This is the base command that defines a graph.
graph "myGraph" {
edge start,middle,end
The basic syntax is Graph [String] [Scriptblock]
. The output of this command is a [string[]]
containing a graph definition in the GraphViz DOT language.
This is the output from the command above:
digraph myGraph {
In this simple example, there is not much difference. Most simple graphs could easily be crafted by hand using the native DOT syntax. The goal of this module is to make the more complicated or scripted graphs easier to work with.
Knowing that the graph
command gives us a [string[]]
will allow us to do two different things.
The most basic thing we can do is just save it to a variable.
$firstGraph = graph "myGraph" {
edge start,middle,end
Once you have it in that variable, we can save it to a file.
Set-Content -Path $path -Value $firstGraph
If you are already comfortable working with GraphViz, you can have it process this $path
file directly. Or you can use my helper function Export-PSGraph -Source $file
to generate the final image.
The other thing we can do is pipe it directly to the export function to get our image.
graph "myGraph" {
edge start,middle,end
} | Export-PSGraph -DestinationPath $path
Don't forget that the body of the graph is a Powershell script block. You can use regular Powershell inside it if you need to.
graph myGraph {
$csv | %{edge -from $_.boss -to $_.employee}
Both Graphs and Subgraphs support attributes.
You can specify attributes in a [hashtable]
just like for the node
and edge
graph g -Attributes @{label='my graph'} {
edge a,b,c,d,a
Positional attributes also work.
graph g @{label='my graph'} {
edge a,b,c,d,aS