- Kubernetes is up and running
- The service catalog is deployed on Kubernetes
Example using helm chart from here:
- Deploy the mongodb server using helm. You can also configure a DB instance in this step but it is not needed.
helm install --name mongodb --set mongodbRootPassword=password charts/mongodb
Verify that the pod is started in Kubernetes UI and there are no errors.
Log into the mongo database server
sudo docker run -it --rm bitnami/mongodb mongo --host admin -u root -p password
- Connect to the database server
- Add the user that will create databases
use admin
db.createUser({ user: 'admin', pwd: 'password', roles: [{"role" : "readWriteAnyDatabase","db" : "admin"},{"role" : "userAdminAnyDatabase","db" : "admin"}] });
- Install the mongodb-service-broker into kubernetes
helm install charts/service-broker-mongodb --name service-broker-mongodb --namespace default
Verify that the pod is started in kubernetes UI
Verify Successful installation of the broker
- a. list out all of the brokers and classes. It may take a few minutes, but there should be two entries, one for the broker, and one for the service class
kubectl get clusterservicebrokers,clusterserviceclasses
- b. If the service class doesn't show up, look at the error message
kubectl get clusterservicebrokers mongodb-service-broker -o yaml
4, Show the plans
kubectl get clusterserviceplans,EXTERNAL\ NAME:.spec.externalName
kubectl create -f charts/service-broker-mongodb/mongodb-service-instance.yaml
kubectl create -f charts/service-broker-mongodb/mongodb-service-binding.yaml