native neovim snippets
A neovim plugin to display lsp hover documentation in a side panel.
I tried quite a lot `Project Management` plugins. In the end, I found all I need is just an easier way to `cd` to another project directory.
A collection of intuitive, easily searchable, and ready-to-use commands.
Generic log syntax highlighting and filetype management for Neovim
A hackable markdown, Typst, latex, html(inline) & YAML previewer for Neovim
Vim plugin for LLM-assisted code/text completion