Become a sponsor to PopolonY2k
I'm PopolonY2k and I'm living in Brazil in my whole life, developing software to several markets like high performance software, communication softwares and protocols and multi-platform video-game libraries and engines.
Today I'm working on building modern libraries and softwares to multi-platform devices and computers, since old to modern computers.
Your sponsorship will be very import to help developing all current software I'm pushing here at GitHub and future work that I'm always planning to release.
Please check more about me on my website at
Featured work
Technical Advanced Robust Data Interchanging Software is a multi-platform open source communication library written in C, with wrappers in C++. It has been designed to integrate several useful prot…
C 2 -
This is a Pascal repository, used to store some ideas, initial drafts or even some mini projects and tools.
Pascal 1 -
Audio data Encoder/Decoder based on Kansas City Standard as used on some of the first home computers.
Python 1 -
MSX BASIC mini projects
Hinotori Library is the rebrand of PopolonY2k Framework now moved to GitHub and open to community collaboration
Pascal 5