自动提取Mac平台的短信和邮箱验证码;Automatic extraction of 2FA codes from iMassage and Mail App for Mac platform
User-friendly GUI macOS application for Homebrew Casks
SwiftUI 示例,技巧和技术集合,帮助我构建应用程序,解决问题以及了解SwiftUI的实际工作方式。
Now we have become very big, Different from the original idea. Collect premium software in various categories.
A lightweight screen recorder based on ScreenCapture Kit for macOS / 基于 ScreenCapture Kit 的轻量化多功能 macOS 录屏工具
Exclude undesired files (node_modules, target, etc) from your TimeMachine backup.
A small utility app for macOS that makes sure you know about all the latest updates to the apps you use.
🚀 Awesome list of open source applications for macOS. https://t.me/s/opensourcemacosapps
Use your MacBook's notch like Dynamic Island for temporary storing files and AirDrop
Command-line tool that allows searching and downloading app packages (known as ipa files) from the iOS App Store
Unlock your displays on your Mac! Flexible HiDPI scaling, XDR/HDR extra brightness, virtual screens, DDC control, extra dimming, PIP/streaming, EDID override and lots more!
macOS Integrated Injection Framework (GUI version)
✨ Finder Toolbar app for macOS to open the current directory in Terminal, iTerm, Hyper or Alacritty.
macOS command-line utility to limit max battery charge
Lock/unlock your Mac with your iPhone, Apple Watch, or any other Bluetooth LE devices
Check the technology used by the software you have installed
Opensource IDE For Exploring and Testing Api's (lightweight alternative to postman/insomnia)
Dynamic Peninsula for macOS, focusing on window switching, notifications, and file storage.
Curated list of the best free apps for PC and mobile