is a Js library which converts pure Js Objects into DOM elements.
Each object of class Spuck
is a Virtual element which you can put in the DOM.
<script src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/spuckhafte/SpuckJs@1.0.3/Spuck.js'></script>
<script src='index.js' defer></script>
<div id='app'></div>
// initialize the element
const Heading = new Spuck({ type: 'h1', parent: '#app', class: 'heading', id: 'heading' })
// Define properties of "Heading", i.e, "text" and "css"
Heading.prop = {
text: "SpuckJs",
css: { // normal css properties, following camel case (margin-inline -> marginInline)
textAlign: 'center'
Heading.make(); // it render and mounts the element to the dom
const NameInput = new Spuck({ type: 'input', parent: '#app', class: 'name', id: 'inp' })
NameInput.render(); // makes an element (does not put it in the dom)
const setValue = NameInput.$state('value', '') // state of the element, returns a function to update it
NameInput.prop = {
value: '$-value', // refer to the state named "value" by using $- as prefix
css: {
width: '20rem', height: '3rem', backgroundColor: 'black',
outline: 'none', border: 'none', color: 'white',
fontSize: '1.5rem', fontWeight: 'bold',
NameInput.attr = { autofocus: 'true', autocomplete: 'off' }
// define events on an element and assign callbacks to them
NameInput.events = {
keyup: e => setValue(e.target.value) // change the "value" state when someone types
NameInput.make('re'); // remake(update) the rendered element
const NameDisplay = new Spuck({ type: 'h2', parent: '#app', id: 'display' })
NameInput.init.pseudoChildren = [NameDisplay]
set NameDis as pseudoChild of NameInp to pass down state of the Parent (input el)
to its children (only NameDisplay in this case). Now NameDisplay can access these
states as pseudo-states by using $$- as prefix, eg. $$-someStateOfParent.
const setColor = NameDisplay.$state('color', 'red'); // this state will manage the color of the text
NameDisplay.prop = {
text: '$$-value', // use the "value" state of NameInp (pseudo-parent)
css: { cursor: 'pointer', color: '$-color', width: 'fit-content' }
NameDisplay.events = { click: () => setColor(color => color === 'red' ? 'blue' : 'red') }
SpuckJs - state managed
const Input = new Spuck({ type: 'input', parent: '#app' }).render();
const setValue = Input.$state('value', '');
Input.attr = { value: '$-value', autofocus: 'true' };
Input.events = { input: e => setValue(e.target.value) };
const Display = new Spuck({ type: 'h4', parent: '#app' }).render();
Input.init.pseudoChildren = [Display];
const setColor = Display.$state('color', 'red');
Display.prop = { text: '$$-value', css: { color: '$-color', cursor: 'pointer', userSelect: 'none' } };
Display.events = { click: () => setColor(color => color === 'blue' ? 'red' : 'blue') };
SpuckJs - no state
const Input = new Spuck({ type: 'input', parent: '#app' }, {}, {}, { autofocus: 'true' }).render();
const Display = new Spuck({ type: 'h4', parent: '#app' }).render();
Display.prop = { text: '', css: { color: 'red', userSelect: 'none' } }
Display.events = { click: () => {
Display.prop.css.color = Display.prop.css.color === 'blue' ? 'red' : 'blue';
Input.events = { input: e => {
Display.prop.text = e.target.value;
[Input, Display].forEach(i => i.make('re'));
SpuckJs - state managed
const Parent = new Spuck({ type: 'div', parent: '#app' }).render();
const setBg = Parent.$state('color', 'red');
Parent.prop = { css: { width: '50px', height:'50px', background: '$-color', cursor: 'pointer', marginBlock: '2em' } };
Parent.events = { click: () => setBg('#'+Math.floor(Math.random()*16777215).toString(16)) };
for (i=1; i <= 3; i++) {
const Child = new Spuck({ type: 'div', parent: '#app', id: `${i}` }).render();
Parent.init.pseudoChildren = Parent.init.pseudoChildren ? [...Parent.init.pseudoChildren, Child] : [Child];
Child.prop = { css: { width: '50px', height: '50px', background: '$$-color', marginBlock: '2px' } };
VanillaJs - no state
let Parent = document.createElement('div');
Object.assign(Parent.style, { width: '50px',height: '50px',background: 'red',cursor: 'pointer',marginBlock: '2em' });
let children = [];
for (i=1; i<=3; i++) {
let Child = document.createElement('div')
Object.assign(Child.style, { width: '50px', height: '50px', background: 'red', marginBlock: '2px' })
Parent.addEventListener('click', () => {
let color = '#'+Math.floor(Math.random()*16777215).toString(16)
Object.assign(Parent.style, { background: color })
children.forEach(child => child.style.background = color);
children.forEach(el => document.querySelector('#app').appendChild(el))