Community curated list of templates for the nuclei engine to find security vulnerabilities.
A list of useful payloads and bypass for Web Application Security and Pentest/CTF
An Out-of-Band XXE server for retrieving file contents over FTP.
awesome cloud security 收集一些国内外不错的云安全资源,该项目主要面向国内的安全人员
CVE-2022-1388 F5 BIG-IP iControl REST Auth Bypass RCE
An advanced cross-platform tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection security flaws
网络摄像头漏洞检测脚本.Nmap (Nse Nmap script engine)
金蝶云星空 Kingdee-erp-Unserialize-RCE POC&&EXP
VMWare Aria Operations for Networks (vRealize Network Insight) Static SSH key RCE (CVE-2023-34039)
[漏洞复现] 全球首款利用PHP默认环境(XAMPP)的CVE-2024-4577 PHP-CGI RCE 漏洞 EXP。