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Liquid Haskell integration for Cabal and Stack.

Hackage Hackage-Deps

liquidhaskell-cabal provides drop-in LiquidHaskell integration for projects built with Cabal and/or Stack.

Setting Up

(See liquidhaskell-cabal-demo for an example project setup.)

  1. Make sure you have LiquidHaskell version 0.6 or above installed and available in your $PATH.

  2. Open up your Setup.hs file. For most projects, it will look like this:

    import Distribution.Simple
    main = defaultMain

    Replace that with:

    import LiquidHaskell.Cabal
    main = liquidHaskellMain

    This hooks LiquidHaskell into your Cabal/Stack-based build.

    (For projects already using a custom Setup.hs file, see the section on "Custom Setup.hs Files" below.)

  3. Next, it's time to set up your project's .cabal file.

    Add liquidhaskell-cabal to the build-depends lists of each of your libraries and executables:

      build-depends: {- ... other dependencies ... -}
                   , liquidhaskell-cabal >= 0.2.1
                     {- ... perhaps more dependencies? ... -}

    Then add a custom-setup stanza at the top level, outside the library and executale sections:

      setup-depends: base, Cabal, liquidhaskell-cabal >= 0.2.1

    This tells Cabal to make the base, Cabal, and liquidhaskell-cabal packages available when building Setup.hs. It goes at the top level of your .cabal file, next to library, executable, and test-suite. And as with other setup-depends lists, you can optionally set version bounds here.

    You'll also need a flag called liquidhaskell in your .cabal file; liquidhaskell-cabal only activates if it sees that a flag with this name is enabled. It is highly recommended that this be disabled by default, so that end users of your package don't need to know about LiquidHaskell to install it:

    flag liquidhaskell
      description: After building, verify with LiquidHaskell
      default:     False

    Finally, make sure the build-type field in your .cabal file is set to Custom (most projects use Simple):

    build-type: Custom

    Each library and executable in your package can optionally specify its own LiquidHaskell flags and whitelist of source files to verify with LiquidHaskell; see the section on "Additional .cabal Fields" below for more on that.

  4. When building, you may see a warning that looks like:

    Ignoring unknown section type: custom-setup

    This is because old versions of Cabal (before version 1.24) don't recognize the custom-setup stanza. If you're building with Stack, see the next step; otherwise, you'll need to install liquidhaskell-cabal manually to make it available to your Setup.hs:

    $ cabal install liquidhaskell-cabal-
  5. If you're building with Stack, add the following to your project's stack.yaml:

      - liquidhaskell-cabal-

    (If your stack.yaml already has an extra-deps list, add liquidhaskell-cabal- to the existing one instead of starting a second list.)

    Then, if you're using a version of Stack prior to 1.4, add the following as well:

      "*": true

    Otherwise, with Stack 1.4+, the custom-setup stanza in the .cabal file will be recognized automatically, and the explicit-setup-deps field is unnecessary.

That's it! You should be good to go.


If you're using Stack, you can build and check with LiquidHaskell by adding --flag <package name>:liquidhaskell to your stack build command:

stack build --flag mypackage:liquidhaskell

Otherwise, pass -fliquidhaskell to cabal configure to switch on LiquidHaskell checking for your builds:

cabal configure -fliquidhaskell && cabal build

(Running cabal configure without -fliquidhaskell will turn it back off.)

Additional .cabal Fields

liquidhaskell-cabal includes a few new fields that you can add to your .cabal file for each executable or library.


Extra command line flags to pass to LiquidHaskell (these are described in the LiquidHaskell README).

Multiple x-liquidhaskell-options fields may be specified per component. The concatenation of the command line flags extracted from each will be passed to LiquidHaskell.

  (... other fields ...)
  x-liquidhaskell-options: --diff --no-termination

executable myexecutable
  (... other fields ...)
  x-liquidhaskell-options: --diff
  x-liquidhaskell-options: --no-termination


When you only want LiquidHaskell to verify a subset of your project's files, instead of the whole thing, add an instance of this field for each path you want checked.

Both file and directory paths are supported, so listing A/B will also include A/B/C.hs. When this field is missing, liquidhaskell-cabal defaults to checking all Haskell files in the project.

  (... other fields ...)
  x-liquidhaskell-verify: src/A.hs
  x-liquidhaskell-verify: src/B

executable myexecutable
  (... other fields ...)
  x-liquidhaskell-verify: app/Main.hs

Custom Setup.hs Files

For most projects, the simple Setup.hs file given above (using liquidHaskellMain) should be sufficient. However, for those already using custom Setup.hs files, the LiquidHaskell.Cabal module (Haddock) provides more granular means of hooking LiquidHaskell into the build process.

liquidHaskellHooks is a Cabal UserHooks structure pre-configured for LiquidHaskell. Using it, the basic Setup.hs file is equivalent to:

import Distribution.Simple
import LiquidHaskell.Cabal
main = defaultMainWithHooks liquidHaskellHooks

liquidHaskellPostBuildHook is the Cabal postBuild hook that actually configures and runs LiquidHaskell. Using it, the above is equivalent to:

import Distribution.Simple
import LiquidHaskell.Cabal
main = defaultMainWithHooks $
  simpleUserHooks { postBuild = liquidHaskellPostBuildHook }

Projects already using a postBuild hook can invoke liquidHaskellPostBuildHook from within it, passing in the appropriate arguments:

import Distribution.Simple
import LiquidHaskell.Cabal

main = defaultMainWithHooks $
  simpleUserHooks { postBuild = myFancyHook }

myFancyHook :: Args -> BuildFlags -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO ()
myFancyHook args buildFlags pkgDesc lbi = do
  {- ... other important code ... -}
  liquidHaskellPostBuildHook args buildFlags pkgDesc lbi
  {- ... even more code ... -}


Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Michael Smith <>

This project is licensed under the BSD 3-clause license.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in this work by you shall be licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


💧 Liquid Haskell integration for Cabal and Stack







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