🌱 Currently improving my BigData/Python/SQL/UNIX skills - Yes, I'm a moron, trying to learn all at once😐
👯 looking to collaborate for good projects on Bigdata technology - not that anyone really asks for😕.
💬 Ask me about: Bigdata - only if I had been any better than what you can't find on google🤷♂️.
📫 How to reach me: find me @srikanth7785🙃.
⚡ Fun fact: No, I don't know how to hack Facebook🤞. but, I know how to exit `vim`😄
Data Engineer at KOMG India
I also have a handful of experience in Flutter
. Here are a couple of my projects live on Play Store
Othello - A Strategy Board Game with 15K+📥 | 4.7 ⭐
Gmaterials - exclusively for GITAMites' with 1K+📥 | 4.7 ⭐
. . . and many more . . . feel free to check out all of my repositories and the pinned repos below 👇.
Find me on: LinkedIn