Become a sponsor to Eduardo Cuducos
I’m a geek who is interested in social, cultural, and political issues. As a PhD in sociology, I enjoy reflecting upon common relationships in our daily life, but my passion for technology introduced me to the idea of hacking.
I’m one of the co-founders of Operação Serenata de Amor. I have worked and collaborated with civic tech projects in different organizations such as the World Bank, Open Knowledge Brasil, Datopian and IBCCRIM. In addition, I love side projects such as the ones I founded or maintain here at GitHub — and these contributions help me dedicate more time to these projects.
This will allow Minha Receita to run on a 99.99% available rate server — currently, it runs on a 95%, which causes frequent downtime. This value includes a managed PostgreSQL (e.g., 148 USD/month for 8 GB, 4 vCPUs and 280Gb storage at DigitalOcean) and a server to handle hundreds of millions of requests per month (e.g. 8 GB, 4 vCPUs and 5TB of transfer at DigitalOcean).
Featured work
🏢 Sua API web para consulta de informações do CNPJ da Receita Federal
Go 1,383 -
🧱 Chunk is a download manager for slow and unstable servers
Go 53 -
🇧🇷 CPF and CNPJ validation in Go
Go 17 -
✨Format numbers as pretty strings
Elm 59 -
🔓 A public and read-only version of the Django Admin
Python 67 -
🍒 YAML toolkit for Neovim users
Lua 212
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