This is a sample API implementation using .NET.
This repository contains the following sub-directories (with different API implementations):
- mvc the REST API created using MVC controllers,
- minimal the REST API created using minimal API endpoints.
Based on these (free) courses/materials:
- APIs:
- data access,
- caching,
- logging,
- error handling,
- security,
- deployment,
- versioning,
- documenting,
- clients,
- consume,
- clean architecture,
- other.
Also used these (paid) courses & books:
This is a continuation of these projects](./docs/
Some useful tools & libraries:
- Postman,
- Insomnia,
- Visual Studio Code - REST Client,
- Visual Studio Code - Rapid API,
- Bruno,
- West Wind WebSurge,
- JSON Editor Online,
- FastEndpoints 📁.
- AutoMapper 📁,
- Mapperly 📁,
- MediatR,
- FluentValidation 📁,
- XUnit 📁,
- Fluent Assertions,
- NSubstitute 📁,
- FakeItEasy,
- AutoFixture,
- Faker,
- Bogus,
- dev-tunnels,
- Ngrok,
- SQLite and SQL Server Compact Toolbox,
- Microsoft PowerToys 📁,
- HttpClient,
- Refit,
- BenchmarkDotNet,
- OneOf,
- TestableIO,
- WireMock.Net,
- CefSharp,
- NetArchTest,
- coverlet,
- Verify,
- Verify.Http,
- AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks,
- FeatureManagement-Dotnet.