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Server plugin: NodeAttestor "sshpop"

Must be used in conjunction with the agent-side sshpop plugin

The sshpop plugin attests nodes that have been provisioned with an ssh identity through an out-of-band mechanism. It verifies that the certificate is rooted to a trusted set of CAs and issues a signature based proof-of-possession challenge to the agent plugin to verify that the node is in possession of the private key.

The SPIFFE ID produced by the plugin is based on the certificate fingerprint, which is an unpadded url-safe base64 encoded sha256 hash of the certificate in openssh format.

Configuration Description Default
cert_authorities A list of trusted CAs in ssh authorized_keys format.
cert_authorities_path A file that contains a list of trusted CAs in ssh authorized_keys format.
canonical_domain A domain suffix for validating the hostname against the certificate's valid principals. See CanonicalDomains in ssh_config(5).
agent_path_template A URL path portion format of Agent's SPIFFE ID. Describe in text/template format. "{{ .PluginName}}/{{ .Fingerprint }}"

If both cert_authorities and cert_authorities_path are configured, the resulting set of authorized keys is the union of both sets.

Example Config


    NodeAttestor "sshpop" {
        plugin_data {
            host_cert_path = "./conf/agent/"
            host_key_path = "./conf/agent/dummy_agent_ssh_key"


    NodeAttestor "sshpop" {
        plugin_data {
            cert_authorities = ["ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIEAWPAsKJ/qMYUIBeH7BLMRCE/bkUvMHX+7OZhANk45S"]
            cert_authorities_path = "./conf/server/"
            # Sensibly check the FQDN set in the certificate principals.
            # canonical_domain = ""

            # Change the agent's SPIFFE ID format
            # agent_path_template = "static/{{ index .ValidPrincipals 0 }}"