This package is set for deprecation and is actively being removed from Kibana.
The Kibana UI framework is a collection of React elements and Sass styles used to build legacy layouts in Kibana. It was primarily used during the 5.x and 6.x versions and is replaced by the Elastic UI framework. Portions of Kibana still utilize this package and until it is fully removed you can still compile and view the documentation using the instructions below.
Compile the CSS with ./node_modules/grunt/bin/grunt uiFramework:compileCss
(OS X) or
.\node_modules\grunt\bin\grunt uiFramework:compileCss
You can view interactive documentation by running yarn uiFramework:start
and then visiting
http://localhost:8020/. This will also start watching the SCSS files, and will recompile the CSS
automatically for you when you make changes.
You can run node scripts/jest --watch
to watch for changes and run the tests as you code.
You can run node scripts/jest --coverage
to generate a code coverage report to see how
fully-tested the code is.
See the documentation in scripts/jest.js
for more options.