- https://connect-with-eby.web.app
- in/ahmadabuhasan
- @eby_dev
- eby.dev
- Pro
Web App untuk menyimpan kontakmu agar bisa diakses di mana saja dan dibagikan kepada siapa saja.
Web penjualan pakaian dari toko Anisa Collection Sidodadi Teluk Panji
Open Source Donation / Fundraising Platform | Aplikasi Manajemen Donasi Open Source
Sistem Informasi Ma'had Tahfidz dan Ilmu Al Qur'an
⚡️ OpenAI PHP for Laravel is a supercharged PHP API client that allows you to interact with OpenAI API
Most Powerful & Comprehensive Free Bootstrap 5 HTML Laravel Admin Dashboard Template built for developers!
🕌 — Zaqat membantu para DKM mendigitalisasi pembayaran serta pendataan zakat fitrah di setiap dan masing masing daerah dengan mudah.
A demo application to illustrate how Inertia.js works.
Generate smart API mocks in Laravel using ChatGPT prompts
laravel 10 with filament 3
A self-hosted web monitoring tool, built with laravel
🐽 oink.php is a single-file PHP library to easily build APIs
BubbleClinic is an application used for the process of taking queue numbers at clinics. This application was created using Laravel 10 & Bootstrap 5.
Laravel 12 + Auth + Stisla Template
Sistem Pencatatan Tagihan & Pembayaran SPP Sekolah
An e-commerce Laravel application from start to finish (excluding payments and shipping) with clean and simple UI
Another School Management System
File terjemahan bahasa Indonesia untuk Laravel.
PHP Laravel Livewire - Website weeding invitation / undangan pernikahan using framework laravel https://saweria.co/danixsofyan
(Package) Laravel starter app & CRUD generator
Triangle POS is an open source Inventory Management with POS System. Developed with Laravel 10, Bootstrap 4 & Livewire 3. It's completely free to use.