frida-based runtime parsing script
Android's native SSL pinning bypass using Frida
JavaScript files used to bypass Root Detection & SSL Pinning in Frida.
Frida-based tracer for easier reverse-engineering on Android, iOS, Linux, Windows and most related architectures.
Getting better stacks and backtraces in Frida
Human-friendly cross-platform system call tracing and hooking library based on Frida's Stalker
A frida tool to dump dex in memory to support security engineers analyzing malware.
A couple of methods for detecting Frida on Android.
Non-authoritatively making Frida less (not un-!)detectable by applying some symptomatic patches. Melded with CrackerCat/strongR-frida-android, hzzheyang/strongR-frida-android and Ylarod/Florida. No…
Stealth patch for Frida, stealth knowledge collection