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SQL Formatter NPM version Dev Build Prod Build Coverage Status

SQL Formatter is a JavaScript library for pretty-printing SQL queries. It started as a port of a PHP Library, but has since considerably diverged.

SQL formatter supports the following dialects:

It does not support:

  • Stored procedures.
  • Changing of the delimiter type to something else than ;.

Try the demo.

Table of contents


Get the latest version from NPM:

npm install prettier-sql


Usage as library

import { format } from 'prettier-sql';

console.log(format('SELECT * FROM tbl'));

This will output:


You can also pass in configuration options:

format('SELECT * FROM tbl', {
	language: 'spark', // Defaults to "sql" (see the above list of supported dialects)
	indent: '  ', // Defaults to two spaces
	uppercase: false, // Defaults to true
	linesBetweenQueries: 2, // Defaults to 1

Placeholders replacement

// Named placeholders
format("SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE foo = @foo", {
  params: {foo: "'bar'"}

// Indexed placeholders
format("SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE foo = ?", {
  params: ["'bar'"]

Both result in:

  foo = 'bar'

Usage from command line

The CLI tool will be installed under prettier-sql and may be invoked via npx prettier-sql:

prettier-sql -h
usage: sqlfmt.js [-h] [-o OUTPUT] \
[-l {db2,mariadb,mysql,n1ql,plsql,postgresql,redshift,spark,sql,tsql}] [-c CONFIG] [--version] [FILE]

SQL Formatter

positional arguments:
  FILE            Input SQL file (defaults to stdin)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  -o, --output    OUTPUT
                    File to write SQL output (defaults to stdout)
  -l, --language  {db2,mariadb,mysql,n1ql,plsql,postgresql,redshift,spark,sql,tsql}
                    SQL Formatter dialect (defaults to basic sql)
  -c, --config    CONFIG
                    Path to config json file (will use default configs if unspecified)
  --version       show program's version number and exit

By default, the tool takes queries from stdin and processes them to stdout but one can also name an input file name or use the --output option.

echo 'select * from tbl where id = 3' | prettier-sql
  id = 3

The tool also accepts a JSON config file with the --config option that takes this form:
All fields are optional and all fields that are not specified will be filled with their default values

	"indent": string,
	"uppercase": boolean,
	"keywordPosition": "standard" | "tenSpaceLeft" | "tenSpaceRight",
	"newline": {
		"mode": "always" | "itemCount" | "lineWidth" | "hybrid" | "never",
		"itemCount":? number
	"breakBeforeBooleanOperator": boolean,
	"aliasAs": "always" | "select" | "never",
	"tabulateAlias": boolean,
	"commaPosition": "before" | "after" | "tabular",
	"parenOptions": {
		"openParenNewline": boolean,
		"closeParenNewline": boolean
	"lineWidth": number,
	"linesBetweenQueries": number,
	"denseOperators": boolean,
	"semicolonNewline": boolean,

Usage without NPM

If you don't use a module bundler, clone the repository, run npm install and grab a file from /dist directory to use inside a <script> tag. This makes SQL Formatter available as a global variable window.sqlFormatter.


Make sure to run all checks:

npm run check

...and you're ready to poke us with a pull request.
