Become a sponsor to Balazs Hevesi
Hello there 👋, i am Balazs Hevesi
I live in Southern Sweden in a little town called Älmhult, though im originally from Hungary. My goal is to improve my software development skills (mainly web-development) to the point where i can get employed right after i graduate school (so in about 5 months).
I've built a little open-source NPM-package that's called "react-ripples-continued" that aims to be a very simple and no-bullshit ripple effect for react. It's obviously built with functional components, and has built in support for SSR with the "use client" directive.
I've also built a little website called "nä" which is a useful tool for any swedish highschool-student who just wants a simple way of knowing when the lesson will end (or start). In the readme i've also explained how to interact with skola24s API, which doesn't have (at least public) documentation .
I will continue to build other packages and websites whenever i feel like there's a need for them.
Any sponsors are greatly appreciated ❤️
Featured work
⏰ En webapp för att ha koll på när lektionen slutar och börjar. Utnyttjar skola24as API
TypeScript 9 -
⚛️ The material design ripple effect for react made simple yet customisable. `npm i react-ripples-continued`
TypeScript 8